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Show RETURNS FROM k BUYING TRIP Manager Hyrum Pingreo or Jthe Ogden Furniture company has returned return-ed from an extended trip east, where he visited the furniture market and manufacturing institutions. Mr. Plugree says it i& an easy matter mat-ter nowadays to buy furnituro. Instead In-stead of visiting the places where the goods '.ate imade, tho hirj-ei: has only to goi lov-the "niarlcati -place' where everything made by the factories factor-ies Is on exhibition, representatives' of the different factories being present pres-ent to show the goods and make prices on them. The greatest market place, Mr. Pln- - groo says, is Grand Rapids, Mich., the grounds devoted to the exhibition being be-ing so Jarge that it requires weeks to see, 'all the displays. Chicago, he says, also, furnishes a large market place and that a great many furniture furni-ture dealers ngregate in those places for the purpose of buying their stock of goods. Speaking of commercial interests in the east. Mr Plngroe says conditions condi-tions are quite favorable, and, while, there is no great activity In any particular par-ticular direction, he considers business busi-ness affairs to be in a normal condition. condi-tion. The crops east of the Missouri Mis-souri river arc exceptionally good and an Average crop will ho gathered In the country west of the rlverL |