Show I Utah Coal Tops In Ladies Loop Park Record took three of tour four from Pop Jenta Jenks Jan 5 S. S and moved Into second place in lit the Ladles Cowling Bowling League ag Utah Uti Coal held the top spot with four wins over ever overStreet Street I The Oak won on four lour from Oran iran daU dat Walker and City Cash took four lour from New Deal Market City Cash had the first high I team single game followed by the Utah Coal with 32 and I The The Oak Individual singles honors went to Emily Sullivan with She Sho was trailed by Ellen Anderson and Thelma Thclma Lindsay City Cash also won the best sc so- serles rice ries with 1560 Utah Coal 1499 and The Oak 1475 Ellen Anderson rolled a se series se ties ries rles followed by Emily Sullivan and Audrey Sullivan Standings Jan 5 S W L LUtah LUtah LUtah Utah Coal 38 18 Park Record 34 34 22 Pop Jenks 32 23 Vi New Deal Market 30 26 28 Crandall W Walker ker Motor 23 H 32 14 City Cash a 23 33 The Oak 22 34 Streets Street's 21 35 In iii last weeks week's games Dee Dec 29 20 29 Street o won four from Pop lop Jenks City y Cash won four tour from I Crandall Walker r Park Record won three of 01 four from Utah Coal and Lumber and New flew Deal MarI Market Market Mar Mar- I ket won three of four from Oak I Team singles Street 55 Cash The Oak In Individual singles Virginia Street Thelma Lindsay 16 Thelma Dorka Team series Street I 1580 City Cash 1477 1477 Pop Jenks 1438 v Individual series serles Phyllis Of fret Thelma Dorka Thelma Lindsay |