Show f I Cage League Season Opens Friday I with North Nort Summit Looking Best est North North sum Summit l 1 High playing this year In the Jordan Division of Region Six opens the basket basketball basket basket- baU ball season against Judge Memorial Memorial Me Me- morial mortal at Salt Lake City Friday The Braves have an outstanding ing big season pre record and are expected expected- to give Judge St. St Joseph Joseph Jos Jos- i eph and Grantsville a go 10 o for the title the title I South Summit and Morgan I tangle at Morgan Friday night in the opening game for each in inthe the Summit Division of Region Six The Wildcats have a better season pre-season record than the Trojans Trojans Trojans Tro Tro- jans who have won only one game The South Summit schedule Jan 8 Morgan there Jan 15 Wasatch at Kamas Jan 20 North Rich at Kam Kamas s. s Jan 22 Park City there Jan 29 South Rich there Feb 5 Morgan at Kamas Karnas Feb FeU 12 Wasatch there Feb 19 North Rich there Feb 26 Park City at lit Kamas Kansas In view of the fine tine season pre-season record set by the North Summit basketball team Coach Dokos was asked about the prospects of his team this year His Ills analysis of th the Braves as individual layers gives much en enI encouragement en- en for a fine season of I play The North Summit hoop hoop- have won seven of eight season pre-season games gaines played Co-Captain Co KENT ROne One of two returning lettermen on the NS 60 1959 ball bail club is t a 1 good outside shot as well as a A A- good take ch charge rge man also Simi was Iwas elected us as one of the teams team's co captains co-captains this season He lie Is s currently averaging averaging av av- av- av 12 points per game In season pre-season play ARLIN JUDD Is the other co co- for the coming season He lie is developing into one of the teams team's leading and it looks as if II he might become the teams team's leading defensive ball player Coach Dokos looks for tor him to be valuable not only de defensively defensively de de- but also in the scoring colun MIKE ROBINSON One of the three seniors on the team Mike has probably Developed more than any anyone one Yet Coach Dokos adds Mike would probably bethe be bethe bethe the first to admit Ive got a lot lotto lotto lotto to learn leorn As was shown In one of last weeks week's games Mike ed 19 points and anet SO ao Is expected to be ba a great asset to the club Leg Injury DENNIS BULLOCK DULLOCK One of ot four tour juniors on the ball club he be possesses a good jump shot andset and aM andset set shot and Is 3 averaging about 12 points a game He ne has seen limited action fn In the Eho I last three contests due Jo o a leg injury but butis is expected to ba be at full lull strength for the Judge game and will add his aggressiveness and desire to the team GLEN BROWN Another junior jun jun- Jor br who is expected to lend his Ms I ability to rebounding ding as well as scoring The coach believes he I has potential and with practice he may b become come an outstanding scorer corer rhe he leading leading- he Is a hustler and ball hawk Potential HAROLD BROWN Also a n junior The coach believes he Is capable of having a n good night nighton on any given occasion Harold will will- undoubtedly lend his good shooting and rebounding to give the team a 1 b balanced lanced attack The Theco co coach ch feels that Harold has developed de do- velo ed fast and has potential to become a a. top and team man PACE ELDON-PACE The third Junior Jun jun- lor br on the ball club possessing quick hands and fair speed He seems to have come into his own in hi recent ga games ganes 1 and aM is expected to progress evert even more Coach Dokos hopes he will keep p developing developing developing devel devel- as he has so far In the thelast thelast thelast last three games he he has averaged averaged averaged aver aver- aged 19 points per per game gane BRENT BREN BALL BALLi The only sophomore soph soph- onore on ha the varsity t. t this ls year Even ven though hough he Is the youngest and probably the most inexperienced Inexperienced inexperienced player his 6 foot 1 inch height and pounds will be an asset to the North Summit basketball tins bas ventures Coach's Comments I Coach Dokos' Dokos analysis of the I team Potentially we have a a. good ball club cl b and as has hns been shown In season pre play there Is balanced balanced balanced bal bal- scoring and sound bench I strength Any of the eight boys can be called upon to aid the teams team's efforts We have good speed and al although al though we have no exceptionally tall players our hustle and desire desire de tie- sire can carry us far Although the team am has halt a preseason preseason preseason pre pre- pre pre- season record of 7 and 1 they cannot be content with themselves them them- selves and what they have ac as Tournament berths are won only In league play and It must be kept in mind that North Summit has a tough loop I schedule I IThe The coach added It If we can continue to develop and progress as we have during the preseason pre sea son games we can give Judge St. St Joseh Gr and Dugway Dug Dug- way the kind of a ball baR game we wo want to Finally he asserted We must continue to be aggressive aggressive sive alert aled and confident |