Show Church r Notes- Notes Last Sunday at the Park City Ward six babies were bl blessed ss d and nd given names They were Kenneth Kenneth Kenneth Ken Ken- neth William Jr son ion son of Mr and Mrs Kenneth Kummer blessed by his grandfather Mr Martin Knutsen Sherrie Lynn Williams daughter of at Mr and Mrs Darrell Williams blessed b bt j her great grandfather Mr Martin Martin Martin Mar Mar- tin Knutsen Kenneth Shane son of 01 Mr and Mrs rs Kenneth blessed by his father Shelly Ann Boyle daughter of Mr and Mrs Gary Boyle blessed Messed by her father Craig Kenneth son of Mi Mr and Mrs Kenneth blessed by his father and Kelly S. S Durrant son of Mr and Mrs Dale Durrant blessed by his father A large number of our young people attended th the Youth service service service ser ser- vice ih held ld at the Stake House HouseIn In Kamas last Sunda Sunday evening The regul regular r work and business bus bus- mess iness meeting of the Relief Society Society So So- clety will be held at the church churchon on Jan 12 at 10 am a.m. We wish to all ladles ladies out to enjoy the day with us Please bring your lunch and the Relief Society Society Society So So- will furnish the drink We have a quilt to do and your help will be greatly appreciated Attention I All AU ladles will be contacted to help with the wood finishing In our new church We would appreciate very much your support as this Is a big Job and will take the help of everyone Christmas greetings from Mrs Nan In Seattle Wash where she Is serving on a mission mission mis mis- sion have been received by members of 01 the Park City Ward WardOur Our QUI Qu organizations were happy to 19 hear from her |