Show I C IL E PERSONALS PERSONAL'S Spending several days in Morgan Morgan Margan Mor Mar gan during the holidays was Mrs Elizabeth th 81 mister Her lIer son Frank Prank and his wife were hosts at an open house for tor family fam fam- lly lIy members during one day A delicious dinner served buffet style was served amid beautiful holiday decorations Among those who were present were were were Mr and Mrs Mra n Ray and t fam m. m fly lly and Mr and Mrs Leon SIm Sim- later lster und family Mr tine and Mrs Mrs Ed GI r Cl Clear Clearfield atfield at- at field Mrs Robert Mills and family fam fam- ily of Roy Mrs Elizabeth SIm Sim- later lster and the hosts and their family fam tam ily 1 Mr arid Mrs rs B. B C Copley lcy fen fen- Joyed a family dinner with their soD soM Mr and Carl Copley and children In Salt Lake on Saturday They that Jat th their daughter and son In son law son law law Mr and Mrs Prommel Shafer and family are moving from Irom Moab to Wyo wh where re his Work calls him They plan to buy a anew anew hew new home there in the very near near future e. e fir Mr and Mrs Mth Arthur r Bond pond spent the holidays In Boise Ida with their daughter and family f Mr and Mrs David Grosbeck and family Mr and Mrs Arthur Bond at attended attended at- at tended d an open house and family gathering at the home of Robert Rippon in Salt Lake Lak Honored guests were Mr and Mrs Glade Peterson of New York Mr and and Mrs Irs Raynor Pierce and small daughter Kimberly spent the holidays In Long Beach Calif with her parents Mr and Mrs J J. J B. B Windsor They report report having a m marvelous time a attending attend attend- tend tendIng ing the Rose Parade the Rose I Bowl g game me find and visiting some of the missions I IThe The Pierces Pierce's were accompanied to California by Mr and Mrs M. M T T. Carmichael who spent Christmas l Eye ve with her her sister Mrs F. F R R. Willis and Christmas with their son and family Mr r. r and find Mrs rs Lee Leoe CarmichaeL They taped many spots poll ot of Interest Disneyland Berry Warm Farm lAguna Lagan Beach neath where they visited his sister aider Mat Lots Lola el They Trey were lucky to get Bel very ert good Rood seaU Beata for th the Rose Roee Parade Their son Tom Torn Carmichael and family of Ban San Antonio planned planned planned plan plan- ned to meet them were forced to return to their home when their plane was grounded because of ot adverse weather conditions They were loud in their praises of the fine tine weather and the fine tine time they h had d. d |