Show V vis' vis sf i- i i i. i Ji in t. t TH 1 OUTDOORS U T By By Stan Taggart The Morgan County Sheriffs Sheriff's J Jeep ep Patrol just received a setter letter from another motorized posse oue Loaders Leaders of ot the Clark County NeT Her T Jeep P Patrol suggest that a convention be bo held at Las Vegas Vegas' from where representatives each of ot the West's Westa Jeep deep groups would gather and form torm a central organization Sheriff W W. E E. E Leypoldt's Clark County according to the January 1960 Headers Header's Digest Di Dig gest Best have in seven years yearn gone on search rescue missions mis mis- alons have helped bring In 35 persons persona alive and bodies of 76 75 others They have also awo assisted In n the tho capture of ot seven escaped prisoners It was waa slow alow nays Bays Peterson merchant Otto of last east months month's whitefIsh season Those few who did give the of 01 Weber a try didn't do too well Howard eld the ol oi pro has hll been working and hasn't been out too much much but but buthe he caught fish the few times time he did slip down to the river Jeep patrol member Wendell with Ross floss Carter ridin shotgun made a middle middle- ot- ot night tho rescue mission up Sheep Canyon a couple of weeks ago agoy Some sightseer er had bad hauled eras hia wife and sev seven seven n kids and another another an an- other couple 7 miles mites up that the out way the way canyon then canyon then got stuck A total of will be spent I In the next two years to study the wild monkey flowers on the I elopes of the Wasatch Mountains Ross noss and N Nell It DIckson Dean Such Illch and Charles Price had quite I a time jackrabbits out way a few days back They walked through a small patch of brush twice Jumping as many rabbits the second time timea I a the he first Wound up bagging sixteen They were wild and ana moved out way ahead of us one of the hunters bunters reports During a recent evening of TV watching we were Inspired to compile this Television Western Western Writers' Writers Do your it It your your- self I Kit It Put the following well well- worn sentences together In the right order and youve you've written your own western story This here brands brand I been marked over Take this short cut sheriff and you can head heal em off at the pass Them's Theme the markins markin's of a Sioux arrow Colonel Sure you got a II fast draw son but but theres there's always somebody a n little bit faster They've been scalped alive poor po poor r devils 1 War Cloud give squaw for three of white traders trader's ponies pontes That clay on your boots only come como from one place Six Six- gun Oft Ott the street folks them gun gun- clingers is gonna shoot it out That's right Tex Ter this hoes boss aint NEVER R been rode Now we blood brothers white friend Mighty sorry Marthey but your map maJ was dry in Red ned Hock Canyon this Paleface save chiefs son son son- now chief let your wagons pass unharmed 01 Ol Zeb jilt rode Into town and ducked Into the assay office reckon maybe he struck or erT er Stay In the wagon Jane these redskins might be hostile a girl like you doln out here In this wild country country coun coun- try mam Whoopee were we're saved here hero cornea comes the Cavalry thought you'd oud like stranger Cactus Gulch's already lost THREE sheriffs this yearTh year ear Th lh only good Injun's a dead wonder why that handsome stranger never carries carried a gun gun V w d do dialed aled that ace off n the bottom yew coyote coy ote otel I U Ugh h. h White man speak with will tongue v- v l A bone hoa with a hind sho oo mis boy boys and youve you've found fount Sf robber f TU rU VU give ya tit til sundown tg t I rf Red pa nog Dor Chek your guns iuna at the door genie gente The stage has hai bin held That faney fancy tin badge badje dont don't pew nl mj none gone New around the these the e here bere parts a al t ya mister Via tellin ya ra juke honey loner ya a Q c. e between me and andt t that boss bOil Cut my fences fence agate r aad Ill I'll kill kilt ya a Tumbleweed There aint Int gonna be no gun play In snake Crick as II long as 1 asIm asIm Im I'm marshall marshal here hers neck Reckon on we had you figured wrong all along Sundance White While man slaughter buffalo alo steal stoat my land kill my tny people I dont don't want no range rang war Hondo but that there water waterhole's waterhole's holes hole's on my landWell landWell land Jand Well We'll find us ua a little tittle spread south of the tho border Sarry 1 they'll never noyer find me there Th hombre hut shot me t sheriff i f No lynch mobs mob's this pris prisoner I oner onor-he's onor he's hes gettin a fair trial I Were We're all a in this together Slade you cant can't back out I now Theres There's only one trail into Outlaw Out Out- i law aw tw Valley Val men well we'll be a long chance I Stop the train theres there's somebody some some- I body ody a torch down the I 1 track a piece I Legend has it theres there's a lost gold mine somewhere in this can can- I yon That's That Injun smoke Jilt allure as al assure assure sure lure a as a. Im I'm ter I Drop those Irons and reach for forthe forthe forthe forI I the sky Slim or you'll wind up upon upon I on boot hill bill GeWn tired of this meanwhile mean meanwhile meanwhile while back at the ranch and dont take your guns to town stuff Crave some authentic believable believable be be- western material to the television Handsome broad shouldered broad shouldered n a r row T hipped eyed steeley-eyed square jawed re-ja re wed R no Rock o c k Ransome Ransoms whipped out ibis his twin Colts and fired a dozen quick shots Phooey We say aay this aint realism We think we know more about those thos genuine old old- i time western heroes than the Fifth Avenue scriptwriters do Wed We'd rather believe that legged how cowardly roe Moe Grundt fumbled for his but but wound up gettin gettin get get- I I t tin n the shotgun blast full in his puny chest And we doubt they planted Moe on Boot Doot Hill Hili Most 1 likely they just let the buzzards buzzards' eat Mm Im |