Show I ECHO THIS WEEK The D. D E. E Moores ent entertained I I sons daug daughters tern and grandchild grandchild- grandchildren ren at their home New Years I Day The guests ln includes included Mr rf I I and M Mrs Atis Oscar Black of Evanston Evanston Evanston Evans- Evans ton Wyo Mrs MrIS Marion Marlo Smith Mrs Grant Neff Mr and M Mrs Orval Smith and nd children all aU of ot Salt Lake Miss Annett Annette i of ot ogi Ogden ri and and Mrs Eldridge of Orville call Calif tt rc Ut the house houi guests of their parents During their stay tay they will also visit other th r relatives In Ogden g Bob Jb and two co- co faculty members of Weber College College Col Col- lege leie Darren Darrell Chambers and Lawrence Lawrence Lawrence Law Law- rence rence- Burton enjoY enjoyed a a. a day of hunting alter after which they h had had f Sunday dinner V wJ wl h h Bobs Bob's parI parent par par- I I en ent enta the he S. S IP R j I I B Holidays allS all'S are over aver an ant anthe the c cal col- lI l- l Jete e students have returned to school attending t. t d Lh the U 17 O. O are Karen sad aria Chester Spongier Spangler S IBY I BYU Ray 1 Weber kiln inn e Wh White t Ch Charles les Burroughs l I anil ri Dee L IU Lynn I F Frank ask lk Jay Lacey was ordained a Deacon Sunday by B hp p J J. J B. B Carman Car nan I The Youth Conference pro program I gram was well a attended t r ever evening at the Stake House by byWard byWard IWard Ward MIA officers and m n which Included Bishop J J. B. B Carman Carman Carman Car Car- man Mr and Mrs and son Michael rs fI Ester La Lacy y Karen Kathy and Prank Frank Jay Lacey Vickie S Sia 4 ar tz Clair dair Monroe Leah Di Dillree free Dennis Dennis Den Den- nis and Marvin Mair and r T rry Most of the group J e l the radio broadcast at th the Ins Ins' home Doug Gunn eo c i e-i n 11 group glUP of friends from hi hl ir office to 0 o T fj t- t fol for a day of rabbi robbi 1 ing lag They were most suc and plan another trip soon Mrs Glen Glendon don Spencer and daughters Ann and Janet t we tre visiting her parents Mr and Mrs Floyd Nowling Miss Shanna No Nowling a iro group group p of her nt at nta nta ata a a New Years party a at her homeI home I I Friday evening l The ine gutS guess S Vickie Derma Denns Abair B b Cattelan Fr Frank Jay Lacey Laccy Peg Peggy y I t s J Jo Ann Ball Sharon and andI I c Carrie Raymond and the hs h's ess ass had a grand time playing games after wh which ch they enjoyed refreshments |