Show I i Visit St. St Louis Mo A trip to St. St Louis Mo highlIghted highlighted highlighted high high- lighted the holiday season for Mr and aM Mrs C O. IJ Ii Copley and their foster fosler son Clayton Clayton I Is an Indian student from Peach Springs Ariz Arts who has been living with the Copley's this year and attending North Summit High School Indian Youth Last year he att attended school in Montana Muntana while he lived with another family The 14 year old j youth routh is 15 enrolled in the seventh grade He lie Is very curious about the happenings around him and easily makes friends whom he questions about everything The said they felt a desire to give someone a home I I I I I I when all aU their children married and left them so requested an Indian student in 1958 They were not able at that time however however however how how- ever to have their request granted grant grant- ed so were very happy when they were notified that they might have Clayton last SepI September Sep Sep- I It has worked out very well they report and he has fit into their everyday life lite I He e enjoys I riding a bicycle and la Js happy with the many friends he has made He Ho is making the many adjustments which are necessary In changing worlds Former Fonner Friends The three spent Christmas Day with the Copley's son son-in- law Jaw and daughter Mr and Gary Cary Hope and their son Devery Blaine Elaine Gary Is attending dental I school in St. St Louis The trip included many side trips among them a visit to the gigantic Zoo Clayton was especially tally interested in a talking bird birr which would answer answer and ask askI questions Mr and Mrs Copley report that while in St. St Louis they met Bishop Richard Grant Rees and his family former Morgan resIdent resIdent resident res res- I ident who has been in charge of building the new chapel there They report also that they missed seeing Elder Ferris Lynn who had been in the city the previous week but who was re reported reported reported re- re ported as well and doing fine in his work by Mrs Hope |