Show THE THE THE- Eye Ants Eye View By By MAC Anybody can be an expert Even Ten me I thereby make exp expert rt predictions for the year 1960 Everyone will iret fret and stow stew because because be be- cause there is not enough snow It t Will win snow some more Several will steal water from good friends Water Is II different differ differ- ent d I Republicans will vote for Dem Dem- ts Democrats will vote for They will deny It it Brack Drack Lee will never get off oft the front page page page-If It he can help It It This will probably be a little too noon floon for him to run for higher office Lon Zion Hopkin will wUl accept a bid to ton torun run tun n for tor governor if tr It is offered Governor o Clyde will again be bethe bethe the Republican gubernatorial candidate He will admit that he Is not a politician My Lady Fair will complain I again that she hasn't a single thing to wear I will again bring I out several garments and she will again say Oh those old things I Hunters will declare that shootIng shooting shooting shoot shoot- ing does has ruined the hunting will it and Game officials deny I prove their point with figures I Stan Taggart will continue to tobe tobe be be our leading reader Interest In this paper J J. J Parr Godfrey will be elected president of at the Utah State Press Association and everybody will willbe willbe be happy Forgive me while I eave lour Jour cents Jay why not have aye your our drunken Saturday night Indian stand on his hla head bead when lie he takes tabes a slug Then he be could drink up We Win will plan a trip to Lake Lo Louise lse again this summer Something Something Something Some Some- thing win will happen to prevent The will not get getto getto getto to Las V Vegas this year Unless Unless Un Un- Un- Un less Ie he disappears for a long weekend Some of our readers will ill complain complain com com- plain aln because Its its it's so silly to report retort re re- re tort port ort visits across the road for Sunday dinner We will agree Some Somo ol ot our reporters will to very ery unhappy because we scratch most moat of ot these minor items We will wUl comment about the impossibility of pleasing everybody It wilt WUl not do any good Somebody who would call me mea a lunatic if I told him how to Irrigate or run cattle or operate op op- crate erate a store or garage or cafe will proudly tell me how to run runa a newspaper Some Sarno folks foka will get billed twice by Jy us Moot Afoot ot of them will be patient patient pa pa- tient and kind realizing were we're sot not very sharp at book book keeping See how bow easy lUy it is to be an expert expert ex pert erU YoUa try it some time lac Vac Park Personals Mr and Mrs Wilford rd P P. Langford Lang Lang- ford f Jd were ere Park City visitors on Wednesday greeting friends and relatives in their home town This r popular couple now living In r Morgan where Lynx is meehan- meehan Jeal superintendent of T Tl The e a Rec nee Record ord have been enjoying a 1 splendid splendid did vacation rind Wid wn l a guided tour of ot California It n started at Las Vegas Vets Ve Ve- Ve- Ve gas ts p and continued to San Diego Tia Juana Juaa Dl Disneyland Knotts Knott's Berry Farm Hollywood Marineland Marine Marine- Und land he the races at Santa Banta Anita and the be Rose nose Parade Mr and Mia MUI Kim Hall lIaU a pop pop- popular popular ular WAr young oung Park City couple returned returned re re- turned to their home in Altus OWa Okla ka Jan 2 where here is stationed stationed sta eta honed at his base with the Ul United Unit Unit- t. t ed d States Air Force He lie is now Airman Second COasa hiving having h vInI been recently ec promo promoted d. d The Halls enjoyed en en- toyed joyed a two weeks furlough tag at the he homes omea of ot their parents Mr Air and acid Mrs Barney Damey Hall and Mrs WI Ida in I Park art City The old month son of ot Mr and Idre Andrew of Midway wa 84 o op t on ou for a hernia at j Oie caul H t r JI hospital Monday Koop Tl Th T baby aby is II making a t nice e r. r r f l. l W y I He I. I is Wit U u. o ot Air and Mrs J Ja Sr er of 01 P Park k OUt ty MUrra to 15 s duties at the the Park City School after alter a pleasant vacation I spent In San Francisco and Los Angeles S Calif Mrs Peterson is still enjoying n a visit in Southern I California Ted Smith and Jay Collins re returned returned returned re re- turned to Winnemucca Nev where they are arc employed after alter enjoying the Christmas and New Years Year's Holidays with home folks and friends in Park City and Salt Lake City I I Mr and Mrs Emil Ballen nallen returned returned returned re re- re- re turned to their home in Chicago by b plane Sunday after a happy holiday with their parents Mr and Mrs Pete Uriano of Salt Lake City and Mrs Frances Francos Davich of Park City Mr Ballen nallen enjoyed some excellent skiing at Brighton and Alta during the holidays Rev Mr OC George Davich returned return return- I ed M to his studies at Saint Bernard's Bernards Ber ner- nerI I 1 nards nard's Seminary in Dubuque after after after aft aft- er spending the Christmas vacation vacation vaca Vaca- I tion at the home of his moth r Mrs Frances Davich In Park City Mr r. r and Mrs Calvin Huffaker and four children of Dillon Mont are the house guests of or Mr and Mrs George Butler Dutler o er the tho New Years Year's holidays Mrs Huffaker is the former Georgia May ay Butler Dutler and always enjoys a visit at home hom with her many friends The will visit with with friends and relatives in Heber and Midway I 0 Mr and Mrs Carl Robison and family of Salt Lake City spent the tile holidays in Park City visiting at the homes of Mr and Mrs Barney Darney Hall and Mr and Mrs Richard Martinez Mrs Robison Is Ls the former Sally Hall 11 Mrs Maud faud and Mr and Mrs John Lampers of Salt Satt Lake City were New Years Year's guests at the home of at Mr and Mrs lIre Fred Eley at their home on Park Ave Mr and Mrs 1 Jay and family of ot Salt Lake were guests for the Christmas holidays at the homes of Mr Mr or and Mrs rs Nick Nag Nag- 1100 and Mr and Mrs L. L L L. L Thompson in Park City Mrs Fred Eley entertained at lunch Wednesday in honor of Mra Mrs Ralph Stevens of Heber and Mrs Frank ny Dyer of Park City Theany The a of ot MV C. C V. V li If WR Vho Ka bee ll At AtI I b be t home borne on un Main Street f for or r the pest 10 days day wilt will be to If turn urn the she M to much Improved In ht health at this time lima Mr and Mrs Clarence lays Hays were ere hosts bosts at dinner Sunday I their guests being Mr and Mrs Frank Stone and Mrs Lizzie Uzzle I fm rn mm m A fi rol fin 1 In n rI i a v o i roast beet beef dinner with so social social cial clat hour following was enjoyed at the Hays flays home on Ontario Paul t L. L Olson Olon ton son of Mi Mr lit end And Mrs MM An Ace Ol oa ed a G. leave from ft m his duties at Moffitt Field 1 Calif where he ta N stationed as asan asan an A ATS TS 5 and enjoyed the I a and N New w Years Year's Yea I holidays holidays holi boll days with parents and friends in r Park City and Salt Lake before returning to his duties Mrs Frances Davich and Mrs Rhea Hurley were dinner guests of Mrs Irs Orville Wilde WillIe at her h home m Wednesday evening Mr and Matt and son con Mark fark of Salt LAke City were house guests at the home of Mrs Frances Davich over the New ew Year holiday A mo most t happy and highly entertaining entertaining en en- open alIen house boule was v M held beld Saturday night at the home of Mr Mrs Frances Frantes Davich M Man Many a n y friends called to greet Rev Mr Jr George Jeorge Davich of Dubuque Iowa Mr and Mrs Emil Uallen Ballen of or Chicago and Mr lorr and Mrs Matt Blockovich of Salt Lake City Music songs Bongs happy greetings and Im delicious were enjoyed I 1 by the callers The Ab Smiths were royal hosts to many visitors at their during the Christmas and andew New ew Year holidays Am Among ng the out of town guests guesta were Mr and Mrs David Buck Duck and family of Tooele Mr or and Mrs William Smith and family of Rawlins Wyo Mr and Mrs Pete apy of Duchesne Mr and Mrs Steven Hamilton and family of Salt Lake Mr and Mrs Tom Abplanalp and family of or Cedar City and Mrs Mm May Lewis and ani family of Salt Lake City I Mr and Mrs Robert Joffe Joffa and children Vickey and Bryan Dryan of Corona Calif returned to their home after atter spending the Christmas Christ Christ- mas mae holidays in Park City at the home of Mr and Mrs Eric Joffs Jaffa and in Midvale l at the home of Mr r. r and Mrs Clarence Millerberg Miller Miller- ber berg be rp A happy family gathering was enjoyed i Mrs Mildred Baxter returned h home me from tram a delightful visit to Southern California where ehe she witnessed the great Rose Par Parade de She enjoyed the plane trips both ways j jEd I l I Ed Deeben is a G. patient at tho the I I I Miners Hospital receiving treatment treatment treat- treat t ment for a severe case of ot flu and I complications He is making a satisfactory recovery I Lt Col Edward S S. S Berry nerry eon of ot Mr Mt and ud Mrs Mra W. W J. J Betty Berry tell letl City CUT Monday for San Fran Franc etH t O Calif af aft ipe spending Ing n enjoyable 18 day 18 of af- afa a 14 Park City and Salt gall 11 1 visiting ng W With frith relatives and fi fields Mt Mr Berry Derry li le stationed it st Treasure Island I rth th the Department De IJ of Pacific Marine nand Band and t U w M M. s. M-s. s. s rih iJa o i k-d k i. i di er tt D it C C. C war a i t st at st atthe the W J J. J f during i h New IW fl w DAdi 1 I ep tI p. p t. t t err r I ea visit It aI re ref ettea I o 0 toon Mr Mrs Irl James Ih left by tI train RI Tuesday fo for Chico Calif CallI where here she he will wUl visit lilt I for J a It short hart te It ih members of h her fam tam ily lIy II I Ir I Mrs Mm r Lucina Neel one of Park puk City's known best-known senior zone spent the Christmas C holidays holidays holi holi- days at the home borne of a daughter and Mrs Stanley Fisher on onia ia Pa k k Ave e. Mrs N Neel el Is now making her home horne with a son lon Dud Bud I Neel Keel In San Diego Calif and returned to her home Monday I Mrs rs William Gay Oay is still a patient patient pa pa- tient nt at the Hospital in Salt I Lake ake City under treatment for foran foran 1 an illness and we are pleased to I report her condition is le slightly improved Mr and Mrs J J. J W. W Morgan formerly of Keetley are now I making their home in Park City Mrs W. W E E. Dearden of Hen Hen- Henefer efer enjoyed Christmas at the home heme of her son and family Mr and Mrs Fay Dearden in Park City Saturday guests at the Dearden home were Mr and Mrs J J. J E E. E Wright of Salt Lake City Mr and Mrs Mra Wayne Winters of American Fork Foik Mr and Mrs Maurice Dearden and family of Henefer Ray and family I l of at Henefer |