Show I Robt Williams' Williams j Home Awarded I I I I Christmas Prize The homo home and grounds of Mr end and Mrs Robert Williams in tn I Coalville beautifully decorated have been named by the North Summit Junior Chamber of Commerce Commerce Com Corn merce as grand prize winner In Inthe Inthe the recent holiday lighting con con- test First prize is a abIg bIg turkey complete with all nil the trimmings necessary for a big dinner Also winning turkeys were the owners of f the decorated heat homes in in surrounding communities ties Sherdon the Hoytsville area J. J Parley Brown Drown Coalville Frank Cattelan Echo Clinton Bond ilond Henefer Judging was very close in each community and all who who competed ed are aro highly commended for tor their efforts by members era of f the JayCees' JayCees committee Seven even Judges Judg Judg- es en selected the winners by secret ballot I |