Show Provisions For I I Appeals In Draft Statutes I In tn keeping with the decentralized decent decent- grass toots roots principles I of Selective Service o operation decisions of local focal boards board on I classifications arc are final But Dut provision Is made for appeals to volunteer civilian appeal boards under conditions s specified In the law and regulations AH An appeal may be taken from any classification except for those indicating that a man is in the Armed Forces Class 1 C 1 C Jar or 1 in jn a II conscientious objector civilian work program Class W I-W or Is 0 over vel the age of ot liability Class V-A V i The registrant a dependent I or an employer under certain I conditions may appeal from a ai i classifications The basic period I In which an appeal must be beI betaken I taken Is 10 days with longer periods when the registrant is a out outside of the country The time I I period Is counted from the date I I the local board malls mails the registrant I feg-I regI reg- reg I a notice of classification The Government appeal agent I who is a volunteer advisor to the local board also may appeal as may the State Dl- Dl or the National DIrector Director Director Di DI- rector of Selective Service An appeal Is taken by written to the local board but I Ino I no particular form is required I If It the appeal boards board's decision j r ris is unanimous no further appeal rights exist except for the right I I of the State Director or the j I National Director to appeal toI to the presidential appeal board I If the the appeal boards board's decision I is Js by bya a split vote the case may maybe I ibe be be appealed to the presidential I I appeal board to the registrant and others otters entitled to take the I first appeal Another right given to the registrant is the right of a personal per per- appearance before the bawd b jf It requested sted within 10 tidy 1 after atter the notice of ot classification clash classi is mailed The right of ot personal appearance Is In add I to the appeal right I |