Show Wool Sewing Sewing- Test To Be Held Jan 9 Summit County Wool Wool Growers Growers Auxiliary will will hold their annual Make Make I It Yourself With Wool contest January January 9 9 at at 2 pm p.m. Inthe in inthe inthe the Hoytsville Ward Recreation Hall announces Mrs Leon Judd cont contest t chairman Girls Girts from Park City Cily South Summit and North Summit High Schools will participate They have made excellent choices of the materials and patte patterns pat pat- te terns and and some especially lly fine workmanship on costumes can tan be expected Th They y have worked hard to make top contributions to the contest reports Mrs Judd I The public is Invited to the showing and arid ever everyone one Is Js urged I to be be in and t to lend lenden en encouragement t to the contestants contestants contestants contest contest- ants in hi three throe divisions divisions- sensor senior junior and sub Light refreshments refreshments refreshments re re- re- re wll wU be served |