Show 0 PROVIDENCE SOMI LOCAL 10 1 L B Electric Special Correspondence March All In lii the Maich Morning tells tell the weather story nt lit ent anti ami designates nates the for Cor the tho whole hole month Title Thin IH is tho the stormi e Oct oat t March ever known In Cache valley There f are been bee 11 only two days l chico the tho of or tIme the month that seen cecil neither rain nor snow IIno Since the tho toft weather began however hoe r about two weeks ago Igo traveling between villages til hl been ten almost Impossible that horses sink to their knees wagon ons mind and car carriages carriages to their heh t axle trees Ono One result of tho the wretched roads joada Is III the high II rico of oC hay buy 10 per ton toll which has lOUt obtained In tn Logan fbi the last three mouths months liny 1 lilt leI can 1111 bo lie bought hou hl but Lut It cannot be he hauled multI nM Its high Price has hUI been beem a n great t burden burlen to the people who arc tre compelled to buy hu Tho ordinary price for tor Alfalfa Is III 15 5 per ton delivered re reThe reThe The of or Providence iyo ItO enter prizing They have three independent irrigation companies and four tour pipe line lino water companies the latter tho the Inhabitants with pure nure water direct from the mountain springs They have bought hought about acres nere of or land md In tho the mountains which border Jot er tIme tho town tOWI on the tM east for tor tho the purpose of 0 preserving nic nica a n a clean water vater I ter shed of encouraging bo tho growth of ot forest tree trees and of ot a n summer pasture for tor their horned hornell stock An All electric light plant Is III now no on tho the tapis anti Is being vigorously advocated ed edby by h members of 0 tho the town board and oth othera facilities for fora There are exceptional ors ore a 1 plant of ot this kind within a mile of or tho the meetinghouse for tor a n location with plen plea plenty plent ty t of or water a II fall tal of cit six or levell hundred feet Ceet can ho bo hail at tho lie mouth of ot Spring Creek canyon In addition to this the district school board has hall found It necessary n to provide more moro room for tor the children In Its 1111 charge Ch and the tho taxpayers Imo have Just voted Died to build a new according to tD tho the plans Is III to cost about Tho The ward also title hUll purchased a n beautiful 1300 Mason church organ which Is being placed In the tho meetinghouse e today and the th authorities are arc understood to be tho the I Improvement lIt of or the old hall ball hallor or tic of or erecting an Rn entirety entirely now new ne house bouse of Should either cither bo be done lonc It means the expenditure of or considerable money mono Hut But the people arc Ire very vcr pros prosperous prosperous p rou and exhibit a n disposition to kelp kep up UI with the times S I |