Show r fH Tm l Wn I I With Sudden Sadden Illness lie He ft td Walks folb to Ills His Home Where The End Came p HI WA AS NO JO NOTE OTE OF WARNING Murder Harder Case c the Shockley se fl Compelled to Request rhu He Be I M Was 1110 Days ISE CAUSES DEEP SORROW f I LIfe nw 1 OD O OOOO roller That Would ouId Have line Bee Deen n DC Oc Monday Mondoy took charge of ot the district attorneys Mr was wae married to Mlis MI 8 S Elizabeth K Kelm im In 1891 With two chil dren Adelaide and George she cur aur ur her hot husband Everything Is In for Cor or the trial of tho the Shockley case and It In III doubtful just what will be done The rhe governor has baa the tho power to appoint and he wilt will likely do BO 80 o Immediately In low of ot the urgent necessity It Is I probable rob able that the country attorney being belaK familiar with the case will vIIi lio b asked to try t r It IllS HIS LIFE It Is worthy of ot note that Mr Ir Etch Elch nor carried In liCe life Insurance Incurance and hat It would have been delinquent on the tho lust Monday next But It will 11 not flo bo be delinquent nH n H Mr Ir called nt fit tho the of at Mr Alder Ider general manager for Cor the tho National Life IlCe of at Ver Vermont Vermont mont moat on Thursday of ot this week Just Juet one day before beCore his death and settled nettled the tho same In doing no eo Mr who al always always alays ways ays Joked jok 11 with s Ith his friends said cald I thought I had you ou a B few tew weeks ago n o when It was Willi said I was vac poisoned It looked very much as ns though I was go going goIng ing to get that ten thousand but I dont think Ill need It for tor a while yet el elso eo so Ill Just juet draw n ft check for Cor the amount and unI settle the tho premium right lero be because becaUse because cause one can cnn never really tell what will 1111 happen and I want the wife wICe and babies to bo be looked after And Anti so In Iv h drew the cheek check for Cor the tho amount owing and anil walked 1 out of ot tho the office omco with n a smile emlie of ot satisfaction say eay eo eoIn Ing In that It lYnx always a rt good thing to seUle up before delinquency came The cad od sequel proves anew the 4 I 4 v I T I 1 tI I tj c cIA J IA d I r I I J o DENNIS CLAY CLAI Y tit hIt Lake Is 1 shocked chocked Iho kell today from the tho theia full uth ia list last night of ot Dennis Clay Cloy Elch Etch w attorney aHome for tor the Third Ju jutal total tal district of at heart failure TIe The port spread up IP and down lown fa ie he with rapidity ul lut It tee hat been a I good while since an met ot of this nature caused such pro Ital of or regret lit Mr expired suddenly at nt his hie l bl e Fourth East ElAt street strobl at about bout boutI a I in the evening Ho lie worked li b Judge l Morses court examining I In tho the murder I fl I 4 Po p m lit when he lie woe wac compelled to toul t tut ul ut the lio court to adjourn until Monday lib uhe wu wac il Hopefully lIo ho remarked pit II jcu will III give mo me until Monday there will be no further de defy fy lii There was wac no objection and Mr walked waked home He lie went to toM tokI M kI and Mrs call W Dr H U N Mayo who prescribed pre for tor forIt 4 til It which ho bo did not believe Vii extremely critical At 60 In the tha g Mrs Irl Mr heard beard her hue hus I w d tan Call end nJ going Into the bedroom ItI kin him unconscious with his We head bead over ever the tha edge of ot tho the bed Tho The I fi tiled Dr who lives liveR toty and ami sn he hastened to the tho scene hi t I W Ute lIfe flaa se Is then extinct The Tho strong Hi ht e produced no result hs l er Thero There to bo 1 b 0 no doubt tt the th cause came ot of death wan waa heart fall from or atom arh a trouble treble to lit I lied had been suffering with ti 1111 trouble for tor come rami time While WhIlo con 1 the MM Arthur hll the Jury was Wa ira trouble at Ill Me him merel and ho waa com corn W it to leave leavo the cane cae Fry Fit men rn In nIt have havo n ft wider IM t I s and acquaintances than Lii 11 II In ln a l Ml way wax chairman of or county anti and I 7 ho i camo Into contact I 1 People and nna made mado r enla 01 them ii 3 wall o especially pop pap t cn ith m the Iho news en Ocr every ono one no hr bJ owed him hn debts 0 ot of l lIk t d delre re to Ik I I hj a o ant nd hIs hs nf IMM geniality I In jo du e e S was born boin to In h W Moy WM t I iU III t county 1 la ft Do Dec 18 i iI l M I r I Ira a cro ero M his ra rn In 11 on thu Fm Omit attending l l e n a common t l itt at tho th n age ngo BO or o 1 out o to He Ito l Ide hili n a and erni the ette of oC Penn 0 I after eIght ln ot of and II I I b his I Ig time 1 hIt In j In g In aw W h ho came to I 11 I n IS lIce In the law or of ItS 11 h m hili hie course courso I h hr t to the th bar tlc tk 1 entered poll e was IU pia ed In ot of the at the and c well veil that hll he I he CItY roo o 91 liB I his ro re reM hr M t I 01 ho he WIlH vms 11 I isit 1895 wn In lit the tho then theof hs el t In j n 1838 1138 ho ta mi COUll ga I r of the tho i and ani In n INO lie none neo of ot his hid liI statement and ond furnishes an object lesson lepson 1 of or Immense value to many men similarly similar situated FLAGS AT HALF MAST The Iho flags on tho the city and county building are aro nt It halt half mast today out of ot respect to the memory of ot District At Attorney t torney Dennis C That token of or sorrow BorroW Is but bu t a n mere Intimation of or ortho tho the gloom which pervaded every In 11 that building and the expressions of at sorrow Borrow which were heard beard on the tho lips lip lipot of ot attorneys and amid officials throughout tho the building on account of ot tho the death of ot one ono of oC their most highly respected ll associates In every eer his death was waa tho subject of ot sorrowful comment common The courts adjourned out of respect to his memory and mind It seems poems that everything In ho tini building Is nt at A t standstill OH nil If It shocked beyond immedi immediate ate recovery recover on account of at his lila demise COUitT ADJOURNS In the tho criminal division of ot tho the district dietrict court where Mr has hall been a B lending leadIng figure during his term as liS dis district di attorney 11 the court was formally notified of oC the tho sad sd ad affair by b 1 Attorney L 14 I It II who In a n low tone of ot moved the tho court that a n I commit committee too tee of ot five a members of or the bar bo 00 ap appointed apPoInted pointed to arrange for Cor the tho members of ot the bar to attend tho the funeral of ot their th lr deceased brother In a body and to pro pre prepare Ire pare resolutions of oC respect to be bo en entered upon the tho minutes of oC tho the court on Monday morning In making the mo mao Mr Ir Rogers said As All a I member of ot tho the bar of or this court It becomes my duty to announce to tho the court the th death d nth of ot Dennis C nn arm officer of ot this court and a n distinguished citizen of ot this state I move moo the tho court a R com corn committee of ot livo members member of at the tha bar b be appointed by b tho time court ourt to make ar arrangements to attend tho the funeral of at our deceased brother and to prepare Ions to I b ho presented nt at an nn adjourned Bel lon of or tho court and when whon that or order ordel del der of ot business Is Iii i concluded I nio o you that your honor adjourn this court out of or respect res to time the memory of ot our deceased ed cd brother and friend m COMMITTEE Col Cal M hr M iI who was seated beside heido Attorney Rogers arose and sold saId If It proper I would second that motion Judge Morse then Bald said Tho The court will appoint as n n a 1 committee Mr Nr Ir L I It H tho lie COli county lit attorney Mr Ir West cst H Ii I 1 Capt E N I A and Col M M I anti and tho the court nt at this thiN time out of ot respect for Cor tho Ito deceased d district at nt attorney torney tomey will now adjourn until Monday morning nt lit 10 WILL MEET Mm T TOMORROW At 1020 tho the court adjourned and the tho members member of oC tho the committee Im Immediately Immediately mediately arranged for tor a II meeting to bo be beheld held at nt Judge Hendersons nt et II t 11 to draw up imp tho the resolution They will bo be presented to the court on all Mon Man Manday day thay morning Judge president of tho time State hr association Issued a II oath call for Cor Dm tilt members of ot time Iho ho bar of or this state Mate to Itt tho the funeral 11 In III a 11 body tody bod Th The funeral will bo be held tomorrow afternoon at 3 nt Rt th time the First Methodist church on Third South street between East Enat and State streets SUCCESSOR Bu TO l It la is stated that H II M r f Wells Well will appoint a t successor to the tho late lato IfS dl attorney C on Wednesday and ami that tho the case will bo he continued until that date dato when hon tho the now district attorney will like up tho the prosecution on Oil behalf of ot the state |