Show I A SUDDEN rite Tho sudden Rudden o of Dennis C Ct t District Attorney for the th Third Judicial District I l of DC Utah Is startling news carrying JeeP deep greet tle lo to toj Ti j it many thousands of ot admiring friends of ot tho Urn departed That Thal ho had bad been ailing 5 for soma Homo time limo was wait known and regret ted but tin nn t forebodings foreboding of a n iw character HO so far as os wo We 0 have hn 0 heard heardS S vero lero entertaIned by anyone The sad Bad tit tidings tiding therefore camo came with Ith n sudden suddenness ness mess ne s that occasioned u II govern shock hock and the Paws abates In tho thu general sorrow orroW that Is IH felt fult Wo We have I always 11 regarded Dennis UH ha a II aj j J honorable std and affable gen gentleman Ho Io has Ims 1111 proved an at ablo public i ii It vigorous prosecutor a 1 well Ji rend rhad attorn and n II faithful 1 ot of tho tha people pe throughout his u career Ho Ito was an and nd t far politician and served his hili party with n a zeal and fidelity that secured the tho confidence and esteem of i i t lie his associates n His JUs talents ns as 8 a lawyer ji f 1 J J n II conductor of ot Important cases a n aI I A picador at lit tho the bar and an Y able worker In legal matters are well veil known knowlI kno n and appreciated Ills His 11 pleasant bearing and kindly nature en enI endeared I him to all nil classes of ot tho COIn com community mutiny and the mourning at nt his hla un unexpected unexpected j expected tatting away flom us will bo be universal An la is left vacant that It will not bo be easy caay to 1111 a 1 homo home Is le do de deprived doj j rived of ot Its tto leading lending l pl and tho the thet t family faintly no so suddenly bereaved ll have tho the theL L deepest sympathy In their sorrow Borrow This IH is a n public toss loss and oud Dennis Kloh nor will be sadly missed from front tho the cir clr cr vies In which he moved with such lIuch dis i j anti and fraternal nf nt God comfort the Iho dear ones whom ho has hns left lett In tears I 1 |