Show I l I m g i A K 3 Q 11 W f Jj JJ 11 0 i hF sen eon on of ot i T ended with Conference Mil and tut 1111 4 far mr nn nil n the l t It U ended with u thud whose hOBI who will wilt bo lie heard herU fur for tv I a Ii long lon time tIU to 10 come como At the tho Of on I the thu record of ot the th Noar was no better The fhe season e on prior 1 was as tho most inot 1 prosperous lh town over w to hav the tho ro In so 00 short a lime from high h wa wu war vr r mark luck buck to 10 a condition un unequalled ui equalled the dark days of O I p nd 3 1 something that has bus left II our bur ur managers dued and ami wondering c kind ind groping for n a possible solution of at r tho 1 enigma f The Tue he Conference tolling toiling oft off of especially v 1 as aa something astounding since c the days dUYf of the lost last of then the lor goers goor the Conference dale daton at 01 theater have been things to 10 fight fRh over the Ihl old Home Dramatics and AmI ant tle ol older l i i Dramatics or their survivors wed used to 10 have pitched battles over thu Ihu is I regularly an ai ni April irli and Octo Iter Ier er rolled roiled the dispute hud 1 always to be tie e by ly a u It t was wal the tho e dates Mimic I It for the tho Home Hore Dramatic club tn to pay i anti and some something thing like 4 0 each neli for tor a it brief hrh season HeO in II WrIte and and Sin 4 l in rM it I was wal thu they vere ere given at nt lt Conference t time decided tho the founders of tho tim Hull III Luke Lukei to 10 organize that com corn company cornand i Opera company pany and ald which enabled them to 10 keep keel keepIt 1 It so 10 long upon iA the Iho Home companion went sent weil the tho way ot of nit nil I tho thu for or th the Conference dittos dulo hUl ha nun been beon transferred to the tho traveling attractions lon Indeed did tho thia manager consider him 1 lf who booked tho Iho nights around April or ur ir October 6 Thin r the Iho plum was WUN secured by the Sag Sg Harbor company who rho In oller to make con connection did Ild an ni amount of doubling 4 back und mid twisting on their railroad hack that have muot rendered dizzy They played four performances on April Apri 4 G and 6 anti and their total re ret t 1 were vuro not Ilot no WI 10 much 11 tt those of ot otIno line Ino good fat fRt Conference ditto dato talo In olden flays tay To ru my lY they veto wort In Into II i ito to state tato It weakly Mr i is I rub rul lung his eyes el y yet but bUI ho 1 very vary ir truly tuly third that the tho Is II i a 0 gamble V und that the Iho spread revulsion raul lon t which hue has spread T front from time tho Atlantic to tho thio IB II I I 4 j confined to 10 I no nn one opo locality hue has his reached 1 11 tho the last bat ClAM on oil ni earth oarth It I was WIP mt expected id to Conference f IH II M the Iho use ue of ot So he hu will wi buckle on 01 his hil Armor Ilk another big entry to nc mic IC count und try to 10 pull consolation out oll h of ot tho the hope lOO hop that hl ImI hil great quartet of t ti i coming may 11 bring butter better boier luck hick These nrc ort Anna Held leM Mans Mansfield 1111 y field Maude mil i nil due this thimi surely BurelY If It Is lI 1 any blood left letl In II tIme the Ih theatrical tur turnip turnip nip they will trill 1 draw It Il forth 1 1 U f Dan Stilly aUly his ide hl Salt Hal l hake Ike l e en engagement tn thin afternoon and evening with wih productions of or The rhe Old Mill MillStream 11 Stream u II play liu In 1 which his tile abilities und those of or hla hil hil em pl I to tu much Ilter better advantage than thol hiThe II tim The Chief Justice I II ITil U I U I Time Til only event booked at nt th lie next the Shepherd r rt amid the Iho for Mrs Smith I In Ii li time the return of the Al AI t a U F minstrels who come 1019 Friday and tIny with wll till the Ihl usual 11 I nOI Mr AIr Fluid plover clover always gives Rhel a I ill lly In hi the i line hay Ino and thin U l ollon he lie that he Ims IHK en fl I four the j I Welsh Kinger Albert Tint 1111 Chan Cint tho thu tenor robusto ami auh 1111 thus I hUl Harlo the tho lyric I tenor In addi addition adil k tion lon he hu the Apollo I i and a it 1 of ot vole voices The us UI usual ll ual street may aay be tib b looked tot tal on fn v Friday Tho first week pol of or the lite Stock i company nt nl tho time intuit ends nde tonight Monday the tho imy takes takee a 1 new d di 1111 gives ghee the popular and stir stirring Ali ring play of ot The Th 1 bo ISO familiar In Salt Fait Sni Lake bih from Its lt pres lr rl by hy ii the company Tho The met lust Ill t half hal of the tho week A another favorite play will 1 form fol the bill billAs bi billAs As everyone knows knos klows The rhe Ensign Is Ia Isa l ln a n strong nautical drama with a I plot flot and nn with lh plenty of ot heart and aad t dia dialogue dialogue logue Tho Thu company comon announce that they are uro equipped with all al the wiry ly ear scenery Ic nry to 10 make muke 1 proper Iroler Betting for tor thu the play III ny Thu Ihms sale anie Ille Is II now going on Oil al Ht ut l time the Urn ml i S Treading fast anti and ninee OIO upon the t th hI heels heals of oC time tho ho report that lUI there thure I hAI l IHn been mn u Ii sat al settlement of ot the differences between th trust trU l Hull RII antitrust forces nf nt if the tho ho theatrical world I the ho on sn I to 10 Halt hiatt tn It J through the th of ot the UI th theater that I all 11 Is 18 II not HOt yet el pace peace And with It I comes CIS tho the further Information that I Jonel Hummer r of ot this house houe signed Ilgner during durInA tho time ek for COI ci a I three engagement by Mrs Ir I olle Car Carter nr ter t In iii II On Iu Harry iturry the lutes bell being sub b bI 4 to 10 future Mm Our Car Carter I tar ter as us HI II Is well el known Is Ic II under Inc r contract with David 11 who ho haH hax tind hl a it I booking contract l with the Ihl syndicate represented by h I IA I A t This on March 19 1 the Iho lIMe lAte of or the tue Ih lust trust trout r which ix the HP lP p of Mrs r Carter at R I the Grand Grund In Iu InJune inJune June I Judging from the character of ot the press matter split pent west Wet by b Mansfields manager the only play piny which he wi produce on nfl hl his western trl tour IB Is II the Ibe Terrible While hile Salt alt l Lake ake r of ot Mansfield will wil be beKind b Kind In to 10 spi M f him In his hll latest wo vo 0 would l hI b equally glad lf to 10 have him hurt give Io us 11 CM Cli Mr AI r will wil do dl wU Wil if It he ht will wi try tr to 10 o thi th tho Ir tp tn ta tf render beth bath plays pIa during lilt hll lit H m dt Il Lake Ieko 1 nt An Mit which lct will wi VIsIt Ill AIL Mt Lake Lako early next geaton seaon soron either cither In Sop Sep or October will wil be the Iho noted actor Kyrle Bellow elew who clo ed his hil long Now New York engagement In Rattles the tho Amateur Cracksman In order to play the part art of or the hero heo In Jn the tho nil all ni star atar past of ot Two Iwo Orphans will wil bo be revived for Cor tho thu coast tour lour und and Manager expects It I to score heavily here In tho cast are aro two oth other othor or er members of Tho The Two Orphans Orphan company H E r M I Holland 11 who made such Ilch a n success as tho the detective and Miss Clara THEATRE E GOSSIP Is Lwi 11 Angeles Is i to 10 have a Opera house run on lie tho same amo plan as a the tho In II Frisco Prisco I lb Ibsen ms will shortly Ah wi bo be presented for th Ut o 0 first time In II America at lt the Iho Princess theater Now York YorkI Mrs I rs Langtry ln has luas hn just Juet closed her liar present wagon season Q on and hits has his willed 1 I ell to 10 Ing land season lelon ehe he will wi tour Houth American Australia In the Ihl April Auth Apri Outing Banche Hates has hns nn an I interesting article on un Rough Hough Hiding on In O th tim e It I Is 19 a n nov HoVel l treated by Iy Miss 11 Hates In n a nov nu cl 1 manner nobert on by b Invitation of lt f the Ihl nt of Ir at lt the Ihl university In hc rt I t ton on April 1 5 0 6 I This Thil clo cloned d lila his union Ion In II this thin country lila Ida t will play a n months month en engagement In Din leti Dinver ver during the tho summer as nB a stock star There will wil be h several productions Including omeo mind Ind Ju iii Hot liet lef They Ih have a n burlesque of Time The ht Dar flat ling hag of oC the Gods lotis at the of ot Wales theater In London with lh Arthur Roberts nail and Ind 1 llna May Mn The hit hll of ot the affair In Is II a 1 song ong Introduced d by h Mr r Hob fob erie erts called Indor 1 der the Iw Tree hallel Frohman has hal nod t fully full to II get Ret WillIam to In give Il M i special of Sherlock Holmes In London In II th the spring Sir Mr lr Gillette has hOI refused because his health will wi not lot permit fused who mart man led Mr tr her loading man nian last w week WOI cl was R first to Eugene I W V They he Paine fame to Salt Lithe together lo at nt the time of ot lt MISs MUs first ime In the time old oh Palmer company len Terry Ferry line has bonn enjoying Hi 1111 sweets of ot HH lately 1111 Her er I tour lour In Is I said Mid to In have 1110 been hecl In II an n ie ile III gree In lii II Scotland especially she sho hc crent rd el much mulch enthusiasm especially as Port IorIa ta Ia alit Fanny Herring tho tim noted notel was recently stricken with apoplexy WAi lh f a f fl h 1 l Uh III 41 V t V nuu null IU to the tho performance of ot her hor son David flavil U n Young In The Triumph o oan at oan an nn She Sh IB Is II now Ia critically III Ill I at her home homo In Ln Lit J company com POlY playing The Tho Honnie Briar Hush has hus been Iwon In Kova NOI J H If Stoddart who has hns made mado molo such luch rv r hit lilt In the leading rolo role to 10 I la a that he hi h was nB observing oh or Lag ing IK tent Lent strictly He lie le raId mid In n a f recent letter a n leter hay day W WI have codfish four tn I ICharles Charles Dalton the Iho he actor who himself In this country while playing for several seasons lel on In Tho Tim Hl Sign n of ot the Cross Croll hits has joined forces with wih Knott for to or I a it I Joint starring tour lour In When Knighthood Was Waa Wal In 1 Flower Knott Ino hits lias boon heert hn starrIng In II the Ihl place piece through the tho west t t thIs season Reason Mr Dalton will wi ploy time the therole role roll of or Charles Dorothy Hammond leading woman In Henry Millers Mart Man Pro Pio Proposes f poses at the tho I th hI 11 has baa hn a contract coni mcl for next lext n on in lo lie he b I como come I lo H II I lending Ip In lIme Tho hl Proud Iroll Prince In II place lace of nr MIM MII Mitts Miss was 1 formerly In MII lell She Sheli li Is a n and has hI hail hal two experience In Iii II America Every I or lover of ot Shakespeare spear will wi r rea ci citret cret tret to urn learn Ilan that the tho Castl it f t Kron Tron bOlI known an as II At Attic I Itie i tie tic 10 on omi the battlements ot of which th the I ghost hoet helt scene of ot Hamlet tx t I 1 iM 11 Is II In denier danger of tC oh r to t the fact Id Its Il hl bp bra n un tie to It such luch nn by b the thi storm seaM of ot this winter that they the art are r rt re larded ai nl being In beyond repaIr The he oft nit of heird herll query What hat ha h has b b be come Caine of ot Margaret An an In answered by h n it dispatch In Iii II the Now Neut ew rore herald which says a that the Ih sifted no ac n actress tr tress H hn has sailed tot for tal this country to P PP P pear pur r as es el s P joint star Mar with lh Henry Henr Mil MIt Mill Mi l her r In a it I production of or CamIlle Camilla at the Iho Hudson theater New York MIss An AI Kiln ln scored nn Sn In enormous In this thU part lorl In Sun Situ Kin Francisco l limit but has haa ha never yet et It I In New York Julia and Fred I red Terry Torr who have not been boel too tOl fortunate of ot recent 1111 have secured the Iho lease Irate of ot the tile Comedy theater 1 In London and will pro lure produce duce clue there a ft 1 now d 1 Sunday U I t IK h I by h n I trio tilo 1110 of uC who Vi called lve Thomas Thom JUcs l c ward ml All Al of o them are ee acton amid mem macin members her bers of at William larlI company They are Irl Horace Hodges T I WIM anil Irwin In Iii 11 time tho ea let east t It Is common gossip that William Hearst the Ihl newspaper publisher Is II behind the tha Ihl new nev movement to 10 build 1111 a n chain of ot ten In then thea theater ter lert In In the principal cities of ot time the conn loun country try In II which It I U Is I Bed ell the Ihl mile attractions will wi I b l be dates dAl dAlI It I IN Is II saul ald ll that tIme the new theaters theater wilt will wil b I be operated Independent of ot nil all ni I tea or managerial combines combile but hii will wil lie be lIt open to 10 nil all RI that suit 1111 the tho In control of ot those managers II net 1 haute hou When the Ibl first copy Mi of ot time the new edi cli edition I tion lon of ot Time The that known nit 11 time the Ih Fermium Farnum brought Into Inlo Kirk I tA Ta Shell alike the other othor day Mr h to tobe tobe be present He II II Immediately mid Inel claim to that particular copy COP UI its U In Is Isa R a 1 collector of ot nul has haH many valuable books bk In his hil library which he 10 h ban hiA picked up In many ma lle in the course of ot his hil theatrical This rums first copy MJ of or c the time or farnum edition 1101 of at Time The Vir ir will be one On of hl his wi hla most mast pral rl rlOU ous OU PHlon It I wilt will wil 1 his hi own great hit hi In Iii a n I great lIny Mr has h already booming Maude Adams western tour as 11 tIme the following fallowing from froni tho the Cincinnati Cincinnat Enquirer IndIcateS Word comes cieR from Salt SuIt Lake of or great preparations pr that are to bo be roads mait there for tor time the welcome to 10 Maude Adams w P l she e 1 I Is that city on in her way Ia out to o Sun un Francisco this season Minn Mise Adams born hera bol In Salt Bait Lake City CI Ity but bul has baa ha never Iter played there then since her hor goat Beat COlt success on 01 the stage In lit 11 recognition o ot of time the visit time the event li is I In tl it n et t sl one Otis In iii which the tha governor other pill pm arc it tv to II II tata taka n a purl port Miss l 11 Is to revive Tho The Little Minister for tor u a greater part Irl of ut h her r tout OUI after she hl strikes the Ihl th western country and ant will 1 likely present that Ilal play piny for tor list her first nl I performance In II the time city Ity where eho ehe caw the th of oC day they says 1 a n I dJ by the tho financial SUCCeSS of oC the I h asi n Of or 1900 the 11 players pher eve are 11 to re rho l o In r I ii Thu Tho of th Ih the rOUin older thit remain Idle until Win they zany may not 1101 hiI 11 when time the will next hL l lIven w given Iven limo Tho of lt The Hie he School of ot tIme Ih Crow tIT rears tin time ll dute dite of and pd the often given nn n nn 4 play piny 11 oten Iv 1 Ild n a counterpart of ot the Passion Play Piny from the thu clo of ot tho the eighteenth in cI n tury t ry to tp when King II I of and th time the tim then h n Crown Frederick l of ot were wele I Next year er will wi be hI In celebratIon of 01 the Ih unveiling it II grout Crul the time which was l presented by hy ICing King III to 10 o the lh actors tor Jre In the time Passion Play for or erection on Mount i ar lie arO O e The Time School Schol of ot thi th 11 Cross Crol consists ll of or n a prologue anti and lb fn Rf Lessons Lesions LeSOnA of ot the Crow i o Old l elnel each being fol followed 01 lowed loweth l by y a n living picture picture from th the N t v living from fr m the Old th tb Ihl scenes tl trotH front rl the New T In lii II th tb Play Piny Pin H h are of or The hi School 1101 of ot tho the Cr Cros have already be begun begun begun gun |