Show I Gen General Jur and Other Commanders i rl The Captains Who Will Win or Lose LOte the War For t t I uJ III lj personal equation enters nowhere more moro largely thim thil Into nto mil mit military milos os affairs As Is lB z the tho tic general so ao Is la the lb i Under a te Icon I on the tho French over overrun 1 I run ian till ull Europe Un commanders of the tho 1 they tho became the tho laugh 01 world I I a i s always p painful In InI l 1 t ut at lea least t so BO 8 Beem eem to toV toI I her present preen crisis V I j k i Admiral have havet I General and an t I have hae ROM one to the tha thet M t 1 f jI 1 Iw t received most moat of ot otI ue liI chief of staff of ot the re Ill I s lf d I IR In the trenches Cl Pie Ie Iho 1110 t tWO o men u do dobY i w tY came to 10 bo be known kown ns na nathI bY ni u I Ih the lit litte thI black III 11 T r Letter Later when ko Ue te the tho Turco ij r ging R 11 ic tight place and sent i he Ie got cot into Inlo n a 1 to 10 I help hell him him out It was fr r t i that the younger man made mado a otral Ash Asla 1 that for ex cx ncr iv t l has hus been sur aur surf aurI f Afterward came the tho fd nt III ti i I y Cad I tI 8 of rope In inthe flUe ih savagely gave hi n the Ih two 1110 t that th no 11 bo be given glen to tor m rI woman or child a 11 command that r followed that of allO I were Ge mi Ale l Kuro Huro i of ot noble family anti and was aH M in com cOni r O K yrs ars ago ngo At t the tho ago X fi t en he il had the course academy and asked at at al tte Ibe tn n I cuc CiC lor duty ful In Asia Later ho try course courBe In III Paris took look tc k Ought on the tho French It II iv W 1 Prussian Wilt way gain gaino o 0 Legion LeSIon of ot Honor IiI I g French expedition Hi Iii IA 1 wrote II Ule 1110 a II book about It ItanI ml anI ni L JS given another medal After aN he ho h wrote other military books that Ih t have classics pavIng having ha been Into several ceral languages At the death of 0 In 1882 Ku ICu fe ts Prince J eri C 42 V Z L I 1 s p pt t I C I fi fik 1 r k q 4 I J k Jr I I Iu I f I L I Cen f I i I IL I I II 1 I ur i y f I 4 I ci t WS WIS called to St Petersburg and was WIS given Ghen nn an office In the war de do department with which he ho has been con connected connected I In Home capacity from tram that day to the present In 1898 he became min mm ister later of ot war vat warIn vatIn In III person teron on he Is IB rather short and built with slightly grizzled hair and arni beard Up jig Is la In liU hili lii habits and ollda a capital entertainer antI and story atory teller It Is saId aId that In battle he thinks nothing of pt slapping a n private private vate uto soldier r on the tho back for tor some somo brave brae action netlon or Inviting him to headquarters for tor u II drink of ot vodka ol n nIlls His Ills bravery Is shown by the tho fact that he ho carries wound all alt over oer his hie body bod Ho lie Is perhaps as ns proud of ot these as ns of Ills his numberless medals lUe of ot which lie has more than enough to cover Oer his broad chest chesl Tho The Intent decoration II II ho ha re ze received was tho diamond cross which was bestowed on him by hy the thc czar Just prior to departure for the tho far east cast Lieutenant General who will be bo General chief as os assistant In the operations against Japan was prior to tho the hitters lutters appointment In supreme command of ot the tho RussIan forces In Manchuria w to o Is I x yen re old hl fought with great bravery Im ry III In the Caucasus l In la 1859 IB and also gained fame Cam under at ot Plevna being made a n colonel and given tho thu golden sword of honor In III 1851 he took look charge of tho the tutu IllIe brigade In the tho Invasion of China by bytho IJ bythe tho the allies altIco In 1900 he wax was In command of ot tho the Russians also because of ot sen cn liu hll was as the ranking of ot the Japanese Jo American t Ish and French troops Ho thus thull came clune In close touch to ch with his hla present foes and IlK had under tinder him him the tho two famous fatuous Jup JUI goner gener generals gonera als III a Is Yn etil mid a od Fuk ll I nt In III America merlell only onh otto ono man may hold haiti the lie title of lieutenant general an 1111 only I ono nina man may ho bo vice Ice president In Iii I I Russia there thele ate are several lieutenant generals Anotol Sloes set Bel Is Iii ono one of oC those Ho lb Ix Is of German h extraction UN US his hla name Indicates but huh buthe buthe he lie was born In iii Russia He HO entered the army arm ilK JIN a member of ot the engineer I corps corIs Like Ilke and p pho ho got tot hi hiM start toward tunic fame In III the tho I war nr with Turkey Ho Ito was wn also In III the thc Chinese war of 1900 1000 where ho played an nil RI Important port In the tho capture of ci r his command crossing a n pon pontoon loon toon I iou bridge In III I a a 1 tutu position post and anC I capturing a n number of butteries batterIes though not 1101 without heavy hlll loss loan At Al present General Stoessel Is III In III command of Port lort Arthur It was vas he lie that thai recent recently ly I made mado the sensational len request for tor nil all noncombatants to a leave tave Ion 0 the city as he hethe hethe hethe the commandant would never give gle the order to surrender The Tho Grand Duke Duc Nicholas who has hall also gone Hon to 10 the Iha front In Is the tho Inspector general genera R I of o C cit a I ry a ii d will I I I command co III 1111 that lint attn of oC Ihl In III the Ito present war 1111 I Is 18 more of an nn In Infantry Infantry fantry und for that lint reason will who vho at nl only yenta years of or age AIrO Is already renowned HH All s u II ox pert CIt In ho look after RUel the Hie fatuous famous Cossacks 14 chief of 01 stun llaO IK Is younger than liszt the lie veteran elemn commanders before mentioned hut but Is III Isan an nit nd HI with especial us M a 11 loners J I will have coin of the northern hertz army riny a bout about a He lie not nut be ue con with the admiral of oC thc lie I Mime mum who wan vas formerly In Iii command com 1111 of nf oft t i Vladivostok Line Itch Ilch will w ill bo Ito In command of or the t he central urmy the Yalu Yulu tout 11 I will have charge charKo tIle the south Hauth era ern army about 1011 Arthur Grand Orand Duke I uke who lies hns hB re recently recently been mado n a major general size suc succeeds his father In It command of oC the lie I ar artillery tillery wing of or the lie army hits has devoted his hll cut Ira life lire to the study of i ilie the lie artillery 1111 arm arat anti and Is II known us liS the lending lea machine gun un specialist la Its Ibis HilI sla lila Ho lit will ilI assume active UCIl command of 01 the lie In the Ihl fur oust east arand Duke lIons Horl tho the second ton lIOn of oh Vladimir 1111 1111 h and nini a it 1 successor to t the tho throne of oC Ims hili gone gOllo to III the lit t front with lIh his hi regiment the tho Golden I Doris IH iii still Killi n a young yoting man loot I and Is IH the thc most brilliant of ot 01 r Ir th sons of It Vladimir Irl ace Louis I ii ts a n claimant I L to tho tue throne of ot France Is a n I cavalry colonel anti and Is ht now In active S service In 10 Manchuria In spile of oC 11 III health Grand Duke Dulo luI Alexis Is In now at the front Ilont Ho He I to Is III the Ih lit nominal commander In chief of tho Iho I navy m even eyen ranking It la iii I that Alexis will only give general direction to tilt the mainline cam t and will leave the tho no ne mil tutu command to 1 The ca cu carter reer of or Alexis Alexin HH its high admiral rul hits lias f hen been brilliant III in u ii socIal suit and way s a though ho hat hil s seen lUll en little I actual service Vice Admiral l Makaroff no izo In lii corn com mund of oC th Ih the Port Arthur A fleet hIett IH Is lie 4 t J t distinguished for Cor Ms his Inventions Those are art all nil In itt tile the line otto One uC of them thema III a sort t rt of bufter huner to break the force Corre n ot of 1 Is In In lii ue use all over the Ihl world i iThe The Tue niost mOlit however la Is I his hili Ice Icebreaker i breaker now how employed In Iii Vladivostok i anil nil all n lJ I 1 Iut I ut Admiral to use l hi hit hIs Ice Ico Ic ship the th In hi 11 nn on i effort to 10 touch reach Hie lie north purt it pole jile Tho Thu JV I trIal r In I wits was tulle matte hut but afterward aban i ione l I Ho I to did 1111 succeed however In re releasIng J leasIng leaning a U number ot of o etIe l Imprisoned In III the lit arctic IMP i i pr to 10 I being sent lent to i the nit fur en eul enat t ItH In izi command at al Cron ron Ho lie has hI twice visited America t and a hit Is Itt an all U II iid nil rd of 01 o f the lie t mih a nit en ell energy I ergy of or the Ho iU IH Is very vezy OJ demo erit th c In his hili Ii I 1 lutz The Tue ml mlIs Is K II large IlIr e line fine locking man loan In II II with u IL 1 that la Is a l wonder r even among the I he with whom the Iho whisker U Is u a 1 Institution Ills His predo cesor to 10 a n few to In tho tue shape of ot Jill Jap torpedoes torpedoed did thu not leave much lor or to command but with his hili nil na live U IL l Itt III certain that the Ihl Ito present commandant at It Port Ar Arthur r thur Ihu will make the most niost of oC a n bad bild bit who vIto ho Is In com coni mend mand of ot tho Iho nt lit tok only In lii charge of ot a single lIngle uel until tho recall of ot Admiral left nn m entire squadron on Oil his hie hands 1 Duke Cyril cousin of ot the czar who ho hits bus been IJ II nerving on board bonNI the As Askold kold and hint hus Iia participated ra pa In some somo of i ithe the lie about Port PorI Arthur Arlhur has hns been beell appointed an nil alit to 10 n Admiral t This The lh sending of ot such Buch a II corps carpI of ot i to the tho front would hut tho ito St gov gO eminent recognizes el the seriousness of ot 1 tin till struggle C f |