Show 35 to Io 45 Years of Age Ae Ageo o Is the tho time lma when you 01 Ott may ml ex cx expect e pert to need our services B If It you have previously enjoyed good eyesight l we snake make no charge harlo for Cor testing your our eyes Cel and will wil not nt advise glasses Klales unless you ou need them UTAH UTA OAl CO OO A nr 21 11 Main Bt Hi II t I PROBATE PR BAT TI AND GUARDIANSHIP NOTICES Consult County Count Clerk or the sIgner for tor further Information IN U rim COURT PRO mo PRObate bate bato I In and ad for Bait Luke Coun County Count oun ty t State of or Utah fn in n the matter of ot tin iii estate of ot Martha K E Rick Kick Jek Ve Dc Veu cea ceased u cd d petition of ot Charles Charte 11 II of ot the tho estate of ot I Martha n a hick deceased de Ick praying pr II for tor tin un F order artier orde of ot silo ulo of UZ real rell prop shy orty ert or t saId Id decedent ana Ind that nil all 11 lie persons I interested appear ap c r before tho the aa sail ll Court to tu show cause CAU O why an art order not II t bo be to tell sell ta so Al much M n hail hal lo be It of or tho el following real estate of lt raid cald deceased towi Como Com Commencing at sit It n a point H II itt feit I west item from the corner of ot lot four tour 10 0 block M 64 l plat PInt A salt Bait Lake inke City ity survey nod and ly thena welt wot anti nd one half feet loel thence north el Iz mid 1111 U W I rods thence tnt eust lt and f t fH I H tem feel te li thirties south six tx and Ind I lW 1 ru la tu to the tho Place of ot beginning haa hu haab huion ha b been ion ii en 1018 set It for tor heur t on un Friday tho thu 1 lh day do of or April Arii A I tH 11 nt at 10 IU a 1 m in mat mal at al thu Apri County Court I house In II th this tho Court CoUl o of it sail Court In iii II Halt bait tilt Juko City CI County Utah Witness IMn the Clerk of ur sati Court with dill lh the hal aal thereof till 1111 this atit Jl t day lY of OC March A U V Heal Hal lul JOHN JAMES MIES Clerk lly U ii 1 Davies Dulu deputy Clerk James Jalu li 31 lulo Attorney Alore for tor ml I tane OK OF J I II UK V I Th The petition for lor the Ile sale ale of or rout rent rell relland and p onal property tu n ai boon been loon set let for tor heuring at 10 I u a 1 in on n mo too mh day di da of or April it alt lt the 1 louit lUI llou lou house o In II Mon Men Bun un Juan Co I t tali taliB I B S J Clerk ClerkIN ClerkIN l r IS I IN I THir Wl DISTRICT COURT PItO mo bate Division I In I and fur for Salt Bait inke Coun County COUl ty t StOle of lf In the hue tastier matter of ot I ho tho and guardianship of oC Clara 1111 T I 1 and r Lit i peti nt lien lul for ter approval mid and settlement or the account of the th gurdIan of t the tho p jOI arid ond the estate of or Clara Little I r T Little and I Little It Ik minors minor hn hl hue been set Bet nor tor hearing mi ul the Uti day Oay tel of ot April rl A 1 D ant 1 at nt li IJ ock u in iii I ut at the Coun County CoUl ty I Court Count Cour HOlse House In iii tue ourt C urt ot of raid Court In lii Salt Sal I lkc ike city el Cil Suit Silt 81 l kc County Utah Uth the Clerk of said salti Court with wih thu seal Il this flat hl Y of ot March Murch A U l I JW Mt Weal Stal JOHN leek lly I David 1111 II 1 Deputy Clerk Stewart I Attorneys s H I TO TOof To of Mary Ann J lyon 16 lo nr lo I will with whit lh to lh th tio nl tI lt No M 7 72 J of ff Main mul fUI Son Hi IIII Ink luko City el Cli tIlh on 11 JO 01 or before l the thc he In IJ I of ur August A 1 1 l ill K l I Administrator of f I itt Ih lie 1 of oC Mary Mury Ann AnnJ Aln J l 01 Date flate ot neat publication March A AI AI I n I Thomas Attorney IN TUH hi cOrT PHO Plo bate division In anti and ant for tor Salt Sai Lake COWl Couii ty I State nf of If Utah In the thu nutter nitter of ot this the staIn nf ot James H K Deceased No lire The ho of ot Ioris 1 I hitch tn r of ot the hue of or James 8 R deceased praying for tor an 11 order of oC stile MIa of ot neui rell property or tin o Rid ald elt th t nil all ll persons vernons Interested be befaro le before fore faro the Court ty to II show hl OISO why Wh mi an 11 order r nut b h be granted to sell RI so 10 much Ilch ns na shall be le Cs ar al of the follow following lag ing Ins described dr real i nf of O suld uld deceased toll I I A twenty t went 2 chains chain north of or the thc southwest corner of ot section twentynine 2 21 In II township corner p eight 8 I south range ronno two 2 east enst of the tho Halt Lake Meridian nai County COUlt Utah run rita hula thence east en t twenty 2 thence north tort ten tel 10 chains thence west ten 10 0 t north fifteen teen 13 chains thirties west wot ten tel 10 ID to chains thence tM 23 1 to 10 tolie the tie lie place of ot beginning containing thirty five are 35 3 ncr acres s sAlso Also One fine on beginning tight eight antI three I Sit m challis hill east of or the he t corner of oC lot four U i In Ihl thu ty M MIn 0 1 In nail helier east cast thirteen and nih m 1298 chains thence south I seventeen and hundredths hundredth 17 chains thence west wet and alil hun hundredths hi U 61 ll thence th north thir li 1321 32 arid thirty 30 0 nun lutes ulel went cRI two seventy challis nence I north hurt ii thi teen and three 1373 hundredth chains to of aim aUn and ninetysix acres Also one clue Ol commencing ninth and hundredths m 2373 ei POst t and PI anti i him bun hUl li 1791 01 1 south louth of the north northwest west corner cornier of ot al l lot four I arid and Oi run running ning thence twelve and ani hundredth Ull 1211 chaIns chalM thence o south tWO 32 31 degrees 1 and thirty loin utes SO 30 i ro east a t six And sixty SIxth CCO Grm chains thence th south louth six alx and rev te 81 6 iT chains thence emit east eight and anal alli 83 chains ns north ten and a 11 sev lev 1 1078 to the tho place ploce of or beginning containing ten tea anti and 1021 acres All situated shunted In Utah County Coun State Slat of at Al hiss hat been leen But Sit for tor hearing on en Fri Friha rl day ha da tho the day da of ot April I A D 1 l l at t 10 n a I m in 11 at nit the th County Court In the Court Room of or said Bald Court Courtin in tl Utah Ulah Salt Bait Lake City Halt lol Lake County COUlt Witness the Clerk of ot sold nJ Court with wih the site seal leal thereof this Ut let day dl of or orrl April rl A D V 1301 Heal Benl JOHN JA mS Clerk ill lly Iy David 11 Ii 1 Davies Deputy Clerk Cerk ice A Attorneys cerk NOTICE TO T of William Deceased Creditors will present olt claims with vouchers to the th underlined UI nt at lt the tine ofle of nt Van Val Cult Cutt Allison 10 Keith Idl Salt LAko ke City Itah tab cit 11 ir OC Ir before the Uh day Ill ill of ot January A I 1 U 1005 15 1 William B 8 and Jo K 17 Rugby Reu of William Wilam De Do Deceased ceased Dato of ot fleet publication March 14 IN m counT rno I bate ate Division In And for tor Hall Bait Lake Coun Coon County Count ty t of ot Utah In the ho matter lter of ot tho the thoC C estate ato of or A II hi I h Deceased No NI 1 petition pelton of Wiliam William A AMler per end nd ld ldA Alfred A fred H of If the tho state stat of or A H 11 for tor ln uC of f I tho lie sale lale of Ir the tho following Iles d drent rent rell of or Bidd decedent The hits lu north half of tho tIle southeast o of Ut o section t twentynine 2 19 3 township tight 8 ot of range runge two tIO 2 east nf ot Salt Bait Bai Lake Meridian o alto also Iho all ni of ot lot 11 two tsin 2 the of ot lot three lures thre 3 In sec section ec ecton tion toil thirty 1301 30 township eight m II south louth range ton tw two 2 east Olt of otHil Halt Uk containing thirty 30 3 for tor the tho th sum lur of ot 0 And upon uon Dm the Ile following terms terras On n the fiat flut named real rel IfO to Im lit III paid down and 1 lG upon con continuation tho he second 1 real estate 20 to bo be pattI paid and RII balance upon IWI an as al train from tho tile return r turn of ot tale sale ol filed meliin In this Court has hns set tet st for tor hearing on oIL FrillS the Uh tIny of ot April ANI A D n 1904 1101 at nt li 10 a m itt I nt ot lt the tue County Count Court CouL House In II the tie Court 1000 of mid Court In Itt Salt Hall Bol City tilt Halt Lake Inko County courll t Ih Wit Witness Willie neA the Clerk of ot said s Court matl nun with trio tho th teal seal eel thereof hereof ther C this day iut of ot March II A D n 1 Heal Henl enl JOHN JAMIS Clerk Cirk CI rk JAIS Hy lly ly D DIl 11 Deputy Clerk II hi I B H Tanner Farmer Attorney orne for tor K J IN hi rIm THU IllO bate Division In itt and for or r Bait Bol Lake Inke Coun Court County ty of 01 Utah In tho ho matter ot Of the caUde of Jennie 11 Ii 1 Deceased d petition of Milando Pratt administrator of ot tho estate c of ot Jennie Jennia U n Tennant deceased praying for tor the Its stIlls settle settlement ment l nl of ot final filial 1111 account of ot multi suld administrator tor tot aruth for tor the tho distribution of ot the tho residue of Di said Bald estate to the entitled hu hta been Imn bee set at for tor hearing on Friday tho the day of ot April A D hi l 1904 I nt at lt 10 19 A n nm Am m at nt at It the Apri county l Court House In Court Room 1001 of oC said court In Salt Bait Sni City el Cut Salt Hall Like Iko County Coult Utah W Witness the Clerk of ut sold Court with wih the seal leal thereof affixed tills Ih day of ot Murch March A D 1 1901 IBeRt Scott JOHN Clerk lly By 1 David U 1 Davit Deputy Clerk Clark tinner Stewart Stewart Attorneys for lor Peti Petitioner Pet toner rA SALE Whereas JOlt Annie Chei Ches chelle Chestie ney le tie anti Ant Jane by li II their th lr cert ceraIn certain tin deed of at trust I dated February ISO IS 3 l Ind recorded February 1803 1 In book bol 3 of ot mortgages mortgage pages Jil I and 51 31 of ot the th records In lii tho thi offIce of lh the County Halt fifth Jko County Count State formerly Territory nf of mah 1151 did 1111 convey convy to Diddle Reeves a II as trustee stint In thru Iha cas nf ot his liln hi death resignation refusal ref uRn or failure to act then to James 11 H demos Clem successor In trout tru l tho ho following ej ci j rent real State situate la lIt the County Ill of ot Salt Bait Lake Territory now State BlAtt of ot Utah to tI tIA A part art of ot lot hot numbered three thren 3 In III block numbered fifty M 0 plat piat A Salt Ball SaltI I Lake CIty CHr Survey urve Ur r d as follows oUI t nt et t th the tho cor con corner corner connet ner net of said lot three thre I J 3 thence east three 3 31 rods and d three I t u feet teet thence hence north I twenty W ZO rods rode thence west u three thre II I 3 riHl rud rods anti and nu three 3 J 1 feet teet th thence nc south twenty 20 31 rods to tho ho place of ot beginning in Trust least a to o secure c ure the payment of ot a I certain or tide note nude anti and executed by 11 James Chune Annie y and anti Jane Jano Findley In the principal sum of ot seven even thousand dollars d bearing date ot of said trust deed nod duo dUll and arid payable February 1st lilt 15 lt 1 together r with interest thereon her at the this rate oC ot eight S 1 81 per Ier edit cent ir annum front from date payable as all evidenced by b bell nil ilL I 81 61 coupon Interest notes nolea due August I 1st lilt and February l e ruu hat 1st of ot each year after I the th date II 11 a of said principal note nute arid and pay iy payable 1111 I able ti to the tha order of at the Une Mortgage ort a Trust Company vm of lit Pennsylvania Jt and altO nU moro more par particularly particularly described In III rM said trust deed Ilee tn to which reference Is III hereby made for tor all nil and ands I herons s after tho ho i said W principal tints note Leomo due th the time for tor tho Ito payment of ot same was WILlI extended to February IB l let t tI I I upon uOn certain conditions expressed In a ii contract of extension which provid provided ed ell thAt If It default be lie mado made In the uld stid l note alter after thu the same aetna then hen be ic became becam came cam due b being February Ut let 1199 or of ot the tho Ito Interest then the trustee or his hili sUccessor In trust was wag to tl sell Bell th the premises according to l the thu provisions or of saInt deed of trust securing Raid id pil note hole which which provided That In case caio of default In the payment of eald said hots or Ut any uny part there thereof thereat of at or ur of eald sold Interest Int rul notes or any of at them or any WI p port Out rt thereof hereof to the th tenor and effect of ut said old interest notes I then said trustee and successor or In trust were authorised and empowered to sell i and dIspose of ot said uld premises at lit public auction at the principal ll front door of at the tho County Court House I In Sail Bait Lake Coun Coon County County ty tip Territory now State Stat of ot Utah Ulah tahi to tn Os I highest bidder fur for cush fIrst t giving four tour i weeks notice of such sale by 11 advertise advertisement ment III In any an r published In said laid i i entity County and h reuH default line been made malIc In III the of ot tilt tho thi duo lIuo August let 1st 1 and February 1st 1004 tutU and Whereas The legal holder thereof the tite Trust intuit Cump ny of ot Pennsyl Pennsylvania vania hUll has the shine same wholly and payable pt and the tho game seine U is now unpaid or tilt part thereof rind find Whereas Diddle leeve trustee afore sold call has ha our and thereby tho ho said trust hi has devolved upon the he undersigned James II 11 Chesney successor ucc asor ur In trust Now Nose therefore the time undersigned ucc lor ir r In iii trust MB III aforesaid at the lie of the legal holder of said a d note nott und by tue of ot the power and authority In turn him lm vested and In lit accordance with the tine provisions pro ProvIsions visions of said deed will on 01 Fri Friday day litt the Iho day of or May 10 A D U l MI l at nt atton attell tell ton 10 01 In the Ihl forenoon of lie saul said day ha da nt itt the went WIRt front fr uit door being the principal leAnt doon of ht f the County l Court ourt hotter of ot Salt lik Ik nullity County In III Halt aIt 11 luko Lako City ell 1 I I e of o r t it sell foil the he t iuli us ii ed ci premIses pre mill Ill at III public auction to the tue high highe eM I e t I and a ad brut h t binder r UT nor i li together Ii r Ill nl nil nij title Uth unit redemption of at tin HIP said James Jaine hectic Annie Chesney anti Jane Junte their heirs M liS assigns signs thereto for tur tho Ito purpose of oC paying promissory lory note with Interest duo thereon after first the costs contu and of executing trust t IncludIng lug Ing compensation to said mid sue BUC In tnt trust tru 1 and hIs hilI attorney all nil moneys advanced for or Insurance am nil other liens amid legally Attached therelo and ani will make anti exe executed ex and anti deliver to this the purchaser or purchasers of lit i ald saId premises 11 good antI and deed or deeds of ut con conveyance JUms II Successor or In lit Dated Snit Salt Uke lily City llah April Silt SI U IDAHO IDAlia Is hereby given that the annual meeting of ot tho ho stockholders of ot tho ho Idaho Company will be held at lit tho the office of ot tho ho company Deseret News New Annex Salt Bait Lame Lake City Utah on Monday April 1904 t 4 at S G p v m The p fl o e of the Iho meeting In is to 10 hear heur tho Ito reports report of tho officers of or orthe the this company fur for th the fiscal year ear ending March Mareit Stat 31 t 1 and mInd to 10 transact such sue other business as R may mn legally come before It U WHiTNEY Secretary Salt Lake nl o City March IS 18 mi 1 1 The Tue Hoard of ot Directors mn mil milto mato to state that hot tho the meeting announced announcer above will wilt convene tin tue stated Hinted ns as required by b the tho articles ot 01 Incorporation but If It satisfactory to the stockholder will wilt bo hu Immediately adjourned without the trans netlon of any ally nil bU to III |