Show Spring Haberdashery In Iii nil its beauty anti and variety tho the cor ear correct red dress for far man from tram head to III toe Is Isto Isto isto to bo be found nt Rt tho tim DROWN TERRY CO 1 Main street I Coco Preferred by Connoisseurs for its high quality and nd delicious natural flavor J f I w I There is only One 1 J 9 I Syrup Of FigS Pigs T A Als ls I The Genuine is Manufactured by the ate SlOIn In stI California S ia Fig S Syrup Co Coock s we ock 41 I 11 The full name of a 0 the company Pig Fig Syrup Co Ii fa printed on the thc front of vory vury v r of 0 the tho genuine SI SICE t a 0 r 5 ts The Genuine Syrup of Figs is for Sale In Original Packages Only by Reliable Druggists Everywhere a Knowing the above bove will enable one to avoid the fraudulent irnita imitations i t tiC ons made by piratical concerns and sometimes offered by unreliable 1 M Ii I 18 The j r he imitations ave arc known to act Injuriously and should S 4 1 1 be declined Buy the th genuine always If you wish to get Its beneficial effects 4 3 g CE o It the system gently yet effectually dispels COWS and headaches Wen bilious conStipated or prevents fevers antI and acts best on the i OS t s Kidneys liver stomach and bowels when a laxative remedy Is 1 bV by men women or children Many millions know of ol its beneficial iEE EE from actual use and of their the own personal knowledge It Is the Ji ji I remedy of the p a aI I I fER ER Always buy the Genuine Syrup of Figs 5 I H MANUFACTURED bY LW THE k TED 4 p m mem b orth em tl 0 IO naY II la if ut ams PER BOTTLE I J 1 ii flik LOGAN AND CACHE VALLEY REAL ESTATE lOR SALE WP We have tine line 1111 Schools and Colleges A Healthy BaUh Climate the tho Water Sup SLip Supply ply In Utah Sugar Factories Cheap Farms Residence and Business prop properties orties ertl R an Ideal plane for A 1 home We buy sell pell and ond exchange o real estate Ap Apply ply or write to J K Z Stewart Logan JOgun Utah THE WRONG DIAGNOSIS Prompt the tho Ui Use of Worthless Rem diet dIes men Esen an nn experienced physician will sometimes make mako a Q In diagnosis sis sin In III which event his hla entire treatment I IIII III IH wasted and muy even bo 00 Injurious to totite the tite Patient The Tho advocates ot of all other hair re ro restoratives restoratives save hl wrongly diagnosed the tha cause of Dandruff antI and Falling 1 hair JI III r They figure on a 1 functional disease whereas It Is now known anti generally accepted that hair loss Is III to n a K germ nn which aide clde destroys Is no Ito substitute for tor accept hone lIone SOld Bold by IJ fading druggists Bend lOc lOcIn lOcIn In stamps for foi to I sample to The Tue Th Co Detroit Mich Z 55 C M r 1 J Drug Co Special Agents 45 PROBATE AND GUARDIANSHIP NOTICES Consult County flork Clork or the th respective signers feigner rd for tor or further information IN Tin 1 COLHT PRO PRObate bate bato County of or Silt Halt Lake Stat Stator of or in tie the lie ot oC the tho and an III hip I ot or Addla C inborn Incompetent II Notice Tho undersigned sell lellin In one orte paled at stile rain tho tim following d 1 real r 11 estate lc of ot im nil undivided 19 lg Interest t therein Beginning 33 cot fot t lUll ant and amid V t i feet south at of the tho northwest r II t cornor of ol lot 7 1 block 2 plat II fl Salt Bait Lake City cur sur very south tech teet I thence 7 1 rOII rods i north K r feet t et themo theno went 7 1 rods fo 0 a place ot of o toRoth er CI I with titi u it I right of ot way over a 2 rods street on Iho tho west CAt side ChiC of ot saul lot IDI and anti antione ono one rode rodl wide alley on the en east it Mil thereof thereat said sala r arc l of lent land It la located In tho the City County of at Ball Halt lAke Uko State of ot t I tab antS and will bo ho sold to the tho highest bidder for tor or cash cosh on or before tho th tiny day of April itch hide bids will bo hI re ye received rl cei etI br b the tho at nt his hla roil 1111 red tio No SIT 38 south Ninth Vest It B Salt lt Luke Lake City Utah Itah P of ot Halt C M l NI larn Attorney for tor or Guardian Bee Keepers Supplies ft Bans Boni B nl curry II tr n II full line lint of ot tile the thel 0 l U II Lewis Cos maK Send fiend for catalog nM price UK list UTAH ill illK u 77 Cures Grip GI iIi ip and COLDS K TO TI 77 H Head If M lIff r I Silk 11 1111 Jl r V ml o No o 0 D P I Will iuri tur jou ou Oll IL fumi or luce abe thin then you ou Xo Xu 8 3 O Stomach or Howel When you surfer suiTor from 1 Weak Voak or Sour Stomach No Xo 10 to Is II the tho sovereign remedy 1 C Back For or Lumbago take No Xo 15 If Ir th tin Kidneys or Bladder are Ire then you ou need No Xo 27 or orNo orNo No Xo 30 At M 25 nt or mailed Il Hook free Cr e Humphreys s Me Ml l Co 10 O Cor or William John Hired thi its New York lork GARDNER CARDNER DAILY STORE NEWS M M I Bring Urine the tho boy today and fit him C u with a II stylish new suit From our largo lar jo and nd varied tpring showing b bit It matters not how large laroe nor how small am he Is I Thoro There are plenty of af bright now new styles hero here In his h Is size For tho the little chaps chap we have the thea a Ouster Duster Browns new bolt bait suits suite and blouses o For the larger boys from 8 B to 16 r II years of age tho time bolt belt suite suit t z suits and suits I And for the big boys the long Ion pants suits a aAll All styles dyles In scores of fashion fashionable fashionable able patterns of good wearing ma materials maI I Suits for boys boy 3 to 8 years 2 to 10 Suits for boys 8 to 16 years to toL L I 10 I Long Lona pants suits su Its 5 to 20 Hats Hat caps waists shirts and ond all I the other things for boys of all ages m X ONE A nD E f I mm J P GARDNER G 1 I o MAIN ST THE IIII QUALITY STOll H Ht t 7 q J U tI L Foster Specials Specia It 4 Wo Wa hMO havo In now loos Ioa oo and J Pilton and plain tips lips Now Not Mylos for or After o last to I II I limo tho ho un dud Inti lESl li I lilt II hI Iii THE MOORE SHOE GO CON B So Main St Sign of THE DIC BIG SHOE 4 tIA Iff r t Attention E ASK your attention to toone toI top r p W WE one simple proposition I I Where can you do better belter or as well with your small earnings than to put them out at six per cent I I compound interest 7 Only cooper cooperative cooperative co oper operative banks can pay so much Co Cooperative CoI operative banks are the safest on onearth onearth onearth I 21 earth Their record proves that Investigate ours and you will be beI convinced I t J Deposits by Mall Prompt Attention Established 1002 1802 I Western Loan Savings Savins COlp Go GoA 49 FIRST F i iI A H II Cashier P W MADSEN President I 1 I UI 1 r Think i I of or orI o oAT f I AT Bartons B Store BARTONS ARTONS B Whenever you think of clothes STORE TORE S Our whole energy is isI concentrated co centra i I ted on securing good things for fori forto 0 i you Oll to wear vear 5 I This Is lB truo of Clothing This Is truo of This Thin Is truo of Furnishings Our spring styles are now making a n strong appeal to your EYE while our reasonable prices make an equally strong appeal to your PURSE WERE wn WAITING TO SERVE YOU u I nj BARTON B i RE 0 I cJ t CO C 0 MAIN to 10 Men Mer STREET i a and d Boys w iii I Mt |