Show AN APRIL BUZZARD It Plies Piles Up Two 10 and n a Half Feet Of 01 Snow In Western ll Minnesota Helena Mont April An April Apri blizzard bringing with It from two to 10 two ami a halt half foot feet of ot snow and has ha practically Isolated ed oct western Minnesota anti and n a lurge of at North Dakota The storm lonn which raged with great fury from Crom rota Thursday Thurl evening until late Into yesterday afternoon not only com coma completely tho time railroads with wi th hugo huge drifts but so prostrated the tho tele service that It probably will bo he two weeks before It Is III restored The section of ot country count around Fargo N D Ii In III shut out nut from Crom alt all communication Before n tore tile the single wire working west tolled foiled lust lat night It was learned l that 30 Inches of snow II no I had unit fallen at nt Fargo 1 and that not only on the time main lines linea of oC the tho raIlroads but hut all nil the time branches were tied up tip tight From Mapleton Mina Minn Minato to Staples Minn a II distance of ot about HO miles It was IM estimated that from to fOO telegraph poles had been blown down or undermined by hy water Snow plows are ame out In nil 1111 directions and amid It In is honed hon tl to get the main lines clear within n a few Cew hours hour |