Show nett y i A Salo of Novel 1 and Artistic 1 t I New Cross Striped Stripe Ma Madras ras Curtains i t At Prices f That Aro Astounding t You will certainly overlook th the I greatest bargain opportunities If It wo we dont see eo you OU here Monday j Beautiful striped Grenadine Cur Curtains talus In either olther cream backgrounds background l with blue pink and green cross croll stripes s or red rod and green grounds with wll cross stripes of at contrasting col cols colon color on ore or three yards long and nd 42 43 Inches wide Pretty for tor any nn room Toom Worth OO Reduced this week to Cl I IO per t tN vl iu Now N w cross striped Madras MOil TOil Cut Cur In ecru background with mer mercerized colored cross stripes of or con contrasting trusting colors color such h ns nA Hold gold blue blu bluI I green green n or red Size Very Ir popular I I lar for tOI dining room library or TO re reception room draperies lI ues at On sale eale per t J 1 48 AR pair JIll I r Champagne colored Madras Cur Cm rr I tales with Mercerized cross croie CIO stripes I 1 of ot colors new neap cottage curtains made of oC ml red Knelt blue and olive colored Madras Ma Madra Ift dra dras r with cream colored cross croas ee Size SUo Not to be match matched m teh rd ed nt ot go In this enle 07 Z 30 in nt at per por pair air Cream Snow Fluke Cur Curtains talus with pure par 1111 silk cruse cross cro I stripes of ot colors colon end 1113 i cottage curtains In 11 tr os u used d for tor don clan on dra draperies Dories porles end and anI cos cosy h 2 dual Actual alto In this i rule rale to per Cl R J pair pu iu i 1 Snowflake Ville Curtains with rn or T gold coM cross rOM stripes Will per rei pale PAil he ha h sold hl this thin v k y 60 Tho Most Stylish Battenberg Beige Colored Arabian and Bonne Femme Curtains At Lou Less Than Actual Coat of Making Its tho the Jut Best Curtain News Now of Years White French attenberg Cur loins extra well made of tine One strong net with Insertion and edging Size Made to re to tall loll at to crowd crowll our store while they last per C 2 10 pair IU 1350 white Real Bonne Donne Femme I emme Curtains size slue 3 C 2 45 JC A This week each 4 P New Holge colored Point d ll Arabe Curtains size and ond beIge col colored ored Boxon Net Not Curtains with a n areal areal real edge and motif malIC In corner size Two lots lot II mode to retail at To crowd our store go 10 this week per pcr CO Z 2 45 AZ S pair lair Point tribe Arabo Curtains In the rich rotten coffeo tint tall so au much In favor now with the Iho latest ribbon stripe and design In border nil white Curtain with real edge ello and motif In corner of oC curtain Doth Both yards long and made modo to at nt 00 inthis In 00 2 85 QC this sale sole per pair f white Bonne Femme Cur Curtains talus Hattenberg trimmed 50 3 88 In this sale each endl Iteal hand made beige helge colored Cable Net Curtains A design re to reproduced produced from a n runs rare and very vcr ox ex expensive pensive Point de do Cordon Pattern 3 and white real flatten berg Curtains size sUo 3 for far which unhesitatingly pay OO In fin Inthis I II this I II salt sale I per I Cl QC to Arabian Bonne Femme Curtains tho the handsomest and most moat ever produced size scarce at atI 1525 each I on sale 8 1 at Cl 3 K Keach e Genuine French Cable Net Not Ara Arabian tn bian blan Curtains Curtails with handsome work In border borlo Very or desirable le tOt for Draw DrawIng hug Ing rooms and libraries size beige colored Curtains with n a effort effect lace Ince edged NII d border size Tho Thu best bent values Alues stamen shown this season RO go this I week c per s pair lair f I piOU lebu Arabian and anil Cur Curto to two t grand parlor nod draw drawIng w Ing loom to nt curtains go his Qt f 70 week Uri Pl pair PIU JM Arabian and ami most 1110 t exclusive designs reduced In this anlu to pcr 5 60 Pall In II Whit Curtains SUO sno Brigs colored Arabian lI Curs Cur Curtains ur talus marked down to per Of 6 oj 40 0 Ml 1100 o Point Arabian Cur Curtains lr tubas the most stunning effects I f go nit I this II ek r per S 7 8 Q 0 r EXTRAORDINARY R Rv mCI SPECIAL U UIn In Our OUI Muslin Underwear Department Forty dozen Childrens Muslin Drawers at per 17 1 C pair pall pallI i I Three pale Pali for 50 cents And nd not want went less les than three when you 01 examine th the tho quality and wo sen how good and well finished they hoy are In rises Izell to tn fit Ot children up 11 to lu C 0 years 1111 they Ihl 1115 ire are mada with deep All larger save lIar with hem henl Or alts I a i u ity 2 to 0 ar r it a pair fe to eJI these c II 6 III Is fur or Monday unit only I P II w The Sale Prices on Those Graceful Stylish and Inexpensive Ruffled Swiss and Ruffled Bobbin t Curtains In conformity with usual policy are arc so BO low that unusual values are aro the tho result The Tho attention of or every house keeper who wishes to exercise taste and ami economy Is ls directed to lo this lot Fluted White Tape Tapo striped Swiss Curtains 2 i yards long and 36 38 In Inches incites cites ches wide cheap nt at while they last In this thin sale ale per fr CC pal pair oot Bullied or tinted white sulu wlas Curtain In or 01 skeleton stripe effects both bolh three lengths nod and 36 30 Inches wide wille either lot Is la worth orth 1126 Uti in ht this sale per pel pair Ol Dotted l and figured rallied muslin Curtains made of oC a n nile flue ot or swiss with plain ruble size site actual value Rlue go sO In Q J this sale oale pet per pair pall u v white ruined ruffled swiss Curtains with open work design In border strongly node mado and good to weir wear size III t x well worth On sale tide this week icek per Cl 1 IZI pair a Ruffled Dimity striped swiss Cur Curtains taina nod ami white English boh boll blurt curtains trimmed with tax Sax Saxony ax ony lace luce Insertion and edging size 3 f nod and rallied milled curtains with Insertion alit edging size n all ull positive positively ly II l worth U but hut In Ut this C I 1 48 AS sale they t hc go fiO per r pair lr T o Iota of ot dainty milled Cur among them therm a H stunning pat pitt pattern torn tern In III Imported Imparted with a n Out flut wl zd l 1 and a R well swell style Curt aIn trimmed h with litre Inserting and edging both 3 rods long and well made e regu per pair sold at nt O on 01 sale Sll Cl I 65 e 4 tacked Muted muslin Curtains made of at Imported swiss 16 and ond rumell white Curtains nf ot strong bol l orid 1111 with Point de o Parts Paris insetting edging mado made to tn retail at lit 1275 Ui marked markell In this thU sale jr por J t C 1 QC The Tho Values In This Croat Salo Sale of New Cable Net and Scotch Lace Curtains Will astonish h tho the most moat expert experienced enc 1 shopper The better botter posted ones will wll see sec at nt a It glance that our prices are Ire below belo manufacturers quotations t Ions English J Curtains excellent washing not net In plain center ef eC fecto with Ith combination Ion Renaissance an o effect and floral border bonier size Ilze on sale per 8 0 pair C COur Our new siro I roO white Lace Cur Curtains Curtains with detached center figures size site go In this sale p per pair l al II Scotch Lace Curtains two hand handsome some soma 1 styles among them Lambre Lambrequin quin effect value on S Cl II IIO ft 0 sale Ir i cr pair vv Mirror Scotch Lace Cur Curtains talus In white or ecru cent stylish and attractive dainty and pretty for tor any room size sizo 3 that cant cont ca ho matched at go In l 1 30 this sale Ie per Jer pair H I OU Stunning while Lace Curtains with Point effect affect comb nation border anti detached center figures II In body of oC curtain size 3 xI well worth wurth C I 1 44 A A 2 G 6 on sale role per pair v 9 Very Vcr lacy Incy and fine flue quality Scotch weave curtains with dos de do design sign In border else elet 3 cheap nt at pair puh on sale Ie per I r Cl 1 55 EC 00 Scotch net nel Curtains I Nl de l n with laurel wreath In border bonIer size 3 a 1 good quality on of sale at ut Cl I 1 AC ACa 68 a I 1 P 00 Our new Scotch Lac Curtains size O I 1 Oft Ofton 90 70 on sale per IlOr pair lair s iu rite Tho ho roost mORt novel tape stripe border horder effect Lure Luce Curtains size 3 sold Mold at tit 1300 your our choice pair of ot white while or 01 cream u II 2 10 1 Elegant novelty effect loco Lace Cur Curtains lIr talus a n bountiful beautiful French design with Poppy Bud nud In 11 Center and bor border der H size Ilze a i o regular CJ 2 35 marked a n t pair While White cable not net Curtains coiled front from roll real rM Lace size Ilzo 3 well worth r rio 2 7 60 io go I In this sale per pule 3 ply pI while cable net Curtain an nn exceedingly III graceful and artistic tle pattern with leaf I or effect border regular price U 4 C 2 QC 95 go In this sale per nor pair P 0 Honno Femme I French Cable Not et n II an nn extremo extreme novelty size Ize SH 3 M usual CA 4 lU 10 Price Sale price A Fame Sale of New Now Brussels Net N t tand and Irish Point Curtains The Prices are Lower tho the Grades are ure higher and the tho variety Is 18 great greater or er than that of ot any Curtain sale Bale we have ever held heill white Irish Point Curtains a reliable design for Cor line fine parlor cur curtains sizes 3 ixU reduced In this sale Bale to per Iler C 2 45 All pair pale r S G Heal Imported White Irish Point Curtains Curtain Louis XVI designs size 3 regularly Old at butin but butIn butIn In this sale rale 1111 per 57 2 98 pair u Beautiful Irish Point Curtains n 0 French design n worked on splendid net with reinforced edges size 34 usually sold bold at jO marked In this sale per iter 3 85 QC pair I I Two most graceful designs In net tiel and white Irish Point Curtains handsome parlor curtains 31 3 yards long and 60 50 Inches wide regularly sold nt at In 4 60 n sale anle per Iler pair v The Tho usual O quality In Irish II h Point Curtains dainty patterns either cither scroll or detached figure ef cr effects effects 31 und and 4 yards lengths ra to reduced this week to per 6 15 pair pulu 4 yards long white Brussels Not et Curtains and Novel Irish Point Cur Curtains mills with open work border In III either 3 or 4 yard lengths the tho best belli 1300 val 9 60 in see UIS KO no per pair flair vUU Ivory Point do lIo tints Calais Curtains 4 yards long dainty white while brussels net n t Curtains Curtain 3 yards long and extra e tra wide white Irish h Point Paint Cur Curtains talus size le 3 x O all 1111 exquisite de dos designs signs and oM the best het 1600 1000 values you OU over ever saw All go gain In n this 1200 12 00 sale attic per pair u pi 4 yards long white Not and Irish Point Curtains value 2200 marked In III this mUc salo Ii 16 10 per lIeI pair 2100 Irish Point Curtain size per pair 6 reduced to toper 18 25 2600 White Irish Vein Polo Curtains extra size sire on solo sale at nt Cl 21 20 per lief pith pair u v Every Evory Salt Lake Lako Should Profit by This Croat Salo Sale of Domestic and Real Roal French Tapestry Portieres Such a n stock of ot Tapestry Curtains at lit such Prices was IOS never never before of offered Jt feted We wo know It Read Head these th le Items and think so then come como to tho the store and well show you Oriental striped and Brocaded Dr Tapestry try Portieres In the tho newest patterns and aud colorIngs never Intend Intended ed cd to o sell under tinder 50 In this 1 58 CS salt sale per pair P oO Reversible Solid SoM Colored Brocaded Portieres Striped Heavy Leavy Curtains finished ll with knotted fringe at nt top and bottom both 3 1 yards long lonK 44 H to 4 48 41 inches wide usually cell at tit In this C 2 GU 60 sale per pair cams v tUV New Ottoman Brocaded Portieres at lit top lop and bottom elzo 8 3 In a dozen colors and patterns that sell lIell regularly nt III On sale this week per II r 3 35 QC pair i Ilich Bagdad Portieres in 11 colorings elzo marked down from tram to per 3 95 pair op It Plain Portieres with em ems embossed bossed Plush borders and Armm o effect Tapestry artisti artistically cally designed that sell Bell regularly at 6 9 On sale sal this regula ZA 4 50 o week per pcr pair v uV Tun rho Latest Embroidered Side Dot Bar Bordered tiered dered Effect Portieres highly met mer mercerized size elzo 3 41 bought to total retail nt lit this thle week IA per por 5 30 pair lair d W The rho most novel noel plain Port I errs ere with Tapestry ttY size Ize 3 45 41 4 never rover Intended to sell cl Ill under udder U J 1 Marked pair In this thU sale per lieI cr C 5 C T 75 C Mercerized M Brocaded 11 that you ou would consider cheap nt fit on sale this week CC 8 20 per por pair II II 4 styles of ot 1200 mOo Portieres Portieres 8 60 A Ai on onon i alo solo per her pair Alf AIr 1100 nuo Portieres CIA IU 10 90 Oft on i sale per pair t tAll All 1030 Portieres II 11 20 A Aon v i w wAll on sale Jalo per Ier pair II All 2000 Portieres 14 A 80 Crt on solo sale per 01 pair II I f OUR CLOAK DEPT Is adding new laurels to its wonderful achievements it has exceeded all nil past selling records this season Encouraged by the unprecedented business that April lays days far have shown we have strained every effort e ort to get specials even ev n greater than those we have been giving Dont fail fait to visit our Suit Department Monday 7 p Ladies n new w stylo spring suite salts In Ono fine Ladles Ladies tiller tailor ands salts cults aide modo of at tho the Rt At S 8 7 f 5 n nil ill wool Venetian and Scotch mixtures At 2250 2 2 5 o 0 finest l and French Volles e 11 J w every cor garment now skirts trimmed I every suit lull In ht this this lot Is in perfect and nn tho the Jackets satin lined worth up UI to 1275 smartness of ot the styles excels tx those of or past pant I seasons noun worth Ices hoes than Ile ant hand tapered suits suite of all Ill wool and up tip to 6 At 14 5 0 Cheviots lots and Berne ang mon Et on style stylo Jacket Extra special to 10 Ladles Lt 27 21 Inch box i high standing collar char lined with vUth silk At Al 7 9 5 hock hack coats made of ot tho the fluent finest Peat do serge few trl skirts trimmed Inverted Hole Holo Silk largo large sailor collar full fullback fullback back suits ulta worth up to 2500 2300 2 00 shoves will sold regular at nL 1050 1060 4 I BLOOD liD In I of Ili f It II h aIt 1 1 1 Ut It I lIt n Eli AM 10 Ih I Ih KIu I tUI t I It a I w ir lib t In l 1 t J I lI O 1 It 8 U on 00 t E b a ru D II r r ll 4 ell a ht ICs G e tf or 0 L I s r rio clo ar on the y io III ut aal I f out Ot l lift ho It i hll f ki lad li Il oo an air it loo IOU E b flat Ik tJ tIu cir 0 tf t I Ir f i if lar U la of f lb or S Ir I of t P I B Br drug Ira or r t It t It fOI to 10 lu no eta I tt It r ur out Ih the 41 i t Put HI 7 p I t f k 1 en t 1 a I rr iii fl M l ro err nui 7 t 7 I LID u II r ax iti i le Ib nt IDd lit blId the hf lit u nl I IM Ih e eIb leun 10 tt u un allot hIp tP 1 tarn tr fht 1 au 19 4 t tallot to Ift ft I monh n I rrb lit ry Gal r ooh Lr J to III ale I Ik I ID oe lit 81 nL z t b 4 bID 1 PA M I POISON OiSON p jf t 1 j 1 L 1 l Weve Set The The Day i Monday at am Sharp the ANOTHER ANUT U Ut Ur t r 1 I 0 OF BONANZA s f I 1 t I It Biggest I est es Curtain ur U In Sale U e YE YEARS r S e Ins for ar the lie t I 1 PUBLIC Jj L r I I I J A I 1 5 New N ew e Spring S rin n d Stock St lock OC k Point P Of HandMade Curtains Madras Battenberg Nottingham Curtains Ruffled Bonne Net Femme and Muslin Curtains Cur ains Curtains Brussel B in m perfect Net Curtains readiness s for wall Those who w o ha haI ave j this Sale At Prices So Low That Even Our Own Salespeople are Sur Surprised to too happen will w ll Its a Curtain Sale Which Witch Offers the Chance of the Season to Householders one of those important announcements which the if lO it ti f never fails f at 1 s to arouse the t 1 quickest k est interest I this on s I Iti d 1 l broadly planned pIa t Monday we will begin the Greatest Lace Curtain and Portiere Sale ever held in Salt Lake Beautiful assortments at Matchlessly Low Prices We have bought such |