Show 5 FM ENGLISH I PLAYS WE V ARE AR LIKELY 1 TO SEE I Though Thou jh Good Dramas Aro s n In ii London n tho o Sup Supply ply of ol Tuneful Works Holds Out 1 N t I II II fl fl n LI fl I I fl fl II fl TI n I I ii fl II II LI fl it N i u u i w bJ w ww W ww I Special Correspondence I ONDON March 26 That tho time lint 11 LONDON I lih Ish lb proper h b In Iii nearly If It I not nor Quite as n parlous a mL I ns M Jones Archer and cannot IN be li killed denied but bUl probably London will 11 be he le able Ihle for came somo 1000 time line to 10 satisfy nil all 11 demands upon It I for tor musical comedies cmelo The Ihie pieces of ot this kind now no on Oi view 11 here hee ute are Ile unusually attractive Ild no ni doubt of ot them will wi cross the water walet before b fore many days IlaI After fler A Chinese The fhe Curl Crl lute has hII the longest l run to Its IH c rell of ot the time pl pieces now being performed In Inthe Inthe Inthe the WItH West I having been I I played for tor torao or time or more The he hook book of ot this Ihl piece ao was WI written originally by hy Paul Totter Poter hut but It was US OS Into Inlo shape by Henry J Hamilton the Ile scorn COi I being by Unite Iule author of or The Time 11 lc of Time The he School GUI Is II not nol ns its generally hy ns na that of the piny 1111 about the tho but bUI one aie of the Ion My IY Little Canoe IIO amiot Is IH a mm I gi eat hit lilt Tills huM Is lii sung luhR by IW Ille Burke who If jy HU Am m girl Pauline 11 of or 11 i fame tUlo Is IA In tIme the Ill cast insi CRI not to 10 mention tho time HIO stat tar May 11 tu who 1 er 11 IJa done rone any anything al till thing timing 11 1001 ool us girl girt who tho wander Into Inlo th stock lock c ox i lle or a I type typewriter II typewrite writer write f lAB Mays May s throat which J l 1 p an ln troubling hot hor hO some sommie O lImits ago aso 10 Is Ia little If I any ammy bettor better In II of ot tree mont by b fore Coro foremost most specialIsts multi and 1111 her few tew fe attempts at itt lt song In lii Tho School Curt Orl are mire rather painful to 10 henr S I When hm n a musical version e lol of at thu Ihu Sans lane dene Cene story under the title Ite of Time The Dutches ot of failure seemed Inevitable In a 1 II suIte llie of the time declaration that thul the time libretto which hail b he eh written for Cor or him hll by Iv henry Hamilton tot for by b Ivan a Caryll was Sit iRI the Ihl best he t ho over o r hud tend Hamilton I by imy II the tho way va ilef 1111 Illel to 10 have deserted play piny pinyin In of If comedy writing Time The ver vert version sion simm 1101 of ot the time u Musketeers made by him in 1101 a IL 1 success both holh hero Imore and amid In thu timm tilted I Stoles States where uS ll It hut but thought though U IL I wits was 11 reported Home sonie time I ago ngo that Hamilton was IS writing n it I piny ollY ia tom for fil Irle I Hallow Below libretti only ottly nine come from front him hi limit Hut The ot or lOle II at the thc Lyric is II onn of ot time the l has had In Iii II It Holbrook time tho American hull hl tho time part pan of or Napoleon Tho The Orchid which opened the tho now new humus has hll been 10 limps and probably will bo hi a II few fow ow mote hav having Ima ing 11 the town It I Is La II by ly the tho auth authors ors of tha Toreador and 1111 fill uIe to 03 M tuneful wIlm wilI r Sammy gj part for ti or 1 Payne the time hilel funmaker mo Ilor t of n have hl played In AI by Ii h the Jimmy Powers low r When heim The rue rh which followed A Country fl h at lt DAI and which Wil va viLa to tie lie tolled ailed Beautiful Cey Ocy Ceylon I e lon Inn has hail had n R few f Ow w catchy hangs bugs dropped Into 1110 It It I will wil bo lie hI one ammo of ot this the most attractive musical luI 11 come COm comedies dies Tho Is II gorgeous the Iho most mall lavish ever o spell seen 1101 In lu London and Ild the tho Flory of ot time tho love for CO time tho lit II littie tie 10 mow more coherent than Is II In Iii this thin sort mirt of oC piece Wright right too hue has plenty of or for fO laugh In II the lit part of or a ml I Bahu law lawyer la yer yem 11 who 11 the kings English h and talks about killing klin the Iho calf ral thAt lays the tho fatted egg e mid aiki mil so on mm Oi Hut But lut Butto he to tu has hai hA no Imo 10 bug ong 1011 likely to 10 be bt as nl a M n Vo ro hot imul little IUle girl hrh nor nom has Itna liar another Rajah of ot lirong dit ditty l ty t Ibeo Is I The Tho and atul the time un rl by hy Seymour S lour lucks Hicks mud 1111 Ivan ut mit II time the which assisted by b s IY soy v oral songs olgs and Ind s to 10 which Mr Mm i Hicks helped himself olt IH evi evidently dently dent In II for tor or a n lengthy run timid the thu same 1111 may mu mn be b said for tOI the Iho Cherry Girl lucks Hicks other oIlier musical play nl at the Ihl Vaudeville It I has hiI him been hell played since time the christmas holidays nail and as an IA CharI Is Interested In tho time production probably will wi be bo given In Inthe Inthe Inthe the United Stuten litter later on elm Oi elmI I US The Tho news lel that It n C C has hal flu fin finished tl another comedy Is welcome for playgoers hero here had lUl I been beau afraid that his hl recent luck hick ot of success had discouraged time the author of ot Lord nod Lady ld Algy with Liberty Hull Carton had n it long string of oC successes Including lug ing Tho Tree of or Knowledge Time Tile Home Secretary Wheels Within Wheels hecla and hail nl I I E 1111 t Hut But Time Tho Undercurrent produced two to years URO ugo was aA not lIol favor favorably ably mild uhl received and A Clean Shill which the tho light last lust II failed ailed to tn please The now has lias not Ilot yet et been named but hul In It Miss Compton 1 10 II time the original Lady Iud Algy AIgy Ig and IIII Huntworth who In private lIfo life Itt Is Mrs Mis will silI appear appeal appealS l S S indeed Is II the light that nn nil audience sheds on a n play lila The rime shrewd nod anti observant George Alexan Alexander tier der lune supposed he had lied a u strong In III Loves the th I of or the successful ho he I would not hot luno spent much money mon core care In producing the Presumably the time long hong of ot rehears all revealed to 10 the astute nger ager no imo dangerous weakness tn In his lila undertaking yet et the first time flub a 1 Lon foum London don lIn audIence gathers to see lIeo the play piny pin pinIt It becomes become at 11 once to oven even the time playgoer goer that under no c conditions could nn an Eng public pleasure In It Carefully mounted admirably pa III cimet t tand and skillfully acted In III u a i fashionable and play Ilium 1111 house theio was WIlS everything III In Its savor favor providing It was Val a R good play Yet rot It has him been withdrawn after nett a n mum lun of or tout four nights III one of ot tho time worst dIsasters on At nt the time St SI t theater It 11 told lold time the atory of ot a I neurotic lieu lieutenant tenant In III the time Gorman mutiny anny who pro lIre by army etiquette from Ing lag the girl ho lie loved and amid by from roOm leaving the time array for tor her hor 00 k 1 took look her life and amid his own atte ninny many him n it I dreary scene stuffed with ex ox of ur mt tho time obvIous It Il has mis been be explained that thAI tho time play pinY failed l the rare carp till for or II Ul I seri semi serious I ous thoughtful mutter mustier or am else ollic e eIt It I I Was uvita a German hut but the tho fact Is in that It because ns its and transplanted It was dreary In tim pub lull heavy heny In dialogue anti loose bate In construction l It Il has hu been beell by byn bya b n a revival of ot Old Heidelberg which Is in nil fin iS German and with an aim even deeper tI of thought hut but which counts for human Interest III In every overy HUP 1111 I S S There will III bo moro more talk about of If if tho the stage Binge here her for tor Mary Mar which has 1111 Just juet been withdrawn utter after u mu run ruin of Is In to 10 be he id by hy Tho of the time King which pomes from the tha other The pait which Ores Cro Croman mUll man lit at t home honjo will he be In lit time tho humus hands of ot Ida nn Oil actress now heat best b 1 III In the tho where whelO rime fhe made II III In Tho rho Adventure of or Ursula |