Show I J II ULLI 1 I IS b GOING l b LI With Wih Many l l lie le Is Still Sti the Idol Of the he American Prize Ring King GREAT CREAT SUMS HE HAS EARNED ED Fans fat Arc Ac Xo Now ow of n nother other for Tor the thu l lols Chain Cham to Die Ilc IlcIn In spite of lt the fact that thal John I II lies has hal done much to tacks make IR eno ene enemies tales mies in II the sporting world any anti and 1111 everything that he hue does tn lit ore cro ro ates atea when the news reached here recently that poor old uld John I 1 going blind great con eon concern toni cern tae va II felt cit to Or him Not Kot Iol only did thu di reports huo hii he t It that the he old gladiator was 18 threatened with wih total blindness but It II was al stated l that his hIe life woe was Wll de despaired dt l llred of Since the tint reports report were er received Sullivan Sulvan tins lids I Ii I as a Mired hla lila friend j that thare thuie U ii I no 10 Im un Immediate mediate danger and auth that his hll chances tot for complete recovery ure are very cry ver bright And Am yet ot at ul this limo n ii few rew facts about him will be of wi Interest to the lo to local cal enl Price prise ring fraternity Jt It 1 is II well wol known that thit ho hi lou hR made vast VOlt sum um ot of money mone In Iii II time the th squared circle omi that thai thaia thata 1111 a small Imal fortune lm hii has b m given him hini through benefits H le I he most of or h it I mind and n 1 yet ret ye ho Itt II Is I stilt still well ell thought of or Poor old John Jehn I Since reports of or his hll recent Illness Ine there thel U is II talk of fit giving him him another benefit In III lIes Dos Doston HOI tutu ton lila his hil home baltic hoti town ami I I II u it looks belie 1001 as mis II It if I this the til project will wi he IMS curried carried through It I Is II believed that many thousands of ur dollars dollar could be bt auth Rit put limit In ii truM for or the th old ring 1111 hero and who is 1 there who will wi begrudge hint him this til lee ben fit ft In lila his hil declining ll years fur He lie was a lh lit most 1111 popular fighter of ot them Bill ad I and many man are R who ho have been leiu assisted by b his hll lii coin s wonderful ca career 1 rem reer started In tho the city It of Cincinnati He tt was Wi taken lokel tot that city by J 1 1 11 on Dec 20 0 1810 and nM an fought John on onIt It was 11 a affair tind nd al ni although thought though Sullivan failed to knock unit out Olt lilt his hil opponent PP t he overshadowed Donaldson who itch hud hlll previously gained considerable reputation as 8 H it I boxer hoxer Sill Sui Ihan hita arrived In town tU with a pocketful tt mf f pennies lennies and and no atu overcoat although the Ih winter season WitS was OS well wel on Cal Col Hob Bob Inn was Wi Introduced 11 I rol u MI to 10 tho the coin bag champion and amid him out In III n a anew new no suit stilt of ut duds rudl Moron provided him hll with wih spending for tor some comae Ime time before time the contest Sullivan was Wili In the tho hands of ot hits his hi friends anul the Ihl hem hero of ot the hour hOIT At a wine party one flight Ilat Sullivan after lter being Introduced was uvas 0 asked to partake of ot the tue refreshments He le IT almost created o a f panic by ordering orderings s Ho lie 10 wu U pg not edu to tho the drinking habit habl and It I was 1 trip nh tiny any In great from front his hI home In the highlands of ot Donaldson years Or sifter after became Jim Corbetts CorbUs sparring partner anti and died lie In Cleveland lila his horns home Hilly was Wait the first I r I moan man IRI to take lake up lp Sullivan to in manage him hint as mus II a a business proposition I ropo Io I Although tho time honor of oC Introducing him him to the general public belongs blo II to Macon Madden was uvas I S running a 1 place for Om Jim Keenan In and when lilly Hilly tOI hold hoid of ut to tn manage and ami train him huh agreed to back Imek him him Mud den took ida his to New Nett NI York timid 1 made dl a R tremendous hit by h I announcing 1 that would give al fo 0 to an maui man mil standing up 11 tour four rounds Jn I In a Marquis of or contest time If of Paddy Hon Hyon itt tin till defy th anti Int went an on with lh Sill BLI Dirk Ilik Hollywood who formerly resided h here 1111 r otter after Taylor In II the Ih ring Taylor I thu up If 11 the th iii M n In iii Inthe this the f Hul n next lt was WAI 8 Julio ri PI 1 L who died tush In mit Mw w York orl onI A 1 c few ti days daB ugo 1110 of ut heart disease ib I I 1 I made mache imide a 1 tour of o the time country mind beat befit a 0 tot lot lit of Aspiring Heavyweights tio lo were utter after r 60 he offered oreel If Ir tiny stayed four rounds mounds In III October 1 81 Sullivan flynn yal were matched d for CO oi this the of ot America Ulily Di sign signed 81 n ne ed e Hyan tot for Sullivan Sulivan and amid Billy Harding for or This sins ns the th beginning of at glorious career carel as a tt l pugilist Ills most Important lights were as I follows Heat Paddy Hyan London prise ring rules at Mississippi l sll IJ City Fob Feb 7 1 IK li a tr tune nine rounds Alex Drew Won WOI omm over o r Mitchell In Itt three rounds In New York City May n 14 1 1883 Referee Hilly Mahoney Mahone Stopped Slopped by It police Decision over oer at II Cincinnati Park In six rounds Aug Au 29 0 18 Hilly Tate Draw Dritt Dm with Chantey Chailey Mitchell at mu a t l Chan Ohlin ti Prance Marcim 10 JO 30 rounds 1 ea Ile H n J Angle Won Von over OYer Jake at I Miss July 8 in am II 75 76 lounda London trize ring rules rulos John bitt lz Lost to J Corbett Corbit fur for thu the championship of or America 4 tit at lt New 01 eu Or isa 1 In 11 21 rounds remind Sept SeJI 7 18 2 Pro John ohn fluffy Duffy Duty Purse mind and atI stakes amounted tu I U OI seconds second Johnson Lannon Casey CRr ace couil Hilly filly Delaney Delane John Juhn anti Jim lm Daly favorite In the he bolting betting I to o 0 1 I After his hla I gt Corbett Corbet Corbet Sullivan SulIvAn never put tin j om the Ibo gloves except for tor ex cx purposes A I local loral sporting man ma got lot busy bUl the time theother other night non figured lared out OUI on his hi cuff the Oie 11 various amounts John tin L 1 I n earned during hi career oe aim a pugilist 1 and actor hl li Is the lie way the stood tod Amount won by b Important lights fights 1300 in iii II benefits IO tour with lh Hilly Hl Madden n tour with Al u 1 Smith aol tour with Pat Shoed SC C K tour with Harry wih Phillip hilll tout tour with Pete Peto Kennedy i theat neat tour playing stir itar role 1018 tour ot of exhibItion lh 1200 In m and 1584 other uthe al public ex x l or 01 ore from only and ami while they thoy may 11 not net be absolutely c lect they will 11 nevertheless be of ut to the general public us as fl they thu show what 1111 n enormous amount of ot money John I 1 lm line taken in during his hll hi years yel of ot activity A writer wIl II In lit II a west wet western era ern paper hit hut compiled the follow Ing tl table giving the individual amounts won wan lu II it different dl tnt fights und and und ox ex May I Y 1 18 16 John Kit Irol od for purse of ot of ot i which hl sharo was unit nl IO 70 7 1 f it l 71 I III tot for the clu and andU U mu 00 July Jil JUl I 1 mi Defeated Jimmy El EI 10 liott llott New York 1100 July Jil 17 Tug Wilson WIon contest 8 Garden Tour under Ilar the manage m nae meat of ot Hilly filly 11 March benefit to 10 Sullivan I May MR II I I 1 W TO contest n Limit lur don ron Aug ug ri ml 0 C Shade Hlade Mao Maori tao Il March 8 0 I son lon contI an 1 Tour roar of the country under AI At management from rain Sept Hept 88 18 im IU to 10 23 isai aGO June 20 8 tailed foiled to meet moel Mitchell M In Madison Square divided tin re reo receipts Ills hits har being Aug 11 Ii I fetn test Harden I MOO Nov No 17 IT 1 lf Groen Held contest on Square Squared Harden d Jan Jaum It If IP Oreen fIeld conteSt Hoston lotton I Jan ID 29 Paddy lly Ii 1 un Ito contest Madison I t i 1 1000 Juno contest I It I II AmiR 10 50 I Cincinnati i us t I 8 OO Sept IX iS 1 con Oil I 11 I 2300 No 0 I 11 2 I 1 10 tm ii m lh ll loll fin ii Han Iru 1111 1100 Ule ic it I il until I I ulu Jail lit II l I is IT i iii y far IllI I Imi lint dirt boko |