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Show litter, Mn. Mahet Holt of Evan ton, Wyn . and three brut hum. Jesse I.! of Hulls-day. Hulls-day. (;Nirae iwia of Magna and Jamea Lewla vt (Jnloii Fran Otto Drcchscl Erani Dltii ar hrl. ftlt of Knit Lake City rrleaaeil re eiiliy from 1. I H mlaalntiary jt-rvlre In lermanv. illwl Hun-day Hun-day of rarrliionia In a Her I m hoiiial aail a ranleyram received Monday tv Marulrt (J. Krynolda, f hur h mlaaiou iterretarv OBITUARIES David Amos Kendall Tavld Amoa Kendall. . of ia4S Went Elchth South ( reel, a retired farmer, died at T.45 a. m Tueaday lit a local buapltal after a two weeki' Hineu. Born In Sprliifvllle. He'dember 23, 1K71. the ton of Levi Newell and Lla Clemeiita Kendall, ha tiad been a farmer In Utah tountif lor moat of hi- M: He had re-aided re-aided Hi Hall Lka City for the lat two and a half yea re. Surviving are hla widow, aire, Mary Vurmlnchain Kendall. Bait Laka City, two one. Don and LaVar Kendall. Salt Lake City: one elater. aire. Nell Hteaaena. 8priii-1 ilte. ait4 oua brother. Ruyal Kendall. Bountiful Boun-tiful Funeral eervtcee will be conducted Erlday at Sprlngville with burial la tver green eeaMtery there. Mary M. P. Summerhayi Final ritea for Mre. Mary Meliaea Parker Eumroernaya, 8A. widow of Joaeph Hummer-aya. Hummer-aya. pioneer wool merchant, who died Sunday evening at the family residence, will be conducted Wednesday at 12 noon In the Eoreet Dale 1 t S. ward chapel. Interment will he In City cemetery. Mrs. Summerhaye waa a Utah pioneer and a lifeioug worker for the 1 D. S hurra. Erlenrtr may call at the family reaidenre. S421 Seventh Eaat street, from Wediiaaday at 11 a. m. until time of services. Mrs. A. J. Davidson Mrs A. J. Davidson, sister of Mrs Duncan Dun-can MarVtcble of Salt Laka City and well trnwR here, died at Seattle. Wash , accord-g accord-g to word received here Tuesday Mrs. Davidson, who died at the home f a son, William P Davidson, frequently Bad visited Mrs. MarVk-hte here. Mr and Mrs. MsrVkhia will leave for eat tie Tuesday night. Sarah A. K. Keddington Funeral services for Mrs. Sarah Ann Klrkmau Keddington. 7H, active hi L. D. M rhurch and early theater product Ions In Salt Lake City, were conducted it 1 p in Tuesday In the Tenth I.. D S ward chapel, with Bishop Thomas B Child officiating Interment was In City cemetery Mrs. Keddington died Sunday at her Bom. 131 Eaat Fifth south street, Mary Elizabeth Mabey Mrs. Mary Elisabeth Ms bey. AO. wife ' erf James Edwin Ms bey, died at her home In Magna Monday at 8 J . m. after a brief llliisea. She waa born October 34. 1STT. ta Baltimore. Balti-more. Md.. a daughter of Jeaae and Sarah Van Sent Lewis. She had been a resident ef Utah for JO years and for the past lift years had lived In Magna. An active member mem-ber of the L. D. S church, she had been Citmineiit In activities of the Pleaaatit Or sen D S ward. Surviving are her husband; three daughters. daugh-ters. Mrs. Mabel Gardner of Magna. Mrs. f.fton Butler of Spanish Fork and Mrs. . eanette Ashby of Salt Laka City: one i in 1 ft 1 ci with his wife and five children. Mr Drechscl waa a atorkralaer. Htf was born Heptember 17, 1K7K. In , Orieatach. Gc rniany, a eon of Fried rl' h Gust a v and Hen net te Pfaff Drechsel. He left here on a mission to his native land i Heptembrr l!l. lit lib Surviving are the widow. Mrs. Martha Kanorr 1 tree hen, :t7ii Oraiiae street, and four sons and four da ugh' era, Carl Otto Iirechsei. Mre Tekla sel. Mrs. Hilda Plant, Hyrum Drechsel. sel, Mrs. Hilda Plant, Hvrumu Drerhacl. Mrs. Martha Waters and Mies Elisabeth Drechsel. all of Halt Lake City. The body will be brought to Bait Lake City for burial. Max Pederscn Max Pederscn, 17. son of Joseph R Pedersen, 21M Eaat sixty-scond Month street, died December 1 at the Hawthorne CCO camp in Nevada, according to Information In-formation received here Monday. He was said to have beau struck by S motor vehicle Survivors include hla father: three brothers, broth-ers, Oleu, Howard and l-en Pedersen. all f Halt I, she City: a sister, Mrs. Jeniel Lebenham. Halt lake City, his foater mother. moth-er. Mra. Vera Pedersen. and two foater brothers, Lee Hlmj-ami and Ulsn Ulm,on,. all of Salt Lake City Robert Spiller Robert Spiller. Han Francisco, for 2A years an employe of the L'lah Light and Traction company here, died Haiurday In ihe California city, after an Illness of several months, according to word received here Monday. Born In Inndon, Fngland. he rame to Salt Laka City approximately 3U years ago, later moving to Hau Francisco. Mr. Hplller was one of Ihe ftrst member mem-ber of Ihe I. l H British society He la sun Ived by two son, Robert J. Splllsr. Hau Frauclsc.i, and David J Spiller. Keno . Nev , and two daughters. Mrs. Arnold L Hlggins. Sail Ike City, and Mra. Charles Rennic. Reno. Nev Mrs H u sins left for San Francisco to complete funeral arrangements. Mary Ann Hanrahan Mra Mary Ann Hanrahan. Tf, WVdnw of Thnma P Hanrahan and active worker In the Catholic church In Halt Lake City, died In a local hospital Monday at 6-30 p. m after an Illness of three years. Mra. Hanrahan was boru February 10, 1.n, at Hudson Falls. N T , and came In Salt Lake Cltv 4(t years ago She resided re-sided at 344 East Fifth South street. Hhe wa. a charier member of the Catholic Woman's league and was a member mem-ber of the Altar society of Ihe Cathedral of the Madeleine and the League of the Sacred Heart 1 Surviving are a son. Thomas F. Hanra han, and a daughter, Miss Angela Marie Hanrahan, both of Salt lke City, and three slaters. Miss Margaret Tnole. Mrs Kathryn Johnson and Mias Elisabeth Tools. all or Hudson Falls, NT Funeral mass will be relehrated Thursday Thurs-day at 10 a. m at the Cathedral of the Madeleine and the holy rosary wilt be recited re-cited Wednesday at S p. m at the Nell O'Ooimell mortuary, 372 Eaat Flrat South at reel. Interment will be In the family plot In Mount CaUarv cemetery |