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Show ISLE OFFICERS L0STjNST0RM MANILA. :P. I, Dec. 7 LT-Th United States army air corps and . the Philippine government tonight marshaled all available air. sea and land forces to search for the Philippine Philip-pine army chief of stiff and four other army officer, one an Amer-ican. Amer-ican. lAHUssfd the five men. flying in two planes, one laden with bombs, were caught by Vimynn typhoon and crashed Into the rugged Sierra Madres or the Pacific ocean around Monday noon. Major (ieneral Paulino- Santos, rhief of staff, and Colonel Fidel tegundn chief of the Philippine army intelligence corps, were in a transport plane flown by Lieutenant Lieuten-ant William Lee of the United States army. Missing in a loaded ' bomber were Major Manuel Olym-pia Olym-pia and Lieutenant Guillermo Fran-' Fran-' CISCO. Steamers, Planes Aid Some government officials expressed ex-pressed hope the planes landed in an isolated spot in northern Taya-bas Taya-bas province roughly 50 miles from Manila, but larked facilities to report re-port their safety. Friends of Lieutenant I.ee said tit was niuiluus pllnt suit e-pressed e-pressed belief that if he encountered encoun-tered serious trouble he would abandon aban-don the plane with his passengers by parachutes. The Philippine army ordered out all available constabulary men In Nueva Ecija, Bulacan and Kizal provinces to search the rugged mountain country. The United States army prepared to send out a squadron of searching planes at dawn tomorrow. Government steamers in the general region were ordered to stand by to participate par-ticipate in the search if necessary. Two Known Dead The hunt may be hampered by the typhoon which turned from its northwestward course and headed bark toward the Pacific ocean, where It originated. The typhoon, tha third in three weeks to sweep tha islands, left heavy crop and property damage and claimed at least two lives. Government officials sounded a general alarm throughout tha area where tha planes were believed to hava been downed, but 18 stations reported no trace of tha ships. A large portion of tha central Philippine archipelago was Isolated from communication by the storm, which caused two known deaths. Army Orders WASHINGTON. Dec. T (JP Army orders included: Majors Winfield S. Hamlin. A. C, Kort Sam Houston, Texas, to Rantoul. III.; Leslie R. Forney, infantry, in-fantry, Fort Humphreys. D. C., to Vancouver Barracks. Wash. Captain George G. Guiteras, M. C, New York. N. Y., to Panama Canal department. |