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Show OUN LATEST FEATUfS iMSJKvl'Sv-i w -''AVAvixdViiif n o. 59s0 $1 Down, $1 Weekly ta SO. MAIN J MS Wublngtoa SALT LAKE OCDEM "hen You 51 Give Someone A SUBSCRIPTION TO THE SALT LAKE TRIBUNE or TELEGRAM Call Circulation, Was. 590 Radio Programs j I wmtL I TUESDAY, DKCKMBICH T T. M S:IHV KOTI -WanUS A Jo. CIS NBO Vtnn'l Harmonies HIS i i i.LAl. iJfcC t P M ;30 CBS Ht Menkea tm "Mond Hiiabn1 " :00 -CBH "Bi( Town." starr.- jca- wr a RobtosoB an4 Clair Tr or. :94V KHLr -Tit ArOti t wrehwmvn. ;4a KsC Cir Stars 1 Broaaway. f :oo trm Al Paarr and lit uang. T :JO BS Jack Oakto'a Col) aaa Btn.to Ooo-ma-'B Iwlng lhoaL l:SIUKHi--Capiaini of industry. :4S ksb Walts Tlm: Hugh Portr. tenor, a4 Uarrtott JUye'a StjU :0O CBsPttrtte MiMiM, with rranfr Wn M-fCorrairk. Jack Fulton. tatTBS Otonra UeCaU's -Hollywood crtMieoep.H t:M CBS Al Jolaon. ParkrakarfeiMi. Martha Jtay. Victor Youngs of- rtwHra: J INnnr, ruL JA'0OK8L NlfDd tn tb New". 0:1 KSL TTm Martlowor IMU tat. ju.3t KL Weathr rrupft. ;3ft KKL Inicr-atlo-al Niw 0 45 -CBS Ted rto Rlto's arclMatra. 11 :0O KHl, W f a Conctrt. 11 :1B CBS Thai Art of ConvtrMttoa. 1 1 4S CBS Jan Oarbara orchMtra. kldnlirht 12 OO CBS Hmry Klnf. oretwtlra. 12. 30 CHS Sterling tounf's orc-Mtra. 1 :0Q KSL Good Night WIONUOAT, PECBlCBEIt t A. U. a rOO K Biinrtoa tarvnada. :30 X8L Huate of tb Morntafc :00 K8L In tfrnat tonal Nvwa. V:1S KHL Woman's World Conttat f .25 KL tarly Bird anuppua Hw. T:4S KHI, Momlflf Hood. !:0O KrfL InttrnaTtooal Nwa, :15 KrtL BraAkfaat MalodMa. a 5 CBS Ruth Carhart. aoiiits. :30RUirU TTMSraaM flaw. s:4a nbo wuur k.imt'i smmi. T.vo wac vm fosMausc. siutur worta an. Parks Joahmmi. T:30 NBC Hitllywontl M.rrll Oral Uunf Hom, Cbarll. Butt.rwoMh, Itim WllMn. Ftormr. G.ursc, Huhf M.rr.r, Raymond Pal"' or-cb.lra; or-cb.lra; Jua K. Brown, tut alar. l:JO NBO Jlaiau. nswa HMIr Ooaaja. :4S NUC Saranada la Ika Nlfht. :0O NBC ABMis ' Andy. 9:lS-NBO Vacai Vanatlaa. t.iO NBO Jofcn.T Praaanta Kuaa slaf saa's arcaatrs; Cbarlaa Martin: awni Pounaan; Olaradort aiatars; Pranaea Adair. 10:0O NBO Trump Davidson's Orcana ira. 10:9O MIC Al Jahn'a Orvhaalra. ll:UO KPYL Tranaradlo aawa. 11:1 S NBC Strttigtlma. ll:Ju NBU gaca vviuaua's sacaaatrs. MldmsM 12.Dii NBO Jo. Raleanuji's orcbaatrn. A. M 13:30 NBC Loula Armatmng's tcaaatra. l:0O K1YL Good Nlgnt. WKUNKSUAX, DKCKIi BEK A. St. S OU RDTI tain Patrol. S:3U KHYL rarm PlaM. S.:t5 KIY1 -ikJiii of !h PlonaarB. T:00 KHTIs Today'a Almanac. I I J- WITH GIFTS 0F ECONOMY FROM h 1&e ZCM1 DOWNSTAIRS FASHION STORE SJ DRESS SHIRTS L $1.69 f- ' 1 , A " V' We've Juat received s brand new shipment of shirts "Vi f j r i': ... all unusual values, in solids, strlpea. white and f :: ' V I a Ti rayon over-shots. Each one has the new Coll-A- Aj i ji 'yJSJ t Vi E"' non,l'"t oo"r and each Is full shrunk wtta. L V r 'v ' t& 3 IV 7-button front. There sre sll patterns and stylsa. LOUNGING ROBES J $7.95 p7 The supreme Christmas gift! All wool, tailored robes Cfwfllv aP I I In ansppr patterns and styles that will satisfy the jf I moat particular men. iff M FANCY DRESS SOX 3prs.$l j Sok that ara fsahloncd for styls and arvlc. with J aHl high apllcd he la and reinforced soles and toes. -V There are fancy Scottish plalda and sollda with con- A tnstlnc ctocka. Sicca 10 to 12. ' jt Kid OPERA SLIPPERS ySJ J $2-95 ':if In brown or black with flexible leather eolea and .- : rubber heela They win aaaure him plenty of shot Z- tLt. comfort during leiaure hours. "sia--S,- S' ' CAPESKIN GLOVES sSr'-2 $2.49 r3 Theae fine glorea are made of excellent first trade a 0'- capenkln. Both slip anft anap fasten inc styles with ''; f- ' r,v-. warm serviceable linings. Tan. Brown. Black and VL ' Orey. Some with the fashionable new serpentina ? V stitched back. SMART NECKTIES S'yjfy Ladlca! Tou wont be afraid to aelect ties from this ft?f!W f group becaues they are all good looking and you a ifrj f J can't go wrong. There are stripes, plaids, solids and I W; f pa4aley. and the new shade of London Smoke. Each i TpaX J$r J tie as hand tailored with resilient construction. f J i1Ljf f w SILK MUFFLERS - A practical yet appropriate gift. Ouaran- T S-Z?Jt toed aU silk crepe and eiqulsltely finished V" JrW with monogram and knotted fringe. Each S , ,, VlVj one In Individually boxed X flStr Zfi TT T DOWNSTAIRS V lyi 1 FASHION STORE - t OO KHL Advantur la Khythat :l KHL Jmni Lee's "Tim? Tips." i:30-Kfl Words and Music :XriL Horn rvae ITograafc Wtta MlM Nrwy ihnch. JOrOOCR-WHary Maraarat MacBrMa, 0:15 CBS Edwta C. Hill J0:o CBS Jtomance ml Uslea Tfsafe. 0:4A CHS -Our Oal. Sunda. 1:00 CBS Batty and Bob. Jl:!6 CBS Btty Crorkar. l:3o CBS ArnoM Qrir-in's Daugatar. 1t:5 CMS - MoUyweoS la Pereoa. P. af. If :0O TB Biff Bteter. 12 15 KHI. stork Market QuirtaTtona. U:3U CBS AmtrVin School 1 UM A IT. ths Oaocraphir Partod. i :O0 CBS Ray Block's orrlMetra. 1 CHS Macein of the Air "Carol Krnned-'i Rominw," 1: SO CBS Jtnay PaiMdr. a Srassa. !. 4 5 K s I- V otee of :t peneoUl OO CBS Mrrt and Mars J3CHB Prtty Ktttv Kirltr. .30 Ksi, Tim Food tronm. ee4etei br Mrs Chapcnaa. f :4 KRL Memdy MrautM. I IS KHljalnivroariooal Ntwa J;JO CB Ntr-rs Tbnt a Woota! Vra. with Kaihrra Crmvaoe. : 41 CHS Uit Meusa, etarttng Btm JahiUKm. 4-00 K ML Worda and Music. 4:16 KSb aanta Claus Program. J: .10 KHL Merchants Fsrtto Cnlumn. : 45 CBS SonR Time witM Dons Ksrr and Howard Phiiiipe. g:00 Kkl Adventurra of Frank rarrvH S:l KS1 Adventures af Jimny AiMa. KHL Shopplnf Bulletins. 1 45 KSlr liitr,iatioeaJ Nwa. :M KrtL Paahkms for Mtn. 6:1 KL Sonet We Kama inks g. with Prior and Bin. g:9K hl OIm Ora?: errhtetr Pe-wa Pe-wa Muni, Kanny BargeoL frdft KSL Easy Acae. .00 CBa The " r 1 k aat Concert of ths Claaatra." wtth Andre Kostslantts and kis ev-batra; Klratan Piai-stad. Piai-stad. euast aolotat; Daaau Taylor, cotnoMiit-lor. KSL Pinto Pate. :45 CBS Mark Kelly, Bportsraster. :0H-CBt u Busttra. eouductad ky PbixiM Lord. ' (Paid Advertlse-ieet) T:30 KIYL Tranaradlo aawa, and New Bonge. T;4B KHYL H..mt Polks Frolic, g 00 KDYL Christ maa Traa progran. I 30 KIJTL, Thoughts for Today. 45 KPYL Rhythm and Romanes. .UO XDTL Barbara Parktna, Touri Rallo Shop Hound 15 KDYU Mortilni Vartetlea :.tO KPYLNeltihtwr Jim's Old Bonis. B :4ft NBO Edward MacMuga. "loiir Ooapel Slnisr. 11:00 NHC Lotus Oardens arc hast ra. ' 10:15 NHCCadsts quartet. Ul::tU KIYL Tranaradlo nswa. 1U:4& KIYL Maxnet Pagt la "Frleads e' Mlns." 11:00 KIYL ftsy Perkins. Jean Eithif-1 ton, Leonard Jny'a orchastra. 11:1ft NBO Mrs. wigge of Uba CaeMga Patch. 11:30 NHC John's Other Wife. U;v NBC Just plus BIU. P. M. lJ:tMJ KPTL BlnirhT Baai. ft KHYL Inquirlni Reporter. 13:30 NBC How ta Be Charming. 13.43 NBC "The Best of ths Week," Buddy Twise and Joe Parker. 1:00 NBC Pepper Young's jrajtus, 1:1ft NBC Ma Perkins. 1:30 NHC Vie aod Made. 1:4ft NBO The O'Neiila. 1:00 KhYLr Muaie la a BeottaaeotaJ Mood. J lftNHC The OuMtag Lleht retea. 3:30 NBC The Blory of Miry MarUa. 2 ir, NHC Kitty Kaenea. Inc. dreasa. 3 OO KPYL Room Raclpea. 3 Oft KOYL Mtiodte Interl-ddt 3 :1ft KPYL Tranaradlo news. J:30 NBC Household Haadilna alaaal Warner and Martha Meade. S:4ft NBC "Gloria OaJa. 4 Oft KHYL Rhumbana. 4:1.1 NBC The Rhythmarlea. 4 :4ft KIYla Mustc OrapAa 41ft NBC Thai Rhythmairee. 4:30 KPYL Children's Party. S .00 KPYL What Are Tou Detag To Tonlaht? r B OS KPYls Mslodle Intertude, ft 1. NHC Back Meat Dntei. B:M1 KPYL Jar k A matron a. 5 4.S KPYL Orphan Annie.7 4:00 NIK'- "Oi Man'a Familv. (Paid Advert leanest) TUNE IN "The Home Service Program" For friendly suggestions on homtnuking T - Z-A i ' ' " . " -' MISS NANCY FINCH KSL jch Wednesday . and Friday 9:45 A. M. e For recipes and recipe covers call at your local UTAH POWER b LIGHT COMPANY OFFICE .i ' . Girt? if? Perfect Gift! HOUSE SLIPPERS Kiddies' Sheepskin aI BUNNY SLIPPERS Iffffl Warm and comfort- jI,4'zLa A able. Natural colored ays jrr ahespskln and padded JjQ jf- -aT i Ladies' f i COSSACK BOOTIES Brown, black, red. "fcw whiu n i-1" 4 4 n Ov 1 eapeskln with ll.SJ' J smart cuffs Boys' Hi-Top Girls' Sport BOOTS OXFORDS With oil - tanned upper ' With leather soles and and water reaieting no- rubber heela. All have corn-mark corn-mark compoai- MA A A forUble fitUns m A tion soles. Val- oZ.OS uta- Resar I AM uestoUM. -saw w Ji4J 1 " w Chhvilll DEPT. STORE ED V.G. ROBINSON with CLAIRE TREVOR In "BIG TOWN" TONIGHT Holltwow, Dae. T Press and publio alike haa been fenerous la La praise of the thrilllnf Riaso pro-arrasa pro-arrasa entitled Bif Town! This profrara take you behind the cans of aewspaper life reveal saiaatteins,l nacrsLa of what foe on ia polities; the underworld, the .racket. Don't miss Edward O. RoMnaon and Clair Trevor In this jNJwnsful dramatic program. Each Uy I aompleU tn Itself. Tun la : KSL 6:C3 P. II. STOOPNAGLE & BUDD 0NALJ0LS0N PROGRAM TONIGHT j Holltwoo, Dee. T Tonight Al j Jolaon briers to his proaraa as ' (uest star. Btoopnarle and Budd. ' that hilar K us team of gloom chaser. chas-er. Here the comedy hif hspot for tb vninr. Don't mia It. Tb reg. i ular members of the popular Jolaoa Lafebuoy ahow will join In ths fun: the Inimitable Martha Ray, the outlandish Oreek. Parkyaicarkua, Victor Toung and hia orchestra Tun la tonight. KSL 9:30 P. M. |