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Show -aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaapBaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaMBMBMBaaBaaaBMaBMaaaj ffSfs' Heinz knows V ,Vp7K the answer to -( ibjjwr A-B Y-TAL7K! 0r-VSP - Healthy babiee find. aofnethinf to - JXjS-r- "000" about when they dipt tiny spoon Tf rf''V. I 'nto Hein Strained Food. JK IjHEiV J Her'i just what th doctor ordered A lf ' j vegetable with fresh, natural flavors; I i I OETa'oi cM tempting, tast y fruita and cereal. 1,.',N??; 1 l!"- llSoii"f Every tin br the Seal 0 Acceptance a. "f and Ur 8oue. f I iJ.UP fi ... ...... , . a, orrei. . Pr.nn. I I .yi..,,, If of the American Medical Association V BprBMh. a CraL f . I 1 rZcr L ., . 7 Tomatora. I Or.rn I Ts jjin I? COUDCU OH FCOd. , Brana. a Aprlrota and J '.' I Taint " V SJviSS f jJAyy STRAINED ! I J -itfE4 FOODS I -V M ' "P'-c, a,!' rnorTTi 4 7 rZ:y- V I TT.,h S.. 1 n I in wood. r , i.., Juicy I f They've Got a 1 0J Way With Men T)EANS oven-baked by Heinz have iireitible man- 4 KINDSi D appeal! A aavory, aweet aroma. A matchleaa, bohtoN'HTY LK ... Ovrn. old - fashioned flavor that men-folk everywhere l-t,t"""'maim"" hanker for! Heinx bakee the bean th way our roil -and. tomato Pilgrim Mother did in hot, dry ovene. Then ,l;V.B.-.Ui:.."Urt4 drench them with rich and picy aauce. They're vkgktarian sttir... ready to heat, aerve and eatl , Ov.n-te.kci with rich lom.ta jw ..mirmern g OVEN-BAKED . II RKU KIDNEY BPAN8 .. . AT m . ( jf An d Gift I ft for Him or Hrl j SHEAFFER i PEN Buy now from Mill L Suur, a trainad eipert direct from th Shffr Factory. A Shaffr pn will b a gift long remembered remem-bered and appredated. I Stationery Dept. Street Floor 1 Z CM 1 1 ( The Paris it Headquarter for Sheaffcr Pens and Pencils Shrarter Pen and Pencil Set. Wafp IST... 1.95 and 2.95 Sheatfer Prn and Pencil Set. If bought arparately, 3 QC would be .$4.7 Sheaftrr Pen and Pencil Set. Bousht eparatelr f ftA would be 4 54 " Other SeU at 7. BO to 16.00 Lifetime Prni 8.711 to 10.00 Sheatlrr Fountain Pea Deik Set. Dry proof. COO Onn base Jvw other Seta at S.tS te 12.00 Thpne Gift Thaiays FjtTOEVER AND FORERW- y?y How con onyooe mark an enduring friend- ytWfn SP' a 'as,in9 n'ment, with a gift that is XfC Zzt&gf soon worn out and discorded? The gift that truly Zl!f expresses your feeling MUST LAST and the one gift J that outlasts almost any other is Sheoffer's Lifetime J&W p4ntltUgiKirontedforoslongositsownerlives.ltisrhe JmW world's only LIFETIME0 pen, it is the finest gift of its kind, it is not iSk yp eostiy-h4offer Pens, $275 to $20, Matched Ensembles, $3.95 up. llp jfeL Dry-proof Desk sets, $5 up including pen. N; Mi w.Ma, freaeSMf (4aeSM4ea tit 4 1 A Very Complete I Sheaffer Line to Choose From ' 14 (AST 0ROAOWAV : I BUY Ol'R SHEAFFER PEN SETS ON OUE 3-MINUTE Credit Plan JENSEN'S JEWELRY 71 Sooth Main Street ANDERSON'S SHEAFFER ft PENS, PENCILS, J: 1 DESK SETS ' 1';H PAY ONLY j a Down : " n Weekly I I ALi L.Kfc ihi buuttl Mi OODEN 2W Wahingt.B An Ideal Christmas Gift SHEAFFER PENS are For Sale at ." BESEjUBT BK COWAI1Y 4 East on south temple The Home of Good Book and Personalized Gi fit I We Carry a Complete Line of . . . SHEAFFER Pens '' Pencils Desk' Set's ZCMI DRUG STORE 112 SOUTH MAIN ( |