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Show The Weather Local office. U. II. weatbtr bureau, lait Lakt City, Utah. December 7, 1937. Jnrhei Precipitation In last 24 hour. 0 00 Total alnce October 1 3 4ri Total October l to data last year.... 3.00 Normal October 1 to data .12 WEATHER SUMMARY The wcatern high preaenta Its peak prea-aure prea-aure at Edmonton ttila moraine. 30.70 Inchei. Hi temperature being below aero to the Canadian border. A ehallow de-preaalon de-preaalon over the plalna atates and the Texaa-New Mexico country acting agalnat the northern hifch baa reaulted tn nicht local now in Colorado, Wyoming. Montana and the irreat plalna atatea. Temperature are milder than yesterday In Utah and parts of the northwest. Temperature coutlnuea abnormally ab-normally low over the middle and southern states. Rata or snow baa been general in the east. WEATHER OB8KRVATIONH TAKEN AT B:3Q A. M. TODAY tiaagimiM I lalleaa m i Minim turn t Maaioiam Today J r eat am ay J Boise 26 38 .00 Calvary 2 2H .00 rhicair.0 12 22 .00 Denver ... 22 50 . 02 F-lmonton 6 2 .OK rjrmnd Junction ..... 2 4H .00 Helena . 14 42 .02 Kantas City 22 2H T Lander i fi2 T Loa Anitele S& 0 .OO Mlnneapolia-8L Paul. 14 14 .0 Modena 14 31 .OA Needlei .1ft 70 .00 New York 2R 4H .35 Oklahoma City ..... 26 2S .00 Omaha 22 24 .07 Phoenix 40 72 .OO Pocatella 24 44 .00 Portland, Ore 31 42 .OO Reno 24 54 .OO St. Louit 14 20 .00 SALT LAKE CITY. 33 47 .00 San Franciaco V .OO fUnta Fe 2 4fi .OO Seattle 44 4A .01 Spokane .......... 30 34 .OO T'tnopah .......... 30 bO ,oo Winnemitcca ....... 3 54 .OO Winnipeg ft J2 .50 Tellowstone 10 32 . 00 Sun aeta Tuesday 600, Sun riaes Wednesday T:41 ! |