Show eve evening ning fairy tale for fay the ch children ildren by MARY GRAHAM DONNER BONNER g VYV N now W whenever you ore are near water sold said father raccoon to his children you must always wash nosh your food that makes jt it so much cleaner father and mother raccoon are ve tery ry clean and care a great deal about having baving their food fresh and nice and clean you can eat a great many things continued father raccoon yo you it are allowed eggs of 0 all kinds fish frogs turtles and all sorts of fruit and nets lauts 11 the best of all you mentioned tio ned 1 said bald the raccoon little ones ali ah I 1 am keeping it as aa a surprise said aid rather father Rite raccoon coon where are w we e going ask asked ed the children going doing where asked rather rac 1 coon he acted as though he know inow what the children meant dear me sighed mother raccoon rachon jear the e children know so much these da days Ys yes tes it was different in my time I 1 kno know w about treats and feasts lanill Iwas I 1 was told at that all the raccoon children laughed shrilly oh lob mother another they said now you have bave let the cat out of the bag we say we knew that we w were ere to be taken to a feast and to have a treat when our lessons were over let what wha t cat out of what bag as asked ked blot mother I 1 ier raccoon Ilae coon 1 I ha have ve no cat and chave I 1 have no bag what abat absurd nonsense you children talk oil oh said one of tile the raccoon children thatis that Is just an expression you know still I 1 dont understand said washed every bit of food mother raccoon Ilae coon 1 I am not up to date I 1 suppose an expression Is a saying saving said th the raccoon children it la Is something theng people say lots lota and lots of people and it Is supposed to be wi vise S e 11 what does it mean asked mother raccoon who was ns much puzzled led well it just means that some one lias flits lot let the secret out or r the tiling thing that was supposed to be kept in why did they use the cat and bag for example oil oh I 1 dont know said tile the little raccoon 1 I dont believe any one knows how these expressions start but once they start every one starts saying them so ta that I 1 at they become sayings or well ft ell known expressions well it Is true sold said mother rae coon we are going to have a treat and a feast you ha have all learned your lessons well said father raccoon and so we we are going to have a treat and mother and father raccoon and all the little raccoons went oft off for a splendid feast but even ei en it at the feast they all washed every pit bit of food before they ate it in fact they had their picnic by a brook and the raccoon parents were proud to see how well veil their children had bad learned learne t their heir lessons sl 1 western newspaper Nw paper union |