Show TALES oAe of the TRIBES by EDITHA L WATSON the dakota sioux the ideal indian superb of physique mentally keen and alert and with a high standard 5 of morals la is V i 0 best typified fled by the dakota now known as the sioux this magnificent people dominated all the surrounding tribes with the exception of the chippewa with wit whom om they were t continually at war 4 this powerful tribe in its e ei ec c pushed its the dakota neighbors slowly sioux a away w a y and the pressure even affected the sioux who resisted valiantly but nevertheless retreated gradually in a direction driving before them the cheyenne and the aown in this manner they reached the thi black mils hills country and here they settled tile the dakota was not exactly a confederation yet jet it was made up of sevell council fires consisting of divisions each of which Is well known in history tind and with good reason from their first mention in the jesuit relations of 1640 the sioux tribes have lipen been liberally included in accounts of the country their effi efficient clent lighters who feared nothing swept across the plains like prairie fires as brilliant find and ns destructive they made good copy even in those days the early eaily historians also found much of later interest to write about in the persons of the sioux for instance ganotan Wa a Yank tonal chief was described in 1823 as being dressed in a splendid robe of whitened buffalo skins lie he wore a necklace of grizzly bear claws and his leggings jacket and moccasins were of w white bite skins ornamented with human h hair air in later years when the struggle white supremacy reached its height the movements of the sioux tribes were a matter of intense interest es t the who had moved farthest west were the principal division of the dakota people this great tribe was ft as composed of seven others of which the and were the last sioux to go on reservations these tribes even defied the great white father and insisted that they did not want gifts but the right to go to war and take scalps as they had always done the ogallala another teton tribe were the file terror of 0 the frontier it was said of the teton tribes that they had all the indian virtues of bravery cunning treachery and hospitality pita lity they were toes foes to nil all but each other these wild independent people held their land against the whit whites e a as long as they could and it Is impossible not to admire them the sioux uprising of 1862 shows plainly to what lengths these people would go little crow and the who had bad come into more intimate contact with the whites than any other band tried to wipe kipe out the settlers in minnesota and SOO whites were killed in this war in which several of the sioux tribes participated some of the most horrible cruelties cruel ties known to history were committed by the indians at this time however not all the sioux were so mall malignant gnant it was a yankton chief who warned the 0 of f the impending uprising and saved saed hundreds of lives thereby when gold was discovered in the black hills the minert miners wito who crowded into sioux te territory precipitated a fierce outbreak we cannot blame the sioux for resenting the invasion of these uncouth and conscienceless men but for the good of the growing states they had bad to be subdued almost the final battle of this perlo period we was 3 custers Ou famous last stand on the little bighorn june 15 1878 1876 which has attal attained ned such a prominent place in the history of the west sitting bull chief was the medicine man of the indians on this occasion the so called sioux uprising of 1800 during which sitting bull was killed was the result of the ghost dance excitement it Is alleged that the indian agents on the sioux reservation were utterly incompetent and the lack of promised rations ii a serious matter for people accustomed to rove as they w would 01 lid to provide for themselves was perhaps the underlying cause of the outbreak hun hunger ger and fear are very real sensations an and dowhen when 1 in their trouble the sioux heard that a revelation had been given their excitement led to the outbreak this revelation from the god of the red men foretold a new dispensation when the whites would be driven out and the indians would attain their former status tb the a songs and dances which the prophet gave gage induced a hypnotic condition and in I 1 these trances the sioux became once more the magnificent lords of the land the awakening was harsh sitting bull whose strong personality had im hued his tribesmen and kept them in a fever of unrest was dead and oen gen nelson A miles allies rode into the pic ture ills his was also a strong personality and he had trained troops at ills ids back western newspaper union anlon |