Show touch of white in new print frocks by CHERIE NICHOLAS i t 1 1 t t t t i M i tp x V A V its the little finishing tou clies which count in making a dress no one appreciates this fact so keenly its does the amateur seamstress who has undertaken to make her own simple dresses her one chopo Is that the frock or blouse whichever sho happens to be making will not have a homemade home mado ionic to most women it Is tile the edges which presents the most perplexing pio problem blem well why not do them the trim stich way its ever so BO simple when you know how bow dow on N your our sewing a Is tills this neat acut raid pd attractive stitching which his has ts effect of rows of outline embroidery before we wa tell you how to do it we would call your attention to tile alie two perfectly charming print dresses in the picture our reason tor for thus digressing ja is that it may into rest you to know knew that the graceful white crepe bertha c collars clars which so BO attractively style t these 11 ese frocks are finished about their hemlines hellines hem lines in the trim stitch way for the benefit of those who feel the urge to try this inhere interesting stag experiment peri pert ment lieres heres how you simply thread the coarsest of machine needles with a special trim stitch thread which can lie be bought fit at almost any notion counter wind the same kind of thread on the bobbin set tile the gauge for nine or ten stitches to the inch and sew the thread rony may be in self color or it may contrast the material A tr leolor trl color effect Is suggested that Is when there are three rows of stitching such as adorn the alie collar which graces the dress dres s at the top tile alchu like collar below shows only two rows of trim stitching the color of the thread matched to tile hie background of the print in these necklines klines it the to vogue for a touch of white Is interpreted in a roost most effective manner the majority of daytime frocks have dainty lingerie details about them tills this season an interesting feature about some of the smartest collar and sets made either of linen illien crepe pique or or gandie gandle Is 13 that they ure are often finished alshel with hand crochet ed edging ing 1931 western we paper union |