Show intermountain news briefly told by busy readers MONEY MAKING PRINTER LARGE CONTRACT CONTRA Cf IS LET NOTICE OF MARRIAGE IMER SCHOOL BOOKS BERYLLIUM FOUND WELLS NEV the discovery of a large beryllium deposit near mear this city Is reported by II 11 W young toung a nevada mining man the nature ot of the flod find Is said to lave have been kept secret until an assay was received the mineral Is now selling at per pound SALT CITY UT bupt supt 0 N X jensen of the state public instruction st department has hag ruled that utah district schools are required to lend without cost textbooks to pupils under high school prides grades and to sell at cost textbooks when pupils want to buy them ABERDEEN IDA sheriff J D jensen ot of blackfoot Blaek toot and a united states marshal arres carl W smith tin nn employee of the local newspaper for three weeks and late of new york on a charge of counterfeiting ter felting dies end and other apparatus is said to have licen been found la in his room at a local hotel ROCK BOCK SPRINGS WYO labor and material contracts totaling over was considered at the state highway meeting at cayenne the projects include surfacing and oiling tho the road between the green river bridge and the utah line and 88 38 miles between rock springs and by august 1931 tourists may travel over miles of oiled lincoln highway in wyoming MOSCOW IDA geological and field work to be conducted in idaho id this summer by the U S geological survey will more than double the proportions of any previous cooperative project in the abo state reports dr J W rinh rin h of the university 0 of idaho school of mines BOISE IDA the idaho law requiring notice motice of intent to marry Is now in effect this law provides that application for marriage license must be made by the parties to the intended marriage at leaha five days aldeno more than thirty days before th the e license shall be Is aed sued SALT LAKE CITY UT preliminary plans for a gala observance of pioneer day july 24 as submitted to the chamber of commerce e have been approved SALT LAKE UT three more utah counties millard Ull lard davis and morgan Ifor gart have been added to the list of ct those recognized by the he united states bureau of animal industry as free from bovine tuberculosis of to that effect has been received ROCK SPRINGS WYO D beo bee was crushed to death instantly by a fall of rock in the gunn quealy mine milne at sweetwater MT PLEASANT UT A I 1 local a I 1 sheep man las has shipped a car load loada 0 ot f rambouillet rams to mexico cit city mexico SALT LAKE UT according to announcement by mrs james ingebretsen I 1 ng president the recently organized university of utah mothers club will hold bold its next me meeting et wednesday may 13 mothers or guardians of utah university are invited to attend the ill meeting in the faculty room of tle the anh university erdity raice PRICE UT plans are rapidly going forward for the annual utah state elate elks convention here june 5 and 0 approximately 2000 visitors from all parts of the state are ex e pecked to attend with delegates coming from lodges in salt lake provo ogden logan park city cedar city and eureka springville SPRING VILLE IVILLE UT gaining an entrance thru a window burglars dynamited the high school safe but found no vioney money as the high s school floal officials cals leave no money in the safe A heavy loss by robbery last fall has caused the removal of money from the safe BOISE IDA the old age pension law passed by the recent idaho legislature became effective on the fifth of may BOISE IDA the public utilities commission has arranged the filing of a complaint against tho the railroads in nn an attempt to secure lower rates ow on coal shipped frold froia wyoming and utah points to all idaho points on the oregon short line and pacific idaho northern railroad BOISE IDA over oter two million milito n dollars have been distributed to the idah world war veterans on oil their adjusted service certificates commonly called bonus by the vete veterans raLs administration at boise although over oter five fire thousand applications th ris for loans have been received at the bolce boise office the present loan work Is all on current applications OGDEN UT thirty five federal aid projects have been let in the idaho district thita year by the ogden office of the he U S government BOISH IDA preservation of et the beet sugar indu industry atry Is the alra aim of a campaign now being conducted by the united states beet sugar association with headquarters at washington Flon which has appealed to gov bakoss B ross to lend his bis aid to tc tho the movement OGDEN UT As the result of the accidental death march 30 of ray anderson 8 run over hy nn an auto driven by C manning the mother of tho boy las has filed suit for damages |