Show BUNDING department giant brantl ran tL L bayles left friday to br baing ing home his wife who has spent the last basti two months in provo where a little son was born friends fi sends and relatives w will ill welcome them home miss bliss helen ranney hns has gone t to salt lake where she expects to be employed thru thiu the summer misses mis elizabeth carol cairol may bell carroll can oil and ila jones have left to vacation months in salt lake city frank kartchner ani his father john kartchner returned retained this week to their home in Bl mm urray ray zeke johnson piloted four cara can of sight seeing tourists thru town eaily in the week mr johnson spends most of his time prompting san juan the chapter of the american legion gave a Mot mothers tiers day P arty to all ali war mothers friday afternoon gold star mothers were especially remembered and nil all moth era en received refreshments were served and a ewt enjoyable time was had by all present |