Show monticello CREAM STATION COMPANY buyers of J alth CREAM M EGGS POULTRY G manager dr W J rogers DENTIST DOLORES COLO tp I 1 A ff avant 0 tell me whit what can I 1 do to improve my lot sure im I 1 m a fanner I 1 like farming I 1 was raised raised on the soil so were my folks I 1 1 I ought to be able to sell my stuff as soon as its its ready well I 1 im m doing that now I 1 take my butterfat eggs and poultry to the nearest swift company produce plant and I 1 ought to have ready cash just as soon as I 1 make delivery I 1 get that too swift company for all they take as they take it at the full market price 1 I ought to patronize my own community and deal with other people who do ye yes s true well swift company has employed emp loyes in over towns and they all work aik oik for the company in their own home 2 towns and spend their money there too ak they pack ick and distribute the swift brends brands right v aci c they li live e many of them are arc our own townsfolk helping this town to grow helping to our cur schools stores and banks d it seems to me thit that t im I 1 m e setting etting a good S va square deal now and it ft gives me men a real feeling 5 t 1 1 of to know that im part of an organization of employed emp loyes and A that it Is able to make a reasonable 1 return en cn their investment rind and 0 operate p ra t e si successfully on an average profit fraai effon all squires sources of only p a small fi fraction action t of a cent per pound A t virdi jav i 1 9 NOTICE or OP MOTION TO APPOINT GUARDIAN AU AD IN THE DI distri T COURT OF THE SEVENTH DISTRCT IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF SAN JUAN JUAN STATE OF UTAH THE FEDERAL LAND BANK OF BERKELEY a corpor aaion plaintiff vs EMMA EMATA E CUDNEY et ct ol al defendants TO HELEN CUDNEY AND EMMA 9 B CUDNEY THE PERSON WITH WHOM SAID HELEN CUDNEY RESIDES please take notice that on tuesday the aid day of june 1931 at the courthouse in the city of monticello Mont iceo t county of sar san juin juan state of utah I 1 at the hour horn of 10 1000 00 A al or 01 as a soon as counsel can be heard 1 plaintiff will move moe the court to appoint a guardian ad leitem litem for foi the defendant helen cudney on the tha ground that said defendant is a minor ander the age of 14 years and resides i sides ok k of at this state stale that is to say avat ibi at s sud ud 1 I int minor nor resides with said armma E cudney at new canton state of illinois in making sa said d motion plaintiff plain tiff will use all of 0 f the papers and tiles files in in this ibis case and the he d acree of distribution distri Lution in the I 1 matter of the estate ul charles wi audney deceased now on file in in thel the defice of the clerk of said iam coul dated this thib day dav of april 19 1931 31 RICHARD W V YOUNG DUNG ya KNOX PATTERSON attorneys Atto ineys for plaintiff V fust arst publication lay april annl 1931 last publication day may 1933 1931 SUMMONS IN THE DIST hlL 0 11 r 1 URT W F atif T i N SEVENTH JUDICIAL DISTRCT IN AND FOR THE COUNTY 01 0 SAN JUAN STATE OF UTAH I 1 THE FEDERAL LAND BANK or OF I 1 BERKELEY a corporation plaintiff ia vs EMMA E CUDNEY ilo also known as emma cudney a widow THE monticello 31 NAT N A T IONAL FARM LOAN association a corporation successor to the piute diute national farm faini loan A association a corporation SARAH BELLL LANGFAHL atlen CUDNEY FIRST DOE SECOND DON DOE and THIRD DOE and EMMA EMM V as guardian gu anian id ad latent litem of helen cudney minor defendants the state of utah to the above named defendants bounre you ire hereby lo 10 ito 1 to appear within twenty days nt i the service senne of this summons dpn m you ou if serbei within the county in which this action is brought thin thirty dis days after service sc ivice and defend the above entitled cn titled action and aej in in ease ciso of your failure so to do judgment will vill he be rendered lon dered against you according acco idina to the immar d of the complaint which has been filed with the clerk of said court and a copy of which is is heie he vitti ferid upon unon you sou thi action is brought to foreclose a rooi mortgage in the abo above e entitled action on the following described lands situated and being in san juan jinn copat v state of of f utah to wit I 1 tb west half of section m 26 b twp tap 34 sv S v R 25 E S L M 7 RICHARD W YOUNG KNOX P PATTERSON i attorney attai acia 3 for plaintiff first publication cation etli day dav april annl L ast publication day alay 1031 1931 Nol OTICE leeo OF SA SALE LE pursuant to the provisions of section of the compiled laws of utah 1917 as amended by clafter cl apter of the session laws of utah I 1 1921 and in iii accordance accor accordance Sance with a reso resolution lution of the board of county commissioners Commissi oneia of san an juan coun county ty state of utah passed and adopted at EL a regular ine meeting eting of the said board of county commissioners held hed on the ath day of april 1931 by which resolution luvon it was determined that the eald eaid san juan county state of utah has received tax deeds for the real property properly hereinafter described which faid caid real estate has heretofore hereto foie been cold for foi delinquent taxes taw ari and has ws not been redeemed notice is is hieb y given that the said board of county commissioners of san juan county state of utah will sell for cash cah at public auction at the front door of the county court house in in monticello san juan county state of utah at 10 A M on saturday Satu iday may 23 1931 the following described real leal estate state which when suld sold for taxes as aforesaid was taxed in the name of the persons pel sons indicated in each instance mcnaughton F W H SIA section 33 twp tap 28 south of range 26 E S L M 1027 pass bass W R sec EM 5 twp tap 29 S R 24 E 2610 wilco edgar sec 6 NV see sec 7 twp tap 29 S R I 1 14 4 L b S c L al 12 hyatt hiatt glen WJ WW see sec 8 twp tap 21 S R 21 E S L M 41 Tan pien annie lots 1 2 3 4 wa nwe we see IS tp 29 S R 24 E ep S L al ai Tan langron Tangi gron cn lucian NEU see 18 tp 29 S R 24 E S L al M 4 wright wm win E see sec 30 ali N SW SEU SW SEI SE see sec 31 twp tap 30 S R 26 E S L AT boutelle lee 4 NE 14 SE sec 6 N 12 NW 14 see sec 8 see sec 5 axt twp 32 S R 25 E austn colonel L essau sec 18 see sec 17 twp tap 32 S R 25 E mcknight geo blots 3 4 5 6 11 14 15 11 sec 3 twp tap 32 S R afi 26 E black S E see sec 29 tw tap twp 3 32 2 S R 21 E redd 11 IT SWU see sec 29 twp tap 32 S R 24 E redd myrtle see sec 34 14 tap twp 32 S R 24 E S L af black D P seia SE see sec 20 twp tap 32 S R 24 E rutledge 11 S beg at a point which bears N 63 deg dee 26 inin W 1118 of SE cor sec 1 twp tap 27 S R 23 E thence 1 W 20 clis N 15 achs W 1998 N behs hs VV 20 E 30 cli alx S 9 f els E lii 3 achs S 10 achs K F JJ elm S 25 clis hansen 11 L I 1 SEI see sec 30 twp tap 3 33 1 1 S R 24 E S L HI 10 acres 7 gonzalez J P aie inet N SWI see sec 17 twp tap 33 S R 23 E S L M douglas garlan carlan E knevi N J see sec 14 twp tap 34 S R 24 E S L L wright walter W E NW 1 J see sec 14 sec 23 twp tap 34 S R 24 E 2799 redd anna P J SEU SEH sec 25 twp tap 34 S R 24 E bussey 11 II S section 19 twp tap 34 S R 25 r barnes wm 0 NIA N see sec 30 twp tap 35 S R 20 26 E cole D D lots 1 2 3 4 sec 26 twp tap 34 S R 23 26 E S L af washburn guy S gnei SN Ei NW awine I 1 NE iNE aa NE NW Wi 1 I see sec 33 31 wa sec 34 twp tap 35 S R 23 E harvey douglas beg SO ads B E of jve 4 cor see sec 26 twp tap 36 S R 22 E S L al th E 56 ft S 27 leg deg 30 min E ft S 37 deg 33 35 min jav W ft N ft I 1 5 0 young john R beg SO 80 rd ads 37 S of NE cor see 10 twp tap 37 S R 22 E S L M th W 80 ria S ads E 86 ads S 45 ads ada E 2 ardc N 30 90 ads E F 41 41 rasi N 80 d young martin R beg at E EU cor sec 10 twp tap 37 S R 22 E th S SO ads W 42 ads N 80 ads E 42 rde rda to beg oliver W E soc see 27 NE it NE V S NE basei Na SEi I 1 sec gee 28 twp tap 37 S R 22 E S L al gates cates melvin awl lots lota 11 12 13 14 sec 3 twp tap 32 S R 25 E redd john W elceva sec 23 E an W see 26 25 sec ce 20 G twp tap 34 S R 24 E newman J W W lot 8 plat IS J bluff townsite 1251 john doe lot 9 plat B bluff townsite 1015 newman lot 10 plat B bluff townsite nielson leona J lot 17 plat B bluff townsite less the following beg NW cor lot 17 th S 3 E N 3 W 3 clip 1364 john doe boj doj lot 12 plat P r bluff fown townsite site less the following beg at NW cor lot 12 th S E achs c hs N 5 deg W N 3 01 W to to beg 1115 nix lena ni see sec 13 twp tap 33 S R 25 E redd L IT II lot 20 20 plat B bluff townsite 2762 newman J W lot I 1 blk 1 plat A bluff townsite 1615 karnell F V IT elock block 6 and 7 plat A bluff town nielson jons jens P lot 2 blk 12 plat all A bluff town jarvis olive lots 13 14 31 I 1 blk 5 ucolo bucolo townsite young alaska beg NE cor blk 25 Al monticello townsite th S 1395 feet W 2145 ft N 1395 ft ate E 2146 2145 ft martinez juan lot 2 blk 1 monticello townsite 2378 barton sarah lot 4 blk L monticello townsite barton edgar M lot I 1 blk L monticello Montie ello townsite town sito redd IT II IT II lot I 1 blk 15 blanding townsite towns Ste 1432 washburn Wash bum A L lot 1 elk blk 25 blanding tow ristie washburn guy lot 3 blk 25 blanding townsite hurst 0 P lot 1 blk 61 blanding townsite 2379 hurst goo A jr lot I 1 blk 2 lyman addition I 1 blanding town townsite sito 1004 1094 thornell ornell jesse jcsse lot 2 blk 6 5 blanding Bland ng townsite lyman addition VI wilkins R L NE nea 4 1 SWU I 1 see sec 35 tap twp T p 34 S R 25 E S L M IA Peters cn A C SEI SEU 4 NEU jwia see sec 1 N annei NN Ei neinah see sec 12 tp 32 S R 25 E 1 peterson Pc teron max alax D NE IA W az SE sei sec 8 gnp twp 34 S R 26 E 2201 harvey hancy nancy dee beg 1 76 ft E of WA cor see sec 26 tap twp TV p 30 36 S R 22 E th E 2885 ft S 37 leg dee 35 mm min W ft N 27 deg 30 min iw ft 2041 20 11 terms of sale cash lawful money of the united states of arneri arneria a the paid of county coarns boners ra reserve resen e the to rejeb t bid and withdraw from sale any of ef the said tracts for which no sufficient ud 1 d I 1 ii made given by order of the board of county of san juan county state of utah dated this day of april abtil 0 1931 11 seal FRANI FRANK HALIS HALiy county clerk in and fi bov san juan county state of utah NOTICE TO CREDIT ORS IN THE SEVENTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT COURT FOR THE STATE OF UTAH WITHIN AND FOR SAN JUAN COUNTY estate of Alich michael nel dooley deceased creditors will present claims with vouchers vou cheis to the undersigner undersigned under signed at his residence in monticello san junn juan county utah on or before the day of june 1031 CHARLES BURR administrator first pub apr aar 23 last may 21 OF THE INTERIOR U S land office at salt lake city utah february 20 1931 notice is hereby given that pearl spencer of salt lake city utah who on september 17 1919 filed desert land entry no allowed oct 8 1924 for SE SW 14 sa s1 4 so section seven Wi SWA section eight Na daneu NE NEU SWI inett section eielt een cen township 32 south ranga 23 east salt lake meridian has filed notice of her intention to complete the purchase of said land under tho the pro vitious lo 10 n s of the act of march maieli 4 1029 1929 A any n y ind all poisons persons claiming adversely oo 00 above land or desiring for foi nav reason to object to the completion of the purchase pui chase and final entry thereof by tlc alc applicant should file their affidavits of p protect otest in 1 dupic picato ate in this office during tho the 8 SO 30 day period of publication dimmed isely fol lowing lowling the first printed asue of this notice ather other ase viso the applis a tion may be allowed alloy cd ELI F TAYLOR register first pub apr aar ag 10 last may 14 after aftic spending 29 10 days locked in a trunk hunk a pet cat bolon belonging giri g t to 0 D dor or othy manning of birmin obain has ended its long ions fast and is catching up on its me meals als d |