Show newspapers ARE FAIR the newspaper is a necessity in the present day com munn ity to one temporarily deprived of his paper it it seems as indispensable as bread and water no on will be long without a newspaper once he has learned to read and acquired the newspaper habit although newspapers contain editorials comic strips serial erial stories special articles recipes etc they are hought bought principally because the human mind hungers hunger for news people have an insatiable curiosity about what is goi i on first in their own community and then in the rest of the he world last newspaper publishes the most news the most success fv 11 newspaper is that one that succeeds best in gathering and presenting prez enting the news the subscriber has a right to demand that all the news be published and the publisher is justified in refusing to suppress news that is the rightful property of readers of his paper under ordinary cil circumstances cum stances an editor who I 1 printed a certain kind of df item about another would not be an honest trustworthy newspaperman and yet so called best citizens ire are always asking or expecting without asking editors to do that very thing they see nothing dishonest unfair or immoral in such demands but anthe on the contrary accuse editors who ref refuse use them of being dishonest and immoral there are some newspapers that can present all news so as neither to offend nor harm and there ore arc otlie other newspapers pars that can call present no news without offending and injuring there as much difference between bet veen newspapers as between men and it is no less unfair to indict all papers for the sins of the few than to indict pal 11 society for the sins of a few of its members |