Show CLUB IN FAVOR ROUTE ROOTE TO FLAGSTAFF ELECT OFFICERS th the a lions alb held their re gulai gulay monthly meeting last wednesday evening at the hotel hyland reports of the years work were made and the election of officers was held the new officers are aid president heber frost pro s t vice president dont hans jensena secretary G F stuart tall tail twister Twi guy eagleberger lion tamer horace allred and directors arthur wood and H E blake A v vote 0 to of thanks was given the outgoing officers for the efficient work they had done the meeting went on record as be being ingin in favor of having route continued io to flagstaff there were stunts by the membern which i pr provoked 0 evoked much merriment 1 the next meeting will beajay bea may 0 A college youth who is 18 reported to know 12 languages ought to be equipped for changing tires 1 |