Show OUR CANDIDATE FOR jg in casting about for foi a candidate i i to head the democratic ticket of the county the nominating consention conen tion did so 0 o with the primary ob object act of selecting ing one whose known integrity was above aboa e reproach and chese interests were such that we felt that lie he could be introduced to the voters with the full confidence that if elected he be would represent sent them in the be legisla gisla tive halls balls of the state without being tied to any special class interest and could go to tile the capital with the sole in intention fention and will to serve the best Inter interest estt of the whole people unbiased and in the person of benj beni D black blacket kot ot manding blanding tile the party thought it had found such a man and respectfully asks that the voters consider this when casting their ballots at the polls I 1 mr black has lived in san gan juan county for diore more than twenty years he be has risen to an unassuming but honored position in his community through an ailed life of fidelity to every cause to which he be has been balled called the party chose him to represent resent it because of tre fi fact that there here has never been a smirch on his c character har acter and believing that should he he be elected his record in the legis I 1 dative latae halls of the state will reflect credit on the county for which he stands |