Show negro baby death rate far higher than white A greater proportion of the babies of negro parents die than of v valto parents whether born bom in country or city the most marked difference being in the urban areas of the south the united states public health service comes to this conclusion after study of the united states census reports and state plate mortality records fou foil a group 0 of f northern and southern states and tour four southern cities the th trend for negro babies was found usually to follow that tor for white babies la irk the same locality 1 in two cities baltimore and richmond the mortality role tor for negro infants has declined more rapidly than that tor for white As in the case ot of white babies the mortality for negro children Is extremely high during the first month of life but tile rates for the latter do not decrease as rapidly as for the white during the later months of the first year of life pneumonia Is one of the principal causes of the high excess ot of negro deaths between the fifth and tenth montil month united states ChIl dreWn bureau |