Show buy Buil buildings dinas for post office service ace saving of seen by brown brownia if program Is carried out lV aShIngton of the postal leasing situation in varl various gis c cities I 1 ties 0 has convinced postmaster oene rill brown the government timid could savl in the next nett 0 years li by bining more than buildings now under lease it was learned recently brown bronn Is planning to frany mit tri to congress next december it list of f tin cities and sites filepe lie bellcom bellodi bell coe 1 it would be best for the to buy properties pro ties nony now being Ilean meanwhile wid le tile department Is anfor molly mally inquiring into prices of tile the prop artles sought spends OCO yearly the department spends for rental of postal build lugs ilig ts tills siston wa atas S assailed in III colin gress during ti alie le last season when lion it was charged that dentals nrc being in many mann anees acting under ot of alie th blaine tion a senate subcommittee ta is now inquiring separately into postil postal leases acting postmaster Gen viral coleman said tile department lind had lieen been making its own inquiry for sl six and also has operated cooperated co with the suniti committee by 1 deving it nil all needed data alle while substantial economics econom lis are possible if tile government should buy the buildings it rents coleran coleman added it Is impracticable to do tills this in soule some cases because we e rent only part of a i Pull building ding to buy the many small sub post omes now rented would not effect it worthwhile savins saving because ninny many of these smaller places tire aie in only temporary use S bouti souti outa high rent charges clia charges ages tint that the alie post Is pay pai jn ang higher lil glier rentals than warranted by property values were vi piously denied by coleman who declared the government Is paying less ln in most ellse thun adjoining lessee leshem 4 lie sald tills vs inalle possible lieval lse w business men lne hae loer rents to 0 bufill a 11 bill post in n their neigh horl hori tood everia dpn it saving colemun coleman bald do df I 1 little ill le to reduce the de Illin lents i annual dell delimit it we e will always line u under tinder present pr e sent antis with the flip economies now hell he bald M 1 11 fills announced his intention of asking congress to liKie lite rense iise the first vin 99 rateau ruef lu U tents cents lie he illis hils additional re ii denue will III to tn llie tie deficit a arter the pru aruti kinli ant lus been a apted in III ion aith alie economy pro gram i ei of if the tit service serce in 11 00 ip miles Is now in pr pio ogress giess i coleman Co lerin said ild |