Show TEACHER IS VERY interesting state schol authorities give valuable bai assistance to making session a success i I 1 on friday Priday october 3 the teachers of the san juan schools enjoyed one of the most interesting ind institutes ever held in the district the instructors from the state office of education c ducati oil were misses matilda peterson in charge of primary education and mr lofter bjarnson in abarge of the grammar grade and junior high school education supt bupt H N lloyd hansen was in charge and presided at both sessions after welcoming the teachers and visitors and explaining the he purpose of thi the institute he introduced mr bjarnson Bjarn soi as the speaker mr bjarnson told of going croin to 66 iceland last summerton summer sum merto to attend the thou eidth anniversary of the congress ef cf iceland and of going from there to benmark renmark to study an experiment in education the danish folk school whose function is to train for happy contented farm faim life in denmark Denmar khe he met the indian poet philosopher and st statesman with whom he discus discussed d the present situation in in india indi following this talk department meetings were held miss peterson havink having charge of the work for the primary poi mary teachers mr bjarnson meeting with the teachers ol 01 the grammar caf grades and high school at Bj aiTson talked odthe of the spiritual possibilities os bili ties in teach nig saying saving that th teachers tea cheis faith in tho work arid and his faith in the children is necessary rec essary for effective teaching lie he gave these I 1 ideas worth thou thoughtful gotful consideration no noc h hili should ever be discouraged by the tle teachers attitude toward him or his handling of him scolding stultifies the intellect the fundamental learning object objective we is a chanat in the individual the product of beaming s a mode of thinking and doing laziness lazin ess Is is a symptom not the disease he then discussed thu necessary steps in effective teaching technique teaching that will lead to the desired des jred learning objective at noon the teachers and visitors bad lunch together at the hyland hotel enjoying not only the food but the social contacts and the songs 0 oi mr arch bronson and of the blanding teachers in the afternoon meeting miss peterson paid a heartfelt and touch to uch ing tribute to mrs maude A palmer whose loss is keenly felt in the educational cat field J B HaiTs spoke of the educational ti heeds heed dihe county paying tribute jo apt arinsen lr H insen a ansen for his work in the th department de klimmt meeting mi ah bjarnson gave a technical discus slot of the daily dailye program 3 r for the junior high school 1 baking that the fundamental purposes ot of the junior high school so are to provide rade a gradual franb hion from grades to the higher gaa grades and to provide at environment for I 1 exploratory ap I 1 or atory activities musical numbers were furnished by the monticello aabol a vocal solo by b mildred blacky black accompanied by y naoma black a piano solo by maxine redd and a song by w a group of high school I 1 1 t miss mati latilda lda Pa peterson erson state mary supervisor of schools met with the teacher odthe four lower in the fore uon the time was in discussing difficulties which had been met with ly by tea cheri in their work this year she gave kanj man su suggestions 1 gest ions vich will help ir overcoming these difficult difficulties le 9 particular at att was given to work for rooms having baying several grades miss Peter soi gave out bulletins containing suf sub gc gest ions for work which can he be done by the children at their desks while other classes are reciting citing le and which will help them in their work in reading arithmetic tic and othor othe r subjects in the afternoon misi peterson torson Pe spoke of the ainis aims of schools of the present saying that these thes e aims I 1 were no longer the ten teaching ching of the three Rs but rather the teaching of the three Cs which stand for character culture and citizenship 0 |