Show LINE HIE NEWS stanley wilson VY ilson who owns a neat egnar has return returned d from a pro longed lomed stay in calif ainia ania mrs airs clement job johnson and daughters l of horsehead were shopping in northdale Nort hdale one day last week A herd of sheep beep belonging t to 0 john adams of bazing blanding passed by north dale sunday going to their winter range lange L V shutt 0 assisted howell did some tractor cieni clearing ing for clarence en ae frost anthe on the new highway last I 1 week I 1 S M conn went to rico sunday to attend the regular meeting ol 01 ca county commissioners which convenes convenes the first monday in each month mr and alid mrs T J byrum who spent p e n a two weeks vacation jn in an ami abound ai uno d rove cove creek returned last week k to their home in skellytown Skelly town texas superintendent lloyd hansen pass ed through North dalo sunday taking miss terry of provo utah to arado where she ab will teach the winter term of school I 1 B 0 O peters and mother have bave been called to io hominy oklahoma on account i of the serious illness of his bro bi therl other sam peters who is d a aromi ent ct business man of that place fiani d kincaid Kinc nid of tulia texas ba has been in in this vicinity buying potatoes ta boes lie he lefta left a few days day a with a foad load which abich he expected to sell bell in non mexico the price paid was i mr I 1 and 0 t u companies companied compa c nied bemiss by miss evla eva may ander tori who teaches the ucolo bucolo school w arr hi onar on friday of last week w eek miss sa an anderton lerton was attending the lie teachers Tea cheis institute I 1 miss violet hoel teacher of the C coal al bed school accompanied county superintendent mrs mary E livingston to nto to durango to attend the teachers institute which is held there on friday and sa saturday of this week JL L V shutt went to dolores tues bues dayto day to bring outa out a new owens bean thresher in which he be with S M conn G george eorge brown and G W males have a t writ joint ownership bean threshing in ilias this vici vicinity niti commenced this ceeil the W LC C was entertained at the home 0 of fars mrs N G cook on wednesday afternoon of last week after the regular order of business an interesting er talk on taxes was given by coun county ty ass assessor estor N G cook the questions quest questionnaire ionn a ire at this meeting was on the southern states after adjournment refreshments were served by the hostess mrs W L L larrence a arence and mrs airs oneil of dove creek were guests the next meeting will basat be at the home of mrs karl howell on oct |