Show i JACK HURT 1 J 1 I 1 JN IN A i CAR ACCIDENT I 1 i I 1 the fol following loIng item broil froia the enterprise a ne adent BC dent toj et I 1 ame r resident of monticello conticello will be read with regret by jacks many friends friend hereabouts I 1 mr J E who was severely cut on the shoulder by y glass in a car accident in salt lake city two weeks ago is ia now thought though tto to be improving but is very weak mr was ct crossing an intersection when the lights changed e d i a and n d he was forced tto ito jump on the running board of 4 a passing auto to avoid being by another a obber car the door of the auto swung open and mr crashed into the glass rutt rutting ng his shoulder seriously lie ile was taken to the emergency licis hospital pital where the wound was dressed and several stitches taken but he be lost much blood before this was done he later came to his home in ephriam Ephr lam he did noi not improve as well as he be should dhave have done and on wednes daywan taken to manti for an xray x ray picture to see if any glass remained in the wound which was found not to be the case he suffered another rather serious hemorrhage thursday which put him in bed and he was reported to be improved friday his arm became badly swollen followings follo following the accident but that is going down now |