Show turning and leveling URNS right and left and level flight were next taught by instructions through the speaking akini tube connected to my helmet and by deaf and dunah signals my instructor told to do turns were taught at 2000 feet to which w aich we climbed without word or signal at that attitude altitude lie leveled ott off and wiggled the stick the signal for or me to take tile the controls ont rols relax look at your instruments occasionally enjoy the ride wat it for my mj signals you are in charge itow now he said through the phones ue ile had retarded the throttle as we leveled off at OW feet uy sly tachometer read 1450 revolutions a minute the air was bumpy without warning the plane would drop suddenly then it would rise lust just as suddenly at first those bumps bothered me I 1 soon learned to like ilka them A jerk of my illy instructors thumb over the right side signaled for a right turn I 1 moved the stick an inch or two to the right and we banked sharply to the right too sharley again I 1 moved tile the stick to the left of neutral and as tile the plane come came back to level leel moved it to neu neutral t rat A finger pointed skyward told me to bring the nose up I 1 had find dropped it in the turn I 1 pulled the stick back an inch or two and the nose came up too much again A downward movement of the finger said bring it down met taing the nose find the ii lor orlon lion and pick out some object on the fuselage ahead of you now while WP we are level that you can use as a sight lie he advised to tell when the ship lb ib level look along your sights and if you see horizon you ore level it if you iou see sky you are climbing if rou ou see ground you are diving thirty tul minutes ol 01 right and left turn straight hying flying road following and my instructor spoke again you have the idea of turn now you tou go into them too abrill and you come out too fast they should be made steadily and era scully I 1 hake have been operating tile the rudder for you let ine me jakc the lie controls now ne he banked around tor for a look in all directions and cut tile the motor to idling filling for th glide to the held field et 1030 newspaper union |