Show dunoff nOff afar rainfall affects W water atar power in tile study of tile ran fall it has been gradually realized real izod that the run ott calls for lust just AS s I 1 il much luell investigation as tile preel piti flon in fact it lias has been found that the runoff run off oft la Is even niora more variable than the rainfall the run ofa Is that patt of rainfall which finds its way to the streams and Is available for generating hydro electrical power powei tills this ort on Is not ft a fixed percent age ag ge when the ground Is very dry it absorbs absorb all al the rainfall rind anil there Is no runoff run uno off fr whon when the earth Is saturated practically every drop fit arnin fall runs off 07 thus when it i severe drought strikes an area usually well watered ered the lie drop in runoff run off olt Is much in wre ore pronounced than tile slit billage afi pr e all of this ims has beam been known in fit a general way but it lias is taken a prolonged dry spell ell to make it really appreciated rind and water power PI plants ants that were planned from rainfall records without proper allowance for tile still grenter greater fluctuations in run off have suffered tile the recognition of tills this relationship reta tion ship will undoubtedly save the industry many millions of dollars in able invests ments and will safeguards safeguard the consumer because of greater reserves that will be provided hereafter registering nc trade mark maks trade marks were first registered under laws 0 of f the united states in ls 0 o under the act of july 8 1870 1810 during 1870 there were registrations under tinder that law the first thereof nol xo 1 und under r date of October 25 ISTO by averill akerill chemical paint company of new yorki york prior to the enactment of such law protection was sought to be secured in a few instances through taking out patents for designs for trade marks tile the act of july 8 1870 within a few years was declared vold void by the united states supreme sul ireme court trade mark cases as unconstitutional the subsequent net act of march 3 was superseded by the act of february 20 1005 which was supplemented by the acts of may 4 1006 and march 10 1920 1020 all of these three now in force I 1 |