Show STATEMENT OF THE OWNER etc of the aforesaid publication for SHIP management the date shown in the above caption 1 on TIO TION it ETC REQUIRED BY THE required by the act of august 24 ACT OF CONGRESS OF AUGUST 1912 enilio embodied died in section postal 2 21 1 1912 laws and regulations printed on of the san juan record published reverse reverse of this form to wit weekly at monticello utah for oct 1 I that the names and addresses of 1 1930 he be publisher editor managing editor state of utah thie the business manager are publisher ss editor managing editor and business county of san juan manager is H E blake monticello before me a notary public in and utah for the state and county aforesaid 2 that the owner is if the tha p publication u bli I 1 personally appeared 11 II E blake who is owned by an individual his having been duly sworn according to name and address addiss or it if owned by law deposes ard and says that he is the more than one individual the names editor of the san juan record and and addresses of each should be giyen given that the following is to the best of below if the publication is owned by his knowledge and belief a true statement a corporation the name of the corporation nt of the ownership management and the names and add addresses of the stockholders owning or holding one per cent or more ol of the thetos toll tob 0 amount o aa of stock should d be given 11 E blake monticello utah 3 that the known bondholders bond holders mortgage find and other security tj hold holders eidi owning or holding I 1 per cent or more mor morte of the total amount of bonds mortgages or other securities are state bank ofsan of san juan monticello utah H E BLAKE editor edito sworn to and subscribed before this ast 1st day of october 1930 F SEAL M A BARTON my commission expires nov 13 16 1931 constitutional amendments constitutional amendment uch such lse shall ue reduced annually claims ind and other valuable mineral deposits no I 1 in n proportion to the revenues revenue a to 0 o allocated I 1 Inc including ludina lands containing coal or hydro pr a ailed t flat at any surplus bovo the he revenue carbons carbona and all machinery wed used in mining R TO FILLIG resolution e required tor for the state dist district ac school hool and aW all property or surface tur fuco improvements VACANCIES S IN legislature fund fun ns as Provi provided dedin in section I 1 of this article upon or appurtenant to mines or mining A I 1 lount nn an asmond shall be paid into the state cenell eneal claims and the value of any surface we ue i anent n nt to section is 1 of article VI of the lh fund made of mining claims claim or mining alnina propel constitution of the state stale of cl utah if SECTION 2 of 0 state to publish city ty fur for other than mining purposes shall lalane 1 la in the legislature the secretary of state Is direct d to cause be ni nine meRsed tod as ani other tangible tun elble property be bes it resolved by the legislature of at the this prop propped oed amendment to in published 2 secretory secretary alf t state to publish state ta t e of utah uta h two thirds of all members as required by the constitution 11 ll L to toe he rho secretary of state I 1 la directed to elected to each house concurring to the elect lect ro of ic 1 stale into ht t cause this his P borei r 4 to be puli pub thia th ia the next gentra genira lee lection tion to fo the manner lashed dished as renu reared lied hv by the constitution and SECTION I 1 sections liim to he be amended provided by bv dav to lie fie submitted to the electors of the state rbt it I 1 Is proposed to tn amend end so ti 11 13 of SECTION 3 to take lake fact wh if at the next general election in th mer manner article V VI or of the f the state approved by the elect electors of the state this athla provided arn tard 1 liv law of utah so no that the same shall rent read rm proposed amendment shall like lake wool un on SECTION 3 1 in effect when be it P follows s tho day of Jn january nunry 1931 2931 proved ly by tho clec electors of f th the state this SECTION 13 12 cles to be filli fi lloil 1 ailed nith mith the societal secretary y of state feb proposed amendment torb klingl all talie take effect on clos that may occur in either house rujay rubry 25 1030 th the lot lay ilay of january 1831 9 3 I 1 of the shall bo be filled in such filed with the Eccie tary r y 0 ot t state february manner iri n may y he be provided hy by law constitutional amendment 25 1930 30 SECTION 2 secretary of state blate to pub no 3 cieli lieli a it th the L see rotary of state in dire directed eted to lo RELATING TO STATE SCHOOL FUND corstin dional amendment cu cadee I 1 this his amendment to ie e AND A OF 01 distributing IN as an require 1 11 II 1 hv bv t the be constitution no r 5 and rid to be su amit ed to the electors of he OP OF SUCH FUND A resolution CREATING A STATE state at the ric next t r nl election I 1 hi tha he A joint resolution providing for a amendments men d TAX commission ancin manni r by law ot to house joint resolution nun num A mat r ol ution proposing an amend SECTION 3 in effect hen b it if p bers three and eight passed by the leir leg meat jt to declon sect ti II of article 13 of the slature Hla in 1 amend end ture proposing to ic pi proved ved by th the elect electors 8 of f the state th arab on of if the he state hints of utah ret estate section 1 article 1 I X and section 7 A ar r p P e d amendment me adment ahall tak take eff effect t on two tide xin mil or of to r revenue and d taxation the constitution of the stale tate arc h T tt t do ln of january 1911 1011 be it II rea resolved veil hy by th the of the of utah school fund relating to the state pi filed IL d with the secretary of state february state or of ut utah s h t too ao t birds of all mm mem and the he inci of distributing th the interest manner tire 21 1830 1930 hers ba elected to each ch house of at such fund fun school and other revenues reveau c rif nf the several I 1 districts district of school th the SECTION I 1 sections section proposed to amend constitutional ional amendment stoic state conati tut that it is proposed to amend section 11 12 of no 2 be it II resolved by the legislature Leel slature of the article XIII of the constitution of 0 the resolution RELATING TO REVENUE state slate of utah two tiva thirds third of nil 11 the members me state of utah so that tb the same a will read AND TAXATION elected to each house concur concurring as fo follows ilaw there therein t A joint resolution proposing an amend SECTION 1 resolution SECTION 11 creation of state tax lax cord cora men t to sect to ioni n 2 and 3 at article IS proposed to membership governor to appoint that ta amend ad it 1 Is proposed to amend hau house of th e oaf of the state of utah joint terms term duties county bonds resolution number 8 3 relating to revenue as and ad taxation I 1 lion passed by the duties there them shall be a state tax corn com lature 0 be it resolved by the legislature at t the se diction legli ton 3 of in article 1929 10 proposing of the constitution to amend mission consisting of four members lot st state t of utah t awn thirds third of 1 all I of th the state slate of uth utah more than two of whom shall hall belong to so that the same a will 1 members member elected to te each house con read as follows t the same nine political party the in members arribere irla rank therein thI at of the commission shall hall be appointed by SECTION I 1 proceeds of lands land other SECTION 1 sections section proposed to so and the governor eo by and with the consent tf of isme amend it that it is proposed to amend property properly per cent of proceeds edan perpetual the senate for such terms of office as may letual tend fahd the of all it lands sections section 2 and 8 3 of article XIII of ct the proceeds that be provided by law iw the state tax commis constitution of the state of utah so 10 that be been or may be granted by the united shall hall administer and supervise euper vise the the awill tame ew will ill read a as I 1 follow of Stat statial eill to this stater for the support tai law of the he state it shall hall aasc udess the common a schools eloi elo I the proceeds of all SECTION 2 tangible property tto t he that mines mine and public utilities and adjust t and nd property to the state taxed how value ascertained properties may accrue lucill the valuation and ase assessment of hy by escheat forfeiture all or aclid a cli d t palde lile annual tax sha shares r as and dividends dividend of any property among the several counties count iee it in the shall have such auch othey other of original for state all tangible property incorporated under the laws of this state powers state riot not exempt under the laws law of the the proceeds dl of the sale of timber mineral assessment a as the legislature may provide united un I 1 ted states or under this thia constitution or other aith r property from school hol and ad state stale under ucb such regulation in n suh su h he hall be taxed in proportion to its value vallie lands other than th chono granted for specific cues cases and within such limitations as the to be ascertained a provided hv bv law the and legislature may prescribe it shall five purposes of the riot net per property of the united states state of at the state proceeds proceed of the sale of lands liah itch systems of public accounting review public lying courtlen count len cities towns town school within the state which shall hall be sold old proposed bond issues revise the tax levies municipal corpe corporations rations and public lib libraries the united states by and budgets of local governmental units subsequent tn til t the he ad lot lota with the thereon d mission of this state into the jonii 11 b 1 and equalize the assessment and exclusively for either religious 0 us nr he be and remain a perpetual tuni to to he of property within the counties the duties char charitable table purposes pur pones aind P pance of hurt burn called the state school fund the interest imposed upon the state board of not held or used for private or ite or of which only shall hall be distributed by the constitution and I 1 law ben c t shall be exempt from tao the several school districts among of this state shall be performed by the according to water r ta ditc hs canals reservoirs the list last preceding state tax commission power r plants tacit pu pumping ing flirt SECTION 2 resolution census d in each ce county ta of this state slate there shall ion lines line pipe pipes ti n nj J chime own owned and ad amend oil that it te its proposed to prop proposed amend house to be a county heard board of equalization eon con used hy by individuals or corporations for or ir joint resolution reio lulion number 8 passed by th the trip of the board 0 of I 1 county cin commissioners el gating lands within the state owned hy by in in 1920 proposing to 1 bors of said count county th the oty county boiardi ol of amen such or corporations or tt tse alon cir 7 of article XIII mil of the cariall atlon shall hall adjust just anil and equalize tr tin individual members member thereof shall riet not tie lie tion don of tho the state of BO that the same sam and assessment of the rial real and separately taxed as icing us they shall ho he will mill rend oa as follows personal property within their rc the own owned d onil and used exclusively for such SECTION 7 rate ct taxation not to counties subject to such regulation and ronee poses rower power plants power ariu wed exceed purpose the rate control by the state tax ii a lines arid other property used fir or of it tn ta atlon on tangible property properly shall not may ay be a prescribed by leer lav rile rho stow ax tax errit ing ond and delivering elgeti leol power a exceed on each cach dollar of valuation two tuo and the county boards of I 1 portion of bih 1 Is oil for and ad four tenths mills for general state e i iia I 1 each h have ach other th e r power for pumping water for pur pr pr ponca tw two tenths of one mill for high p powers we r as in may y be p bd by tho the leg purposes durpos 0 on a lands I 1 in n the r state of bah school purposes which shall constitute the me mey be ext fron from taxation to 0 tle 1 1 mr 1 h school fund said anad fund shall hall be 2 secretary of state to rob extent that such mich property Is used for PuAlo pu ned in the manner the p o lish the secretary of state 1 la directed to purposes these shall acerbic shall ahil rause cause this proposed amendment to be pub pill to the school districts main in t to 0 the benefit of the users usera of water mor n so BO coining horh schools and such levy lcy for cur 11 lisha hj as required by the conti tuta aind pumped ampe under such buch regulations as the lei to be to the electors elector or of the ill 11 may 1 I t boot purposes pur poe which t lot illde may the th tc of the t h anh b the interest at on an the permanent stoe sta nt at the next general genera election in the Indi indirect rent poor kiy b bp remitted or cunil and such auch other funds as may b lie mannar maniar provided by law it ft such ch t timi g end and in such mann manner r as may a ai liable for district school purposes purpose I 1 nii fl SECTION 3 to take effect be ba profir 1 ed by law tin thi lc may r annually an amount ath equals i if approved by the electors of the chiti provide for the exemption from taxation 00 0 for each h person perron of school are a in in quin the this proposed amendment thai shall I 1 take anks efat of be homes he and ad the lit at lay day of 1031 ta p nal prop as shown by I 1 the he loot preceding acho I 1 on january 6 arty t y not t to 0 belld etri eil Ld tv ti 0 hundred fifty del is the tha tarns some to in be distributed filed with the of state february local inra in value for hamoi and among 20 25 10 1920 0 I 1 h cociol district ac 6 cordina cording to the la it and one hundred dollois dollars for personal prop M aing 1 ol 01 census and in addition erty erti property propel t not to lo exceed 1000 in an aaion fund hab when addid added constitutional amendment value owned by lenons who to thor ther revenues revenue provided for this pur no fi 6 solved cried in any war in the military service pa P by the legislature be ta 00 tor for of t the h e unit united d states or of the state c of 1 fach f school RELATING TO LOCATION OP shown nhoun person th the age ado as by e by utah n and ad by the unmarried widens wadow and lat last eacil cennus said aid equall i THE STATE PRISON AND STAW STATH minor orphans of such auch pl may he lor fund d shall hall institutions 0 be apportioned to the ho exempted as the legislature leiria lature mav provide school districts dielt dIr lt in such A joint resolution an dmund arac tid i manner the as a low lon the legi Irel 1 I lature slature rho hall 11 provide by law for f hilo in lature tur shall hall provide said rates shall hall mort inert to section 3 of article of the hi constitution ution of the state of utah nual with ith relating tax an n n other sour oin not he ha increased unless a proposition to to the location of the state att prison acu ecu of revenue t to defray the estimated 0 or laor 0 iiii the same a specifying the rate or be it resolved avd the r by legislature of the expenses of the state for ench each fis rates proposed and the t time line state slate of utah two of ef the members her ral 1 yon benr r for or t thi h burp a of pay paying il ag th the the einmo hall be leil d be first submit elected acted to tacit each house concurring there state debt it if any there thera be the ted to a vote of such bucha of the Q qualified lifler el elec int ture shall provide for levying a tax arto tor of the state a as in n the year next p pr SECTION 1 section proposed to amend d sufficient to pay the annu I 1 inter coding such uch election shall have paid a that it 1 Is a P proposed ed d to amend end section 1 8 cf est and to pay tho the principal of a such h |