Show 4 44 EAGLE f illine ILLIN 8 AND FARMERS s SUPPLY sm DEPOT M S K l t l l t M 4 white while ari ad yellow cornmeal grand junction flour per cwt cat all kinds of staple groceries cured meats r fresh homemade bread t i H I big supply ol of lumber on hand 0 0 0 1 i k 1 14 the most successful success program is that of saving early and often state bank bad of san juan INSURE YOUR BEANS if if you know leans beans our rates are cheaper our policy is honest hail insurance for crops Crop fire insurance for homes barns and public buildings full overage coverage for cars tractors and trucks protect your life health time and obligations by INSURANCE ab nb 91 17 ti T R A N C E D LIN AYLES C I 1 A 10 N we want to express our appreciation to our customers and the general public for their kindly attitude and popularity which has at tended our july 1st ast ruling we know you are arc saving i money we know you are getting more for your money A saving of 5 to 20 per cent is appreciated in any home in any camp or on the range we have made such reductions and even more in our general line and we again assure yau you that YOUR response is appreciated mail orders accompanied with check P 0 order or cash will be promptly taken care of and change carefully returned by check quality guaranteed ke remember demember at BARTONS you are going to get more for your money i BARTON B A R P 1 Y N mercantile M E IN 4 A N III L en UJ CO monticello UTAH aj SWIFT COMPANY monticelli CREAM STATION flyers plyers 11 ayers of CREAM POULTRY G S STUART manager 0 roco record ro Want ads bring results m U I 1 ly tm ar k e t monticello UTAH lots L of good thing to eat for your picnic or camp trip boiled ham it lunch roll bologna wieners potato flakes loc dill pickles per can sour pickles per bottle sweet pickles per bottle catsup per cau can lot loc ripe olives per can q stuffed olives per bottle crackers per package ac sliced peaches per can 1 lemeris fresh tomatoes cucumbers PAPER PLATES NAPKINS WAX PAPER M 4 M MM i pioneer day D ay rodeo JULY 2425 24 25 monticello eSlo utah under auspices of san sail juan han post american legion 1500 in prizes 1847 PIONEER PA x PARADE RADE horse racing broncho busting goat R roping athletic contests etc etc BIG DANCE EACH NIGHT DOING EVERY MINUTE come and enjoy yourselves in the cool mountain breezes feet up taw |