Show WEEKLY industrial REVIEW FOR UTAH panguitch construction of L D I 1 S sO seminary urged to serve at torling ter ding panguitch 1 b v ith rnell school ool spanish fork foik C canning factory started seasons run iun recently delta elta delta vii kniley aley creamery clark street on third west for new cli cry salt lake city highway hichwa dc rani tit will open bi bibi luly july laj r co gravel surfaced highway in in parleys parley 1 canyon from lambs to si at i mit distance i lanco of 20 29 miles to cst c st approximately appici trout planted in n north anil and south talks of arden riar I 1 by weber coing fish aal garic ganc protective association palt anke city bils opened copepod for foi work voik nn nil union build ne at university of utah campus bids will bo be asked soon for ing road from monticello cast to colo i rado ado line like city group ot of n v growers frim frem 30 western estein stabs or northwestern turkey grow ers er association with headquarters here bids opened tor for construction cons of miles grovel surfaced cd load ie 1 tween wasatch and wyoming sta stale le line domac state lines linci filed application for peri permit nit to operee between vernal verna and heber city ogden weber county appropriated to apply on cost of murfa surfacing n P rew highway from death curve to west twenty fourth street provo plans proposed for annex ing pleasant view precinct lying between city limits and mouth of provo canyon to city utah state realty association will hold bold annual summer convention july at hermitage tit in ogden ci canyon nyon bountiful bou atif l city shows allows increase of almost 23 25 per cent in population in ten year period honeyville several residences being aisted air ted here city playground opened for season salt nit lake city second annual flower show of utah state gladiola so aty held recently B city stohl furn 1 iture e company installed equipment for service bihl contract lot let to W W Di Orerson for erection of new high almol auditorium by bocra of education of alpine school district ogden livestock loading and 11 un bading na dinc facilities fit at ogden union stockyards Stock yards will he be practically doubled dou blen american pork fork canyon road leading i to f famous amous cafe up american Amei ican fork canyon recently re paired and widened for tourist spa sea son salt lake city sorority house will bi be erected soon on IN wolcott olcott estref astrea t and federal way for Uv university ivers of utah gravel surfacing of rolton colton nulan nolan road in carbon county underway |