Show modern youth had eye to the possible future christians take betrothals and marriages too lightly said nabat maffin theodart they dart in and out of matrimony with as little concern as they pass pas s through the revolving doors doors of their apartment houses homos mating has become a game rather than al a sacred oblIga obligation ilon not very longano lon long gago ago a jewelry firm called me up and Is said that a young man a christian by tile the way had bud given my name as a reference in order to get an engagement ring on the installment plan later when ft hen I 1 saw the young fellow I 1 asked why in the lie world do you want to buy an engagement ring on the installment plan plau nhen when I 1 know you iou can afford to pay cash for icv it because he replied it relieves me orsome of botne of the responsibility for getting it back luthee if lf thee the engagement la Is broh boolen ew los angeles times |