Show REPORT 1 y made to the e bank commissioner of th eState of utah of the condition of the state bank of san juan located at monticello in the county of san juan state of utah at the close of L business on the day aay of june 1930 resources loans and discounts overdrafts B bank ank house furniture and Fixture sig due bron other r n f y G 6 H i 1 silver currency total cash on hand insurance expenses interest paid taxes paid 1284 1234 tots total I 1 shareholders trust TOTAL liabilities capital stock paid in surplus fund undivided profits interest exchange rents service charges recoveries total less expenses and taxes paid etc net undivided profits profit wi 50 D ersts deposits subject to chet check rasher cashiers checks dividends unpaid 2966 2955 total demand deposits time certificates savings deposits total time deposits other bills payable suspense shareholders trust lash over 1 TOTAL STATE OF UTAH SS county of san juan L B REDD being first duty duly sworn according to law deposes and aa says that he is cashier of the above namy named I 1 bank that the above and foregoing report contains a full true and correct statement of the condition of the said paid bank at the close of nf business bufi nesa on the octh day of june 1930 L B REDD cashier correct A attest attest it II D BAYLES A J REDD GEO W PERKINS directors subscribed and sworn to before me this oak day of june 1930 IRENE it II REDD SEAL notary public my commission ley leonires the alth day of december Dp cember 1931 1031 STATE OF UTAH office of bank commiss commissioner inner 1 I W H hadlock bank commissioner of the state of utah do hereby certify that the foregoing forego inc inq is ig a full true and correct copy of the statement of the above named company filed ilmy in my office this ath day of july WO W V H HADLOCK pan bank commissioner IN THE SEVENTH JUDICIAL L DISTRICT COURT WITHIN AND POK FOR SAN JUAN COUNTY STATE OF UTAH lucile chacon chaco plaintiff vs andronico ch chacon defendant STATE OF UTAH TO SAID DEFENDANT you are hereby summoned to appear within twenty days after service service of this summons upon vou nu if serven within the county IT in which this action is brought otherwise within thirty days after service and defend the above entitled action slid and in cose ot ol your failure so to do judgment will lour be e rendered against asai nit you accord according inz to the demand of the complaint which has been filed with the clerk of sale said court this action I 1 h boug brought to 1 recover 0 a judgment dissolving the mar heretofore existing exis between you and the plaintiff and changing the name of it the plaintiff to lucile jaramillo F B Attorn attorney ev for the who c P 0 aldress address is monticello utah first pub june xa 9 last suly july 17 FOR publication department of the interior general land office at salt lato laco city utah july 3 1930 notice is gian th thit at garlan U douglas of monticello who on july 16 1927 made addi I 1 homestead locc entry no for Etz aEi L 31 Town township shir it ill south 25 E eat salt lake lacco berid merid an beg filed notice of intention to make final proof to claim to the land lana above described fore the clerk cleric of the district court at monticello monticello utah on the day of august 1930 1910 claimant nimes a john W redd charles snow jr end H lon p nil all of P mannti cello utah and K E U ce carlgren Carl cren of oe loc lockerby rby utah ELT ELI P F TAYLOR regis kerister Re I 1 Rister t er first pub july 10 ast last 1st aug 7 I 1 LOST A novel the revolt in the desert hy by T E F lawrence Lawi picc it if the party who wl o has it will return to this office or to fhe hyland Hyl nn tel it it il i ip 0 very much tip appreciated P rebated reca ted q ns the he bholi js Is a one subscribe for the san juan record |