Show eni F A y fay grahal THE MIGHTY ONE it pleased harry to think that such m mighty constellations und and wera looking forward to ta a visit from froio film hurry harry never liked to RO go any place where lie he was not wanted orion Is about the best known of aalthe all the noble con stel lations 0 cosmo 0 s said ald the I 1 glant orion the great orion 1 ile he la Is the head of a line family of stars in fuel fact there are more bright starlan stars in ill hla s family than in any other group and they are am A fine family all so BO friendly of stara stam with elich each other that th they ey have kept near n ar together speaking in a beautiful haalon fas alon in tho the sky there he 1st where dont you see sec right across the shy marching along with all his family iles hes looking forward to the frosty weather that your earth soon will have when lie fie likes to be seen and admired oil oh I 1 see him and there he was so mighty so great so bright so enormous tho the plane stopped upon one of stars and then orion camp came forward greeted cosmo and bowed low when he be was introduced to hurry harry im wearing orion told harry my costume that used to be so much admired by tile the wise men of old they always called me the giant and they loved it because I 1 stood facing taurus the alie bull I 1 pass by taurus when I 1 took that quick trip along the zodiac to be sure you did now you sea that star that fiery looking one aldebaran and tile the earth people say he Is the alre that comes from the eye of the bull ball as he plans to get at me with his horns but you see 1 I have halve my right arm arin up and ray my mighty club till nil ready so that I 1 can protect rot self and my family please ilease draw an outline of me when you get back to the earth harry said that he would you notice too how I 1 have the lions skin over my left shoulder I 1 use that as a shield to be sure its not a real lions skin its made out of stars to took look like e one then there Is fus you know I 1 tinte hate plus ile he was supposed to have halve stung me DIG and a very famous poet once said that I 1 ivas as always hurry hurrying hur lu away from the snake ile he suppose I 1 would ile be friendly fil endly with it did he and take it into my family group 1 I think so narry harry answered As a matter of fact I 1 am not crazy about snakes myself im not afraid of them but I 1 dont like them much the way it Is with me I 1 depart just as plus comes up in tile the heavens and I 1 dont come back until he has left we simply dont associate all 1 I orion ailon stood up while he talked and so did harry he had been sitting so much lie was glad to stretch himself like tills this As ive told you orion went on they used to speak of me tn in the olden days dais as a great and mighty hunter and fighter and some people thought that I 1 helped blow up storms you never neier cantell can eDn tell how it Is with people if you will forgive my saying so 60 harry enjoyed these apologies so much I 1 they get up stories and such gossip 1 then gossip sticks its ils so untrue most of the time harry heartily agreed with orion for example theres sirius the gossip about him I 1 mean do you know sirius ill let jet that old dog tell his own story dog bogl you 11 hear it w when hen you ou m meet e e t him tell il him I 1 all suggested that you ask him about it orion came but they hue hane forward told so ninny stories and legends about roe me some soma I 1 like and some I 1 dont you know low you ou like to have one person describe you iou because you sou know it will be a nice description and others you t want to have describe you iou at all id hate to have my french tench teacher describe what nhat she thought of me harry said but the boys on the ball team would be all right |